Vol VIII, No 1 (1900)


Konstantin Vasilievich Voroshilov. (1842-1899)

Mislavskiy N.


Died on December 3, 1899, an honorary member of our Society, Professor K.V. Voroshilov, born on February 1, 1842.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):I-IV
pages I-IV views


About special sensitivity in degenerate neuropaths

Babarov F.A., Nilsen E.A.


The important question of degeneration, put forward in the newest time thanks to the careful development of the scholarship on inheritance, was still mainly occupied by psychiatrists and anthropologists - criminologists. True, numerous studies of Charcot, Féré, Mőbius and a friend, have shown that in the ethology of nervous diseases, pathological inheritance plays a very prominent role, and some categories of nervous patients, as, for example, have long been attributed to great historical, epileptic, class of degenerate.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):1-14
pages 1-14 views

Memory of homogeneous sequential visual impressions

Lazurskiy A.F., Shipov N.N.


Every one of us experienced the following everyday phenomenon. A person hears, let’s say, the striking of the clock, but does not pay attention to it and does not count the number of strikes; each sound is perceived (consciously or unconsciously — it's all the same) and is immediately forgotten, yielding instead to the next.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):15-30
pages 15-30 views

The results of the examination of German and some French institutions for the mentally ill

Delov E.


The XIX century, marked by a colossal progress in all branches of human knowledge, as expected, did not remain without influence in cultural countries to improve the situation of keeping, treating and looking after the mentally ill. A hundred years ago, the famous French psychiatrist Pinel, who removed the chains from the mentally ill, to whom they were attached, and preached humane treatment of such patients, gave a push to this at the end of a hundred years ago. A whole series of the following psychiatrists in all civilized countries tried to put this principle into practice and develop it further; thanks to their scientific research, they raised psychiatry as a science to the respectable place that it occupies among other branches of medical knowledge. The society, awakened from the gripping of its perpetual indifference to the fate of its unfortunate fellows who got sick, as if conscious of its guilt for the deprivation that the mentally ill previously experienced in the old hospitals - prisons, begins to worry little about the result In recent years, in our country and in all civilized states, one after another, new psychiatric hospitals are growing — whole palaces, where, down to the smallest details, everything is foreseen, according to the newest views, for the rational maintenance and treatment of their sick people. Hospitals such as Herzberge and Wuhlgarten near Berlin, Dziekanka near Gnezen, the famous colony for the mentally ill Alt-Scherbitz, clinics in Halle and Hedelberg, Munsigen hospitals in Switzerland and Kierling in Switzerland, with their orders and orders, amaze in them, and the achieved results in the maintenance and treatment of the mentally ill.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):31-96
pages 31-96 views

Towards the modern doctrine of Landry paralysis

Yanishevsky A.E.


