Vol VIII, No 3 (1900)


On intracerebral endings and connections of the seventh and eighth pairs of cranial nerves

Vyrubov N.A.


The anatomy of the facial and auditory nerves, thanks to a whole series of studies produced according to all sorts of methods, seems at the present time very thoroughly developed; but while the method of degeneration (with peripheral lesions) has already understood many connections of the facial nerve in a person, it has not yet been possible to observe sufficiently extensive degenerations in the medulla oblongata and tubercles of the quadruple due to damage to the peripheral auditory canals. It is in this last relationship that the case I have studied is of interest, although it should be noted that for the anatomy of the facial nerve, he also understood some still unknown relationship.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(3):1-15
pages 1-15 views

To the pathological anatomy of bulbar paralysis of vascular origin

V.P. Maleev V.P.


Bulbar paralysis has long been attracting the attention of neuropathologists, due to its diversity in the clinical picture, the duration of the course of the disease and the severity of the disease. In Germany, the term bulbar paralysis was first used in 1864 by Wachsmuth in relation to the chronic form, which is now called Duschenn’s progressive bulbar paralysis. Due to the difficulties of recognition, cases of intravital diagnosis of paralysis with lesions of the medulla oblongata were almost absent at that time. In France, the acquaintance with this disease began, apparently, a little earlier than Germany, but there and here they soon began to distinguish acute cases (Lange) of paralysis from chronic ones.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(3):16-27
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Pathological changes in the central nervous system, caused by a lumbar puncture

Osipov V.P.


One of the most important purposes of scientific experiments performed by doctors on animals is to serve the interests of the clinic; it is a well-established fact, thanks to which modern medicine in general, and the clinic in particular, has been enriched with the greatest discoveries. Particularly important is the preliminary conduct of experiments on animals, when the clinic offers new means of treating diseases, which, for theoretical reasons, may turn out to be harmful to the human body; the use of such a means can be justified only in the case if the good results achieved by them cover its temporary harmful effect; but even under such conditions, the doctor should be aware of the unfavorable aspects of the action of the means used by him.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(3):28-66
pages 28-66 views

On the influence of different reading on the course of associations

Lazursky A.F.


Not more than 20 years have passed since then, as the first attempts were made to apply the experimental method to the study of the association of ideas. The first researchers in this area (Galton, Travtscholdt, Catell) were mainly engaged in the speed of associations, working with the help of the well-known Нірр’s chronoscope. Then we moved on to the study of the self-content of the associations.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(3):67-101
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About blood circulation in the brain during acute poisoning with carbon monoxide

Spirtov I.


In view of the observed cases of various diseases of the nervous system, which are associated with single poisoning with carbon monoxide, the number of which in the medical literature is increasing every year, as well as in the form of nervous and mental disorders in chronic poisoning with the same gas, Maureau, Е. Вескеr, E. V. Hardin and me, it seemed very interesting to trace the course of blood circulation in the brain during the process of poisoning itself, all the while I gratefully accepted the proposal and permission of the highly respected prof. V. M. Bekhterev to carry out research in his laboratory on this issue.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(3):102-121
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Serpiginous gangrene of the skin in a mental patient

Voskresensky M.K.


In 1897, I had to observe a case of serpiginous gangrene of the skin in a mentally ill patient in the House of Appreciation of the mentally ill Emperor Alexander III. This case, it seems to me, is of sufficient interest both in the meaning of the vastness of the defeat and the nature of the course, as well as in the meaning of ethology, which is why I consider it unnecessary to describe it.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(3):122-151
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About the anterior internal bundle of the lateral columns of the spinal cord

Bekhterev V.M.


As is known, R. Flechsig for the first time, according to the method of development, isolated the part of the good substance adjacent to the solid substance under the name of the lateral boundary layer. He was convinced that in the brains of the fruits of an early period, for example, 25 stm. length, that area of ​​the lateral column, which remains minus the lateral pyramidal and cerebellar bundles and which he calls the remainder of the lateral pillars, according to the time of development of the fibers, it can be divided into 2 parts: one contains already pulpy fibers, while the other consists of non-pulpy fibers.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(3):152-155
pages 152-155 views

The volume of changes in the cerebral cortex in senile dementia

Lazursky A.F.


The question of pathological - anatomical changes in the brain in old age and senile dementia has repeatedly served as the subject of numerous and sometimes very detailed studies.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(3):156-187
pages 156-187 views

Jean Abadie. Hysterical Polyuria and Pollakiuria. Neurology Archives Num. 51

Toporkov N.


