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卷 72, 编号 8 (2017)


Subcritical water: Use in chemical analysis

Borisova D., Statkus M., Tsizin G., Zolotov Y.


The review shows prospects of the use of subcritical water instead of organic solvents and aqueous–organic mixtures at different stages of analysis. Subcritical water was applied to the extraction of target compounds from natural samples, such as soils, sand, and plant raw materials. The use of subcritical water expands possibilities of HPLC. The use of subcritical water as an eluent in HPLC is complicated by the possible destruction of the adsorbent and the decomposition of substances to be determined at elevated temperatures. Adsorbents based on zirconium and titanium oxides, some polymeric adsorbents, and porous graphitized carbon are stable in the medium of subcritical water. Subcritical water can be used at several stages of analysis, for example, for the extraction and subsequent chromatographic separation of analytes.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2017;72(8):823-836
pages 823-836 views

Using Sorbents modified by gold nanoparticles in chromatography

Anan’eva I., Polyakova Y., Shapovalova E., Shpigun O.


The use of sorbents modified by metal nanoparticles in HPLC for the separation of various organic substances is discussed. Authors’ data on the synthesis and study of silicas modified by gold nanoparticles stabilized by organic ligands are summarized. A possibility of the successful separation of nitroaniline, aminopyridine, hydrazines, water-soluble vitamins, β-blockers, and their enantiomers on the synthesized sorbents is shown.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2017;72(8):837-848
pages 837-848 views


Group preconcentration of ions from acid aqueous solutions with a low-melting extractant

Temerev S., Petrov B., Savakova Y.


A possibility of the analytical application of a low-melting extractant, antipyrinium acetylsalicylate, to the extraction of a number of ions from acid aqueous solutions is studied. The distribution of Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn, Ti, V, and Zn ions between the aqueous solution and an organic extractant is studied by atomic emission spectrometry. The efficiency of ion extraction from acid solutions with a low-melting flux of antipyrinium acetylsalicylate is calculated. It is shown that single extraction with an extractant flux ensures the efficient extraction of Fe, Mo, Sn, and Ti from the water phase of the analyzed solution to the flux. The introduction of chloride ions into the analyzed acid aqueous solution significantly increases the efficiency of the group preconcentration of ions by the ion-exchange mechanism.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2017;72(8):849-853
pages 849-853 views

Determination of ecdysteroids in Fornicium unflorum (L.) and Serratula centauroides (L.) raw materials by chromatography–UV spectrophotometry

Nikolaeva I., Tsybiktarova L., Garmaeva L., Nikolaeva G., Olennikov D., Matkhanov I.


A chromatography–spectrophotometry method is developed for determining total ecdysteroids in terms of 20-hydroxyecdysone in Serratula centauroides (L.) and Fornicium unflorum (L.) raw materials, based on the purification of extracts from the plant raw materials with aluminum oxide and subsequent spectrophotometric determination relative to a 20-hydroxyecdysone reference sample. Ecdysteroids were determined in plants by HPLC; rhapontisterone and turkesterone are found in F. uniflorum for the first time.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2017;72(8):854-861
pages 854-861 views

Fast SPE and HPLC–DAD determination of brucine in human urine using multi-walled carbon nanotubes modified with magnetic nanoparticles

Feng Z., Yang R., Du B.


A nanomaterial comprising Fe3O4-modified hydroxylated multi-walled carbon nanotubes (Fe3O4–MWCNTs–OH) was prepared by a co-precipitation method. Combined with HPLC-photodiode array detector (DAD), Fe3O4–MWCNTs–OH was used to determine brucine in human urine. Some important parameters that could influence extraction efficiency of brucine were optimized, including the extraction time, amounts of Fe3O4–MWCNTs–OH, pH of sample solutions, desorption solvent and desorption time. Under the optimal conditions, the recoveries of brucine from spiked urine samples were between 93.1 and 104.1%, and the relative standard deviations (RSDs) ranged from 3.1 to 5.7%. The correlation coefficient was 0.9997. The limits of detection and quantification were 6 and 21 ng/mL at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3 and 10, respectively. The results indicated that Fe3O4–MWCNTs–OH combined with HPLC–DAD is a promising solid-phase extraction material for the sample pretreatment in the determination of brucine.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2017;72(8):862-869
pages 862-869 views

Thin-layer chromatography of some amino acids on silica in aqueous–organic and modified micellar mobile phases

Shtykov S., Sumina E., Uglanova V., Sorokina O.