Pri opredѣleníi kazhdago nervnago zabolѣvaníya, kak" otdѣl'noy nozologicheskoy yedinitsy, sovremennaya nevropatologíya kladet" v" osnovu tri glavnykh" printsipa: anatomo-fizíologicheskíy, patologo-anatomicheskíy i etíologicheskíy. Na osnovaníi pervago printsipa nevropatolog", pol'zuyas' faktami normal'noy anatomíi i fizíologíi nervnoy sistemy, opredѣlyayet" v" klinicheskoy kartinѣ zabolѣvaníya ukloneníya v" proyavleníi dѣyatel'nosti otdѣl'nykh" nervnykh" sistem", nervnykh" yedinits"—nevronov". Opredѣlyaya, kakíya sistemy i kakíya chasti ikh" porazheny, on" stavit" topicheskuyu díagnostiku zabolѣvaníya. Na osnovaníi dannykh" patologicheskoy anatomíi nevropatolog" opredѣlyayet" kharakter" porazheníya, lezhashchago v" osnovѣ zabolѣvaníya, i nakonets" opredѣlyayet" prichinu, vyzvavshuyu dannoye zabolѣvaníe, obuslovivshuyu bystrotu ili medlennost' yego razvitíya, pol'zuyas' v" ostrykh" sluchayakh" dannymi bakteríologíi i toksikologíi. No ne smotrya na uspѣkhi nevrapotologíi, sushchestvuyet" mnogo zabolѣvaníy, gdѣ vsѣ tri printsipa ne mogut" byt' strogo provedeny, tak" kak" predstavlyayut' mnogo yeshche spornago. Eti zabolѣvaníya predstavlyayutsya simptomokompleksom", v" osnovѣ kotorago mogut" lezhat' porazheníya, chrezvychayno raznoobraznyya po svoyey lokalizatsíi, po kharakteru patologo-anatomicheskago protsessa i po etíologíi. K" chislu podobnago roda zabolѣvaníy prinadlezhit" bolѣzn', izvѣstnaya pod" imenem" ostrago voskhodyashchago paralicha Landry.
When defining each nervous disease, as a separate nosological unit, modern neuropathology lays in the basis of three main principles: anatomical-physiological, pathological-anatomical and ethiological. On the basis of the first principle, the neuropathologist, using the facts of normal anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, determines in the clinical picture of the disease, the evasion in the manifestation of the activity of individual nervous systems, nervous units - neurons. Determining which systems and which parts of them are affected, he sets the topical diagnosis of the disease. Based on the data of the pathological anatomy, the neuropathologist determines the nature of the lesion underlying the disease, and finally determines the cause that caused this disease, which caused the rapidity or slowness of its development, using the data of toxicology and toxicology in acute cases. But in spite of the successes of neuropathology, there are many diseases where all three principles cannot be strictly followed, since they represent a lot more controversial. These diseases are presented as a symptom complex, in the basis of which there may be lesions, extremely diverse in their localization, in the nature of the pathological-anatomical process and in ethiology. To the number of such kind of diseases belongs the disease, known under the name of acute ascending paralysis of Landry.
Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):97-109
pages 97-109 views

The essence of hysteria (To the phenomena of irradiation and antagonism between nerve centers)

Knotte B.


In 1897, the light work of P. Sollier was published under the title: "The origin and nature of hysteria". This is an extensive work in two large volumes. The entire second volume consists of 20 detailed diaries of diseases related to persons who have suffered from the most severe forms of hysteria and who have been treated by Sollier according to his special method with exceptional versus all conventional methods of treatment success. This 2nd volume has the meaning of a bunch of documents in relation to the first volume, which sets out the Sollier's own study of hysteria based on them.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):110-206
pages 110-206 views

About constricting pupils and accommodative centers of the cerebral cortex

Bekhterev V.


In view of the recent indications made by Dr. Piltz concerning the existence in the rabbit cortex of a special shrinking eye center in the posterior hemisphere, I think it is not superfluous to point out my long-standing studies on the excitability of the cerebral cortex in monkeys, in which I have also noted the shrinking eye centers in the vicinity of the rabbit cortex.
In this regard, the corresponding instructions were made by me in 1897 in one of the scientific meetings of doctors of the clinic of mental and nervous diseases in St. Petersburg.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):207-209
pages 207-209 views

Dr. E.A. Giese. On the constituent parts of the blessing of the substance of the human spinal cord according to the method of development - Diss. SPb. 1899

Vorotynskiy B.


The work of the author was carried out in the laboratory of prof. V.M. Bekhterev and is a very conscientious study, performed with great diligence and scrupulous care. The author's dissertation is in the form of an extensive monograph devoted to the study of the fiber systems that are part of the good substance of the human spinal cord. In the historical literary essay, we find a complete summary of everything that was obtained by previous authors using various methods of research.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):210-210
pages 210-210 views

V.A.Muratov. Clinical lectures on nervous and mental illnesses. — Vol. 2. Moscow. 1899

Vorotynskiy B.


We have already had a chance to express our opinion about the major merits of V. A. Muratov's "clinical lectures" when their 1st issue appeared. Reading the second issue of "lectures" positively strengthened us in this opinion and gave us great pleasure. The author's "lectures" reveal in him great observation, undoubted experience and ability to critically operate on clinical and pathological-anatomical materials.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):210-211
pages 210-211 views

Prof. Ya.A. Anfimov. About neuritis, polyneuritis and ascending paralysis Landry in connection with the theory of neurons. — Kharkov, 1899

Vorotynskiy B.


