Vol IX, No 1 (1901)


Development and current state of the doctrine of pathological and anatomical changes in dorsal tabes

Shtern N.


Soon after this work, the observations of Marotte, Marotte et Luys, Trousseau, Isnard, Iaccoud and many others appeared. others. In all these works, cases of tabes with an autopsy are described, in which, without exception, changes were found in the rear posts. Thus, more and more confirmed the opinion expressed by Bourdon, that the basis of Duchenne's ataxia is a change in the posterior columns of the spinal cord. But, on the other hand, cases were reported that contradicted the observations. So, in the cases of Monod, Duchenne, Lancereaux, Gillaret and others, all the signs of ataxia were noticed during their lifetime, and in between the opening did not show the slightest changes in the spinal cord. But Lancereaux and especially Duchenne found changes (the last ones are not described) in the small brain.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):1-40
pages 1-40 views

About diseases of the nervous system with sugar diabetes

Lapinsky M.


Diseases of the nervous system in sugar sickness, completely unknown to the old authors, attracted attention only in the present day and became the property of scientific development in a relatively recent time.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):41-113
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Forensic psychiatric case

Naumov I.


Forensic psychiatric practice shows that a lot of crimes are committed by persons suffering from epilepsy. “There is nothing surprising,” says prof. Kovalevsky, that in many cases of epileptic crimes, there are misunderstandings and disagreements both between experts (doctors) and the court, and between judges."

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):114-134
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The pelvic membrane of the eye, as a place of sensitive nerve endings

Smirnov A.E.


Studies by F. Helfreich, W. Waldeyer. and L. Königstein, it was proved that the calca of the eye of vertebrates, including humans, except for nerve trunks of various sizes passing through it, also has its own nerves. The named authors do not give any indications regarding the end of these last ones.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):135-141
pages 135-141 views

Multiple cranial sarcoma due to the transfer of neoplasm from the lung

Vyrubov N.A.


Multiple cranial sarcoma in the light of the transfer of neoplasm from the lung. The Department of Neuropathology, dedicated to brain tumors and their recognition, despite the tremendous progress achieved in the last ten years, is still not a lot. One of the outstanding modern neuropathologists Gowers, speaking of the general recognition of brain tumors, is even expressed in the following way: “The problem of recognizing a cerebral tumor embraces four questions: 1) is there an organic disease in this case? 2) is there a tumor? if so, then 3) what is its localization and 4) what is its character? Of these questions, the first can be answered almost always, the second usually, the third often, and the fourth sometimes ". Hence, I think, the importance of a thorough collection and description of the observations related to this for the further clarification of both the clinical and the pathological and anatomical picture of brain tumors; In this relationship, of course, especially interesting are those cases in which an intravital recognition was made inside a cranial tumor and which were tracked in the further course and confirmed by postmortem autopsy.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):141-149
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For casuistic skin rashes in mental illness (Urticaria and dermographismus in lues cerebri)

Mayevsky M.M.


On March 25, 1900, the patient A.N. was delivered to the Kazan District Hospital in an agitated state with frequent convulsive seizures.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):150-158
pages 150-158 views

Psychiatry statistics

Maleev V.P.


At present, the method of statistics is generally accepted in psychiatry; Now almost no essay claiming to be scientific can do without statistical figures. Therefore, fully timely note the significance of the statistical method and pay attention to how it is applied in psychiatry; to see what kind of improvements are desirable and what kind of results the wrong use can lead to. During the time since the beginning of the 19th century, when statistics was apparently first introduced into the psychiatry of Pinel and especially Eskirol, she gave so much of our sciences that it fully deserves great attention and more conscious attitude towards her, which sometimes turns out to be a problem. I think to take a feasible experience in this direction. I think, however, it is not superfluous to give a preliminary historical sketch of the development of statistics, at least in brief and fragmentary data, and recall some of its main requirements.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):159-205
pages 159-205 views

Dr. P. Zabolotnov. To pathology of the nerve cell in typhoid fever and diphtheria. — Diss. Kazan. 1900

Vorotynsky B.


The work came out of the pathological anatomical office of prof. N.M. Lyubimova, where the author was engaged in studying the issue of the influence of pure cultures of some pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins on the nerve cells of the spinal cord and intervertebral nodes. The author made his experimental research on rabbits and guinea pigs with Eberth's and Lffler's bacilli. The painting was done according to the Nissl method. The work is of particular interest in view of the fact that the question of the influence of pathogenic microorganisms on the nerve cells is closely related to the question of the ethiology of some diseases of the central nervous system.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):206-208
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A.F. De Mezer Posthumous changes in nerve cells, detected by staining according to Nissl. —University Izvestiya. 1900, August, No.8

Vorotynsky B.


The work was carried out in the laboratory of the pathological anatomical institute of the University of St. Vladimira. First, the author describes the structure of the nerve cell, which is detected by staining by the Nissl method, and he separately stops at describing the structure of the processes, nucleus and nucleolus.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):208-209
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А. Bethe. Ueber die Primitivfibrillen in den Ganglienzellen vom Menschen u. anderen Wirbelthier en.—Morphol. Arb. Bd. 8, 1898, p. 45 — 117

Geberg A.


