Author Details

Трошинъ, Г.

Issue Section Title File
Vol VIII, No 1 (1900) Articles Edouard Long. The central pathways of general sensitivity (anatomo-clinical study). Paris. 1899 PDF
Vol VII, No 4 (1899) Abstracts Prof. С. V. Monakow: Zur Anatomie und Pathologie des unteren Scheitelläppchens. (Entwickelungsgeschichtliche, experimentell—und pathologisch-anatomische Untersuchungen). Arch. f. Psych. 1899 г. Bd. 31 стр. 1—73 PDF
Vol VII, No 4 (1899) Abstracts Prof. Т. Flechsig: "New investigations into marrow formation in the human cerebral lobes". Neurolog. Centrablatt. 98 г. № 21. PDF
Vol VII, No 4 (1899) Abstracts Dr. W. Otuszewski: Of the importance of d. Association centers from Flechsig for research d. Development of the spirit, the language of the psychology of language, as well as the doctrine of speechlessness. Neurolog. Cental leaf. 98 № 4 and 5 PDF
Vol VIII, No 2 (1900) Articles Spitzer: A case of tumor at the bottom of the diamond pit. Contribution to the knowledge of the posterior longitudinal bundle. (From the nervous department of Prof. Krafft-Ebing and from the laboratory of Prof. Obersteiner in Vienna). — Yearbooks f. Psychiatry and neurology. Vol. 18. 1899 PDF
Vol VIII, No 2 (1900) Articles Е. Bischoff. On the anatomy of the cores of the posterior cord in mammals. f. Psych. And Neurol. Vol. 18. 1899 PDF
Vol VIII, No 3 (1900) Articles Dollken. For the development of the loop and its central connections. — Neurol. Centralblatt for 1899 PDF
Vol VIII, No 3 (1900) Articles Probst. Over the Vierhügel, from the bridge and from the cerebellum descending trajectories. — Deutsche Zeitschr. f. Neurology. Vol. XV. 1899 PDF
Vol VIII, No 3 (1900) Articles Bikeles. Thrombosis of the anterior cerebral artery.— Neurol. Centralblatt. 1899, p. 443 PDF
Vol VIII, No 4 (1900) Articles Dr. М. Probst. Experimental investigations on the end of the loop, the hood tracks, the dorsal longitudinal bundle and the posterior commissure Arch. F. Psychiatry and Nervous Diseases, Vol. 33, Issue. 1, 1900 PDF
Vol IX, No 1 (1901) Articles P. Ladame and С. von Monakow. Left vertebral artery aneurysm (Autopsy). New Iconography of the Salpêtrière, № 1, 1900 PDF
Vol IX, No 1 (1901) Articles Okar Kohnstamm. About the crossed-ascending spinal tract and its relation to Gowers’s bundle. Neurological Centralblatt, No. 6, 1900 PDF

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