Chromatographic behavior of some amino acids in aqueous–organic and aqueous modified micellar mobile phases is studied by thin-layer liquid chromatography. Intrinsic basic laws, features, possibilities, and limitations are revealed. It is shown that the efficiency of the chromatographic separation of amino acids in the presence of electrolytes is significantly improved in micellar mobile phases.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2017;72(8):870-878
pages 870-878 views

HPLC determination of glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sulfate, weakly absorbing in the near UV region, in various buffer media

Kosman V., Karlina M., Pozharitskaya O., Shikov A., Makarov V.


Some features of the HPLC determination of two hydrophilic substances that poorly absorb in the UV spectral region (chondroitin sodium sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride), associated with the absorption in the near UV region (195 nm) of components of buffer solutions with different pH values (1.2, 4.5, and 6.8), are considered. Such solutions are used, for example, in comparative dissolution kinetics tests in pharmaceutical practice. At some pH, the subtraction of the areas of system peaks from the total areas of analyte peaks made it possible to compensate for the negative effect of the solvent. To determine glucosamine hydrochloride in 0.1 M HCl, a procedure was developed and validated, involving the synthesis of o-phthalic derivatives. The revealed analytical features are caused by that the solvent of the samples and the eluent do not match; the effect can be most pronounced in measurements in the near UV region and in the determination of ionic compounds.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2017;72(8):879-885
pages 879-885 views

Determination of N-acetylneuraminic acid in poultry eggs by ultra performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry

Li Y., Wang W., Gou X., Lin N., Le S., Du N., Yan H., Zhang J.


N-acetylneuraminic acid is an important member of sialic acids which is a family of nine-carbon carboxylated sugars most frequently found in terminal position in glycoconjugates. It was widely distributed in different portions of organisms. In this study, a method of ultra performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry was developed for the determination of N-acetylneuraminic acid in poultry eggs. The N-acetylneuraminic acid was freed by heating the materials in 0.1 M H2SO4 at 80°C for 2 h. Then, chloroform reagent was used to eliminate phospholipids, cholesterol and other organic impurities, meanwhile, it was able to precipitate protein. In the cleanup step, C18 solid phase extraction columns were used to purify the matrix. Determination of N-acetylneuraminic acid was performed with electrospray ionization in negative ion mode. Chromatographic separation was performed on a Waters Acquity UPLC BEH C18 (100 × 2.1 mm, 1.7 μm) analytical column. The gradient elution reagent was acetonitrile and water (containing 0.1% formic acid). The tandem spectrometer was operated in the Multiple Reaction Monitoring mode. The linearity over of sialic acids on-column had a correlation coefficient greater than 0.999. The detection method of N-acetylneuraminic acid in the poultry eggs had good precision and acceptable recovery.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2017;72(8):886-889
pages 886-889 views

Determination of trace amounts of chlorobenzenes in water using membrane-supported headspace single-drop microextraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry

Ma X., Ma J.