Prof. Anfimov promptly raises in the Russian special literature the question of the fact that the study of polyneuritis currently requires a complete revision. In the analyzed work, the author carries out the main idea that the so-called polyneuritis and ascending paralysis of Landry are one and the same suffering, the cause of which must be sought in one or another lesion of cells (or neurons) of the central nervous system.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):212-213
pages 212-213 views

Prof. V.M.Bekhterev. On periodic acute paranoia, as a special type of periodical psychoses. — Review. crazy. 1899. No. 4

Skuridin P.S.


Prof. Bekhterev, pointing out the attempt of prof. Ziehen'a in 1898 to establish, except for three known forms of periodical psychoses (mania, melancholia, psychosis hallucinatoria periodica), 2 more types - periodical neurasthenic mental disorder and periodical acute simple (not psychotic) paranoid, he said that he appeared im for a long time, still being his professor at Kazan University. On the recognition of periodic acute paranoia, as a special form of psychosis, he was led by a case of practice in the Kazan District Hospital in 1892. Further, the author expounds in great detail 3 stories of the illness of one patient, E.I.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):213-217
pages 213-217 views

Edouard Long. The central pathways of general sensitivity (anatomo-clinical study). Paris. 1899

Troshin G.


In the first part of his work, the author gives a literary survey of the question of the central conductors of general sensitivity. The order of presentation is as follows: sensitive pathways of the spinal cord, brain stem, large brain (from thalamus opticus to the cortex); at the end, the author examines the arguments in favor of one or another localization of the sensory motor region in the cortex.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):217-220
pages 217-220 views

Van Gehuchten. Histological Lesions in Human Rabies. — La Semaine medicale. 1900, № 5

Yapishevsky A.E.


The author believes that during canine rage, the intervertebral sympathetic nodes are affected by a specific process. Changes consist in the neoplasm of tissue, which is formed, apparently, from the proliferation of endothelial cells of the capsules that enclose the nerve cells.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):220-221
pages 220-221 views

Letter to the editors

Likhachev A.


Do not refuse to print in one of the nearest issues of the edition you are editing the conditions of registration as a member of the XIIIth International Congress of Physicians, which will be in Paris from 2 to 9 August (20-27 July) this year.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):222-224
pages 222-224 views

Chronicle and mix

Nikolaev V.V.


For the vacant position of St. resident at the Department of Psychiatry of Kazan University enters Dr. V. Ya. Maleev.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):225-228
pages 225-228 views

The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of October 31

Popov N.M.


Chaired by H. M. Popov, under secretary V. V. Nikolaev; there were active members: K. A. Arnstein, A. F. Geberg, V. N. Dolgov, G. A. Klyachkin, N. A. Mislavskiy. M. M. Maevskiy, I. I. Naumov, V. N. Obraztsov, D. V. Polumordvinov, A. S. Segel, L. A. Serguev, P. S. Skuridin, Sorokovikov, D. A. Timofeev, N. A. Tolmachev, N. N. Toporkov, A. E. Yanishevskiy, guests: Dr. Kovalevskiy, Favorskiy and about 45 people of the public.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):229-230
pages 229-230 views

The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of March 28

Popov N.M.


Chaired by N. M. Popov, under the secretary V. V. Nikolaev; The following active members were present: I.M.Dogel, N.A.Mislavskiy, V.I. Levchatkin, M.M. Maevskiy, A.E. Yanishevskiy, V.N. Obraztsov, P.S. Skuridin, G.A. Klyachkin, guests: Dr. Segel, Favorsky and about 30 people from the audience.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):231-232
pages 231-232 views

Report on the activities of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University for 1899

Nikolaev V.V.


Nowadays, the Society is finishing the eighth year of its existence. In the reporting year 1899, the Society had 6 scientific appointments — 1 year and 5 successive ones, on which 10 messages were sent on the following topics: 1) Prof. N.M. Popov. On the question of the localization of cortical centers in a man (with a demonstration of the patient). 2) Dr. A.E. Yapishevskiy. On the issue of descending fiber systems in the posterior columns of the spinal cord (with a demonstration of drugs).

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(1):233-238
pages 233-238 views

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