The Problems of historical poetics

The journal "The Problems of Historical Poetics" has been published since 1990 and aims to promote the development of humanitarian education and science in Russia and abroad, and to publish new research in the field of comparative historical study of poetics. The journal presents new interpretations of works of Russian and world literature, created on the basis of original ideas and concepts. Until 2017, each issue of the journal had a thematic title. The most famous issues were "The Gospel Text in Russian Literature of the 18th-20th Centuries: Quote, Reminiscence, Motif, Plot, Genre", which resulted from the International Conference "The Gospel Text in Russian Literature". This conference, which discusses the new concept of Russian literature, is held once every three years at Petrozavodsk State University, opening on Holy Spirit Day. In these issues of "Problems of Historical Poetics", a special area of research has developed - ethnopoetics, which makes it possible to reveal the national originality of Russian literature in the categories of poetics. The authors of the articles offer new interpretations of Russian classics, a new concept of Russian literature as Christian literature. These issues have received high praise from international critics.

In 2017, the journal changed the format and frequency of publication. Since then, it has been published quarterly and offers researchers from Russia and other countries an international platform for publishing the results of research work on the study of world folklore and literature. The journal strives for the international integration of Russian literary studies and the inclusion of the latest foreign research in the Russian context.

Articles in Russian and English are accepted for publication. Publication is free for all authors.

The journal is open access. All content is available free of charge to users. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print full texts of articles in the journal via a link without prior permission from the publisher and the author - for informational, scientific, educational or cultural purposes, subject to the mandatory indication of the source (Articles 1273, 1274, 1286, Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The journal's website contains information about the publication (its history, subject matter, requirements for manuscripts, reviewing, ethics), information about the editor-in-chief, members of the editorial board and editorial staff (indicating their academic degree, academic rank, position, contact information), and an archive of journal issues. The editorial board includes authoritative scholars from around the world who study the problems of historical poetics of world literature. All articles submitted to the editors are subject to mandatory review. High-level specialists are involved in reviewing articles - members of the journal's editorial board and external experts.

Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 61851 от 18.05.2015


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