A novel method based on the coupling of membrane-supported headspace single-drop microextraction with gas chromatography‒mass spectrometry (GC–MS) is developed for the determination of chlorobenzenes in water samples. For the determination of five chlorobenzenes, a 15 μL toluene microdrop was placed inside the plastic membrane and exposed for 10 min for headspace extraction while stirring at 1000 rpm. The microdrop was then picked up by a microsyringe and directly injected into the injector block of the GC–MS instrument. Under the optimized operation conditions, the calculated calibration curves gave a high level of linearity for all targets with correlation coefficients range from 0.9945 to 0.9987. The limits of detection range from 0.01 to 0.05 μg/L and the RSDs for most of chlorobenzenes were below 7%. The method is simple, sensitive, and stable for single drop microextraction. Its applicability is demonstrated by the determination of chlorobenzenes in tap water samples.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2017;72(8):890-896
pages 890-896 views

Fabrication of poly(4-aminobenzoic acid/o-toluidine) modified carbon paste electrode and its electrocatalytic property to the oxidation of nitrite

Norouzi B., Rajabi M.


The poly(4-aminobenzoic acid/o-toluidine) (4-AB/OT) modified carbon paste electrode (CPE) was fabricated by consecutive cyclic voltammetry. The poly(4-AB/OT) CPE shows catalytic activity for the oxidation of nitrite in 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution (pH 7). Due to the electrostatic interaction between the negatively-charged nitrite ions and the positively-charged poly(4-AB/OT) film, the operating potential for nitrite oxidation was shifted about 240 mV to negative side, compared to bare CPE. The catalytic peak current was found to be linear with the nitrite concentration in the range of 6–600 μM, with a correlation coefficient of 0.981, using amperometry. The sensitivity and limit of detection for the poly(4-AB/OT) CPE are about 187.4 μA/mM and 3.5 μM, respectively. The possible interferences from several common ions were tested. The developed sensor was also successfully applied to the determination of nitrite concentration in a mineral water sample.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2017;72(8):897-903
pages 897-903 views

Voltammetric determination of cholesterol in human blood serum

Derina K., Korotkova E., Dorozhko E., Voronova O.


Cholesterol has a number of important functions in a human body. The disorders of cholesterol biosynthesis increase the risk of the development of cardiovascular diseases and worsens the function of the immune system. This study is devoted to the development of a method for determining the concentration of cholesterol in blood serum using voltammetry. We selected the following working conditions for the determination of cholesterol: a phosphate buffer solution with pH 6.86 was a supporting electrolyte; potential sweep rate was W = 30 mV/s; and recording was carried out in the constant-current mode. An organomodified electrode was used as a working electrode. The peak was observed at +0.98 V. The dependence of the electrooxidation current of cholesterol on its concentration was linear in the range of 0.1–50 μM with a limit of detection of 0.01 μM. The results of the determination of cholesterol in blood serum by voltammetry were compared to those obtained by the fluorimetric method.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2017;72(8):904-910
pages 904-910 views

Determination of the oxidant activity of chlorinated water by chronoamperometry

Brainina K., Tarasov A., Khodos M.


A new version of the chronoamperometric method, adapted to the determination of the oxidative (oxidant) activity of a medium on an example of chlorinated water, was proposed. The supporting solution contained K4Fe(CN)6. By its oxidation with oxidants present in the sample, K3Fe(CN)6 formed; its reduction current served as an analytical signal. The current of K3Fe(CN)6 reduction was recorded at a potential of 0 V, selected from the cyclic voltammogram of the K3Fe(CN)6/K4Fe(CN)6 system in the range where the oxidized form of the reagent was reduced and the reduced form was stable. A gold electrode was the measuring electrode. The possibility of using a stable solution of K3Fe(CN)6 as a component of a standard addition and as a solution for plotting a calibration curve was demonstrated. The limit of detection of the amount of dissolved chlorine and products of its interaction with water is 8 × 10–6 M. The data obtained by the proposed procedure and by the iodometric methods correlate well with each other (r = 0.93–0.95). The proposed version of the chronoamperometric method can be used to monitor the amount of dissolved chlorine and products of its interaction with water in water supply systems, pools, and disinfecting solutions and to determine other water-soluble oxidants.

Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2017;72(8):911-916
pages 911-916 views