Vol VIII, No 4 (1900)


Anatomical study of the central origins of the abducent nerve (nerviabducentis)

Gerver A.V.


The question of the course of the central roots of the abducting nerves, as well as of the connections of these nerves with the cerebral cortex, seems to be far from being developed at the present time.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):1-10
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Study of the physiological significance of the Ammon's horn (cornu Ammonis) by the method of loss of function

Osipov V.P.


The study of the physiological significance of the Ammon's horn but the method of loss of function has been undertaken until now by only a few individuals; although the conclusions they made from their experiments on animals are partly identical with each other and even coincide, albeit incompletely, with the conclusions of other authors who worked on other research methods (Edinger, Zuckerkandl - comparative anatomical, embryological, anatomical) nevertheless, with the closest acquaintance with the works of these authors, one cannot but come to the conclusion that their conclusions were made on very shaky grounds.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):11-51
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A case of combined spinal cord disease due to lead poisoning from dishes

Blumenau L.V.


At the beginning of 1898, at the very time when the question of noon was discussed in St. Petersburg not only by the medical press, but also by the general press, I came across a case that, in addition to the everyday interest associated with this issue, undoubtedly deserves attention and clinical attention. While a whole literature has already been formed about peripheral lead paralysis, diseases of the central nervous system and, in particular, of the spinal cord due to lead poisoning have been described by relatively few and only recently. All this prompts me to report my observation, despite the fact that he was destined to remain without posthumous research.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):52-63
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About a little-known system of fibers running along the periphery of the antero-external part of the cervical part of the spinal cord

Bekhterev V.


For a long time I had in mind to write a note about the fiber system, which I called the olive bunch (aka Dreikantbahn Helweg'a) and which I described in detail in a separate article in Neur. Centr. No. 12, 1894; but purely different external circumstances served as an obstacle. The immediate reason for this lock is the fact that recently this system began to pay attention to the authors and was the subject of research by several persons, among other things Reinhold, Risk and Obersteiner. This system undoubtedly deserves attention and study, since there are still some unclear points regarding it. The main of these points relate to 1) the direction of the fibers of the system under consideration and 2) its origin and termination.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):64-68
pages 64-68 views

For casuistic cases of pronounced Cheyne - Stokes respiration in case of diffuse organic lesions of the brain

Charnetskiy F.F.


We had to observe a case of a very pronounced and prolonged Cheyne-Stokes breathing in a patient, representing the manifestation of diffuse organic lesion of the brain with simultaneous organic suffering of the heart and lungs. Since this case, in our opinion, is rare, then we allow ourselves to give a description of it here.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):69-87
pages 69-87 views

Hospitals for the mentally ill in North American states and Hamburg

Smelov N.Y.


In the fall of last year, I had the opportunity to visit the North American states and, having no time, stopped to get acquainted with hospitals for the mentally ill in the states: New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, that is, in the states that are most populated, old, rich together with the most developed social life.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):88-107
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On the issue of acute delirium

Weidengammer V., Brukhansky P.P.


Despite the fact that since the time of Brierre de Boismont, to whom we are obliged to isolate acute delirium, the literature on this issue has grown very much and has already counted several tens of years, at least only over the past years, thanks to a whole series of works with careful clinical description and the pathologist - anatomical research, begins to gradually dissolve the darkness in which this disease was shrouded. And the clinic, and the pathological anatomy and the pathogenesis of acute delirium gave and still still give reason to the most diverse and contradictory judgments. But out of the multitude of opinions expressed on this subject, two main main views can be distinguished.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):108-140
pages 108-140 views

Development and current state of the science on pathological and anatomical changes in dorsal tabes

Shtern N.


Strictly adhering to the chronological order, for greater clarity, I divide the history of the study of pathological changes in dorsal dryness into four periods.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):141-168
pages 141-168 views

On the question of the termination of motor nerves in the muscles of the heart of vertebrates

Smirnov A.E.


Despite the significant literature on this issue, we still do not have its final resolution. Here, in brief features, is the main literary data related to this subject. A. Kölliker in 1862, examining the nerves of the frog's heart, spoke in favor of their free ending on the muscle cells of the heart, which is most similar to the nerve ends on the striated muscle fibers.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):169-180
pages 169-180 views

Vladimir Yakovenko. The mentally ill of the Moscow province. - Moscow, 1900

Vorotynskiy B.


This very detailed work of the venerable author is the first most successful attempt to outline the real situation of the mentally ill in a certain area, in this case, in the territory of the Moscow province. The material for this work was the data collected in 1893 during the statistical study of the mentally ill on behalf and at the expense of the Moscow Provincial Zemstvo.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):181-183
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Academician V.M.Bekhterev. Neuropathological and psychiatric observation. — St. Petersburg. 1900

Vorotynskiy B.


In this edition, the author has collected about 50 clinical observations concerning the field of nervous and mental diseases, which were published by him for several recent years.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):183
pages 183 views

Dr. S. Sukhanov. About psychosis in twins. - Clinical Journal. No. 4, 1900

Vorotynskiy B.


Cases of mental illness in twins are few described; the author found only 29 such cases in the literature. Having cited short excerpts from these observations, the author then proceeds to describe his own case, observed in the Moscow Psychiatric Clinic at the end of 1899.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):184
pages 184 views

Dr. N.A. Vyrubov. About the degeneration of nerve cells and fibers in the spinal cord with growing paralytic dementia — Diss. SPb. 1899

Vorotynskiy B.