Pointing out that the acquaintance with polyuria, as a paroxysmal and constant manifestation of hysteria, belongs to a fairly recent time and having introduced the issue to the literature, the author describes a case of polyuria combined with pollakiuria and cured with the help of indirect suggestion.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(3):188-191
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Dollken. For the development of the loop and its central connections. — Neurol. Centralblatt for 1899

Troshin G.


The author worked on the brains of young kittens using the Flechsig method. The loop (medial) ends in subst. reticularis area of the quadruple, in subst. nigra, in the red nucleus, mainly in the centro mediano and in the anterior branches of the ventral nuclei of the visual tubercle.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(3):191
pages 191 views

Probst. Over the Vierhügel, from the bridge and from the cerebellum descending trajectories. — Deutsche Zeitschr. f. Neurology. Vol. XV. 1899

Troshin G.


Damaging the brains of cats in different places and processing them according to Marchi, the author could state different ascending and descending connections between the spinal cord and various parts of the brain stem. The number of experiments and a detailed description of each of them are not indicated separately. The author cites only his own conclusions, while citing numerous literature data.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(3):191-192
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Bikeles. Thrombosis of the anterior cerebral artery.— Neurol. Centralblatt. 1899, p. 443

Troshin G.


The duration of the disease is 16 days; The study was made using the Marchi method. The foci were localized in the next places: 1) In the posterior part of the upper and lower frontal convolutions, not reaching the central convolutions — a focus with a depth of 3.2-3.5 st .; 2) in the strio-lenticular part of the cap. int., another hearth of 8x3 st .; 3) small foci in the frontal lobe; 4) near the putamen focus, leaving the globus pallidus free and filling the putamen with decay; 5) in the outer part of the brain stem there are small foci of softening.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(3):192-193
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G. Dotto and Е. Pusateri. "On the course of the fibers of the corpus callosum and psalterium". Annals of the Royal Psychiatric and Neuropathological Clinic of Palermo. Year 1898—99

Yanishevsky A.


The authors performed a complete re-cutting of corpus callosum in two four-month-old kittens. Part of the psalterium also got into the cut. The animals were left to live for fifteen days, during which it was impossible to detect any disorder on the part of movement, sensitivity and psyche.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(3):193-194
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Section of Psychiatry at the XIII International Medical Congress in Paris

Chizh V.


For me, there is no doubt about the complete failure of the XIIIth Medical Congress; the main goals of international congresses were not achieved and the vast majority remained dissatisfied with this congress. The main goal of the congresses is to familiarize themselves with the current state of science: the members who have presented their reports, of course, wish to familiarize as many comrades as possible with their work; members who have not submitted reports wish to familiarize themselves with new works of interest to them. The second purpose of the congresses is to get closer to associates; it is clear that the participants in international congresses wish to get to know each other and get close to foreign comrades.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(3):195-222
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Chronicle and mix

Nikolaev V.V.


Many articles have appeared in the press dedicated to the memory of Professor Sergei Sergeevich Korsakov. It is necessary to point out the remarkable unanimity with which the medical and general press and society, familiar with the social and medical activities of the deceased, reacted to this loss. Many speeches were spoken about his death, many obituaries and memoirs were published, in which the high dignity of the deceased professor, as a scientist, teacher, doctor and social activist, ardently devoted to his work and working until the last minutes, with an astonishing and depressing energy, was exposed.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(3):223-229
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Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of March 26, 1900

Popov N.M.


Chaired by N. M. Popov, under the secretary V. V. Nikolaev; attended by Messrs. acting members: V. N. Vasyatkin, B. I. Vorotynskiy, A. F. Geberg, I. M. Dogel. V.N.Dolgov, N.A.Mislavskiy. I. I. Naumov, V. N. Obraztsov, D. V. Polumordvinov, L. A. Sergeev, A. S. Segel, P. S. Skuridin, G. V. Sorokovikov, D. A. Timofeevs H. N Toporkov. A. E. Yanishevskiy; guests: Dr. Maleev, Egorov, Grache, Rymovich, Pervushin, Favorsky, Mering, Romanov, Loshilov. Avtokratov, Karaulov, Chudovich, Kazansky, Ostrovsky and about 30 people of the public.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(3):229-231
pages 229-231 views

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