In view of the results obtained by Apathy in the study of nerves. systems of invertebrates (worms) and confirmed by the author's research on the piyavkoyu, results indicating the “continuous, created by fibrils, connection of the perceiving and motor nerve pathways”, ed. with the help of a special method (this method was subsequently published by A. Bethe in Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Mikroskopie, Bd. 17, 1900, p. 13) studied the nerves. pads center. nervous systems of vertebrates (man, dog, rabbit, frog), having the main purpose to find out the course of fibrils in fibers and cells and their relation to these last.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):209-214
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А. Bethe. About the neurofibrils in the ganglion cells of vertebrates and. their relations with the Golginets.— Archives f. microscope. Anatomy, Vol. 55, 1900. p. 513

Geberg A.


The first part of this work is a direct continuation of the above abstracted one and contains a description of primary fibrils in various types of nerve cells (Cornu Ammonis cells, Purkinje cells, small cells of the cerebellar molecular layer, nuclei dentati cells, brain and gelatinosae cn.) note only some of the results obtained by the author. Въ axially cylindrical. process nerv. the cell and, in particular, in the “cone”, the fibrils are distributed equally; there are no gaps left in which the lumps of Nissl could fit. In the formation of an axial cylinder. The process involves only a part (bescheidene Anzahl) of the fibrils, most of which serve to connect the protoplasm. processes between themselves. As for the dendrites, in them some of the primary fibrils end freely, as it were, sparsely shaped, on the surface of the process; it can meet at various points along the protoplasm. process.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):214-217
pages 214-217 views

I. Séglas and Heitz. Treatment of epilepsy by the Flechsig method. — Arch. neurology, № 56

Toporkov N.


Among the numerous methods of treatment of epilepsy, especially three have aroused attention over the past years: surgical intervention in the form of sympathetic nerve transection and pharmacological methods of Bekhterev and Fleksig.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):217-219
pages 217-219 views

P. Ladame and С. von Monakow. Left vertebral artery aneurysm (Autopsy). New Iconography of the Salpêtrière, № 1, 1900

Troshin G.


The observation refers to a subject of 68 years old who had syphilis at the age of 30; two years before his death (in 1893), an illness began with severe dizziness and attacks of angina pectoris; two years later, the dizziness intensified, there was (due to a probable apoplectiform stroke) a disorder of gait in the form of "titubation cérébelleuse"; a little later, the patient could observe dysarthria and slight shortness of breath; muscular strength is preserved.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):219-221
pages 219-221 views

Okar Kohnstamm. About the crossed-ascending spinal tract and its relation to Gowers’s bundle. Neurological Centralblatt, No. 6, 1900

Troshin G.


The author's material consists of 6 rabbit brains, in which the right half of the spinal cord (all or in part) was severed in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cervical segment or in the 12th thoracic segment.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):221-222
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J. Déjérine and A. Thomas. "A case of asthenic bulbar palsy, followed by autopsy". Neurological review, 1901, № 1

Yanishevsky A.


In a very detailed description of the clinical picture of their case, the authors note in the patient during life: external ophthalmoplegia, paresis of the face, paresis of the tongue, larynx, palatine curtain, rapid muscle exhaustion, lack of muscle atrophy and negative data in case of excitability.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):222-223
pages 222-223 views

Chronicle and mix

Nikolaev V.V.


 The society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists in Kazan suffered in the current year a heavy loss in persons of the deceased - an honorary member, the former Chief V.-M. Academy, honored professor V.V. Pashutin and active member prof. N. A. Tolmacheva.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):224-230
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Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrov at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of October 29

Popov N.M.


It was chaired by prof. N.M. Popov, under the secretary of V.V. Nikolaev. Present: years. honorary members of the Islands K. A. Arnstein and I. M. Dogel and Mr. acting members: V. S. Boldyrev, B. I. Vorotynskiy, V. I. Levchatkin, M. M. Maevskiy, V. P. Mal'ev, N. A. Mislavskiy, I. A. Praksin, L. A. Serguev , A.E. Yanishevskiy, guests: Dr. Vinokurov, Grahe, Luria, Mrs. Nadel, Samuelson and a man about 50 people.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):230-232
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Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrov at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of December 3, 1900

Popov N.M.


It was chaired by prof. N.M. Popov, under the secretary of V.V. Nikolaev. Attended by years. acting members: V.S.Boldyrev, V.P. Mal'ev, N.L. Mislavskiy, D.L. Timoeev, A.E. Yanishevskiy; guests of Dr. Borman, Mering, Romanov, Favorsky and a man about 10 people.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):233-233
pages 233-233 views

Report on the activities of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University for 1900

Nikolaev V.V.


The Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University has existed for 9 years and currently has 8 honorary members, 52 active members and 2 employee members, and in the reporting year, the change in the composition of the Society was expressed in in persons who died, honorary member VV Pashutin and active member NA Tolmachev; In addition, 5 members of the Society left in accordance with § 38 of the charter; again entered during the reporting year, the active members of the Island 4 people. Thus, 0 consists of 62 members; of them 32 local and 30 nonresident.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(1):234-239
pages 234-239 views

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