The work was carried out under the guidance of prof. V. M. Bekhterev. The material for the study was 12 cases collected by the author in the hospital of St. Panteleimon and in the House of the Priesthood of the mentally ill Emperor Alexander III. When studying, the author simultaneously used various methods of painting. Staining of nerve cells was carried out according to Nissl's method and according to the method proposed by Weigert for coloring coriokinetic figures; for the simultaneous coloring of cells and fibers, medium and oxalic acid carmine, hematoxylin with eosin, van-Gieson's method were used; Weigert-Pal and Marchi methods were used for dyeing pulp fibers; neuroglia was stained according to the method of Weigert'a, Kulchitsky and Rehm'a.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):184-186
pages 184-186 views

Academician V.M.Bekhterev. Therapeutic value of hypnosis. SPb. 1900

Vorotynskiy B.


The author's brochure is a revision of his article "On the Medical Significance of Hypnosis" published in 1894. In the present edition, the author has made some additions, based on the latest observations. In his work, the author is primarily concerned with clarifying the issue of the essence of hypnosis and, on the basis of his personal observations, is inclined more in favor of a view of hypnosis, as a special modification of normal sleep, caused by well-known principles. In terms of the strength and degree of development, various states of hypnosis can be fully likened to various degrees of natural sleep.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):186-188
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Dr. P. B. Nikitin. On the question of the priesthood of epileptics and idiots - Izvestia. Moscow City Duma. April 1900

Vorotynskiy B.


This brochure is a report read in the Society of Psychiatrists in Moscow. Having given a brief overview of what has been accomplished in recent times regarding the spirit of idiots and epileptics in Western Europe, the author proceeds to describe the situation in which these unfortunate patients are in our country.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):188-189
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Ernst Kurz and Emil Kraepelin. About the influencing of psychological processes through regular alcohol consumption. Psychological work edited by Emil Krapelin. 3 B., 3 H., p. 417. Leipzig. 1900

Fuchs-Wolfring S.


In this interesting work, the authors set out to study the effect of daily consumption of average doses of alcohol on the intellectual performance (Leistungsfähigkeit) of a person. The experiments were carried out on two persons, doctors, of which A. 38 y., Full abstinence, and B 26 y. also unaccustomed to the correct use of alcoholic beverages. They received 80 grams of alcoh daily, most often before bedtime. abs. diluted with water, that is, the amount of alcohol, which is approximately contained in 2 liters of beer (which is generally considered to be moderate). With the observance of the possible correct mental and physical regime of the given persons, psychological work began daily at 9 am and lasted 2 hours without a break (each type of experiment was half an hour).

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):189-192
pages 189-192 views

Dr. М. Probst. Experimental investigations on the end of the loop, the hood tracks, the dorsal longitudinal bundle and the posterior commissure Arch. F. Psychiatry and Nervous Diseases, Vol. 33, Issue. 1, 1900

Troshin G.


The author dulit his work into 4 sections: T. About the end of the loop, II. On the running and ending of some tire systems (Haubenbündel), III. About fibers of the posterior longitudinal fascicle, IV. To learn about the posterior spike. The work was carried out on cats and dogs in the laboratory des Landes-Irren-Anstalt in Wien; the brains of the operated animals were processed by the Marchi method.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):193-195
pages 193-195 views

Letter to the editors

Sukhov S., Johansson E.


At the end of July and the beginning of August of this year, there appeared in the "Russian Vedomosti" and in the "Doctor" the announcement of the Ufa Provincial Zemsky Administration, calling for doctors who want to take the place of the head and two residents of the Ufa Zemsky Hospital for the mentally ill. Regarding these announcements, we received letters and inquiries from comrades who were perplexed as to why the entire medical staff of the psychiatric hospital immediately left the service. We think that the comrades will be surprised to learn that two of the doctors — the manager S.P. Sukhov until October 11 and the resident E.K. We were only informed at that time (we informed us of the journal decree of the Board from July 2) that the Board expects from us a petition for resignation in the course of two months and start applying for our deputies. Did the third comrade, resident O.V. Aptekman, petition for resignation, we do not know, because he stood apart and joined together with the Administration to fight against us.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):196-199
pages 196-199 views

Chronicle and mix

Nikolaev V.V.


At the meeting held in September of the Moscow Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists, the program of the projected Society "Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry named after Professor S. S. Korsakov" was approved. Then the editors of the magazine were elected, and the elected were: prof. V. K. Rot and assistant professors - V. P. Serbskiy, L. S. Minor. G. I. Rossolimo, A. A. Kornilov, S. A. Sukhanov and A. A. Tokarskiy. The program together with the petition for the authorization of the publication were forwarded to the Main Directorate for the Press. The magazine will be published in quantities of 6-12 books per year. - Weekly

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):200-205
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Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting of the Society on April 30

Popov N.M.


Chaired by N.M. Popov, under secretary V.V. Nikolaev. Attended by years. acting members: V. S. Boldyrev, V. N. Vasyatkin, B. I. Vorotynskiy, A. F. Geberg, V. N. Dolgov, M. M. Maevskiy, N. A. Mislavskiy, L. A. Sergeev , P. S. Skuridin, D. A. Timofeev, N. N. Toporkov, A. E. Yanishevskiy, guests: Dr. Maleev, Loshilov, Karaulov and a few people of the public.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):205-207
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Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting of the Society on September 26

Popov N.M.


It was chaired by prof. N.M. Popov, with the secretary V.V. Nikolaev. Attended by Mr. Honorary Member of the Islands K. A. Arnstein and Mr. acting members: V. S. Boldyrev, B. I Vorotynsky, G. A. Klyachkin, V. I. Levchatkin, M. M. Maevsky, V. P. Maleev, N. A. Mislavsky, I. I. Naumov, D. V. Polumordvinov, L. A. Serguev, P. S. Skuridin, D. A. Timofeev, N. N. Toporkov, A. E. Yapishevsky, guests: Dr. Loshchilov and about 50 people of the public.

Neurology Bulletin. 1900;VIII(4):207-210
pages 207-210 views

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