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Author Guidelines

A mandatory requirement before sending an article for authors from Russia: the author must be registered in the Science Index system (!

The author provides the editors with a manuscript that has not previously been published in other publications. By sending an article to the editors for publication, the author agrees to its publication under the conditions specified on the journal's website. The author has exclusive copyright to the Work transferred to the publisher, which contains all references to the cited Authors and/or publications (materials) provided for by the current copyright legislation. The authors retain copyright and full rights to publish without restrictions. The author guarantees that he has all the necessary permissions for the research results used in the Work, as well as facts and other borrowed materials, the copyright holder of which is not he.

The author must register in the electronic system, upload the article (in .doc, .docx, .rtf format) and send it to the editors (see the instructions "Post an article"). The article can also be sent to the editorial board by e-mail

The article, formatted according to the requirements of the publication, is registered by the editorial board, checked for plagiarism, and for compliance with the profile of the journal. Then it is sent for review.

Issues are compiled as articles that have passed the review are received and in accordance with the order determined by the registration date. Publication out of turn occurs only by decision of the editor-in-chief.

The article is included in the next issue, published on the website of the publication and on the platform of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU, included in national and international citation indices and electronic libraries (see Indexing and archiving).


Scientific articles are accepted throughout the year on weekdays and weekends.


Payment of an author's fee is not provided. Articles are published without payment for their publication.


Technical requirements for submitted articles

Dear authors, in order to save time, follow the rules for formatting articles! Materials that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted for consideration.

The article is typed in a text editor Microsoft Word in the format .doc, .docx or .rtf. The volume of the original article should include approximately 40,000 characters, taking into account spaces (no more; including annotation, keywords, list of references - in Russian and English). Articles of a larger volume are accepted by decision of the editorial board.


  • font: Times New Roman;
  • font size for the main text of the article – 14 points, for the abstract, keywords, notes, list of references, Abstract, Keywords, References – 12 points;
  • margins: top, bottom and right – 2 cm, left – 3 cm;
  • paragraph indent – 0.5 cm;
  • line spacing – one and a half (one and a half spacing is applied to the text of the article, list of references and References, in abstracts, keywords and notes single spacing is used);
  • page numbers – at the bottom right of the page.

Article Structure

A scientific article intended for publication in indexed journals consists of standard elements in Russian and English.


Required article elements:

  1. Article title: in lowercase letters, bold, centered. Russian and English versions.
  2. Information about the author(s): full last name, first name, patronymic; academic degree and rank; position and place of work - name of the organization, its address, including the name of the city and country; author's e-mail address and ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) - open identifier of the scientist (if available). Russian and English versions are provided (the author's first and last name are given in transliteration; it is necessary to indicate the officially accepted English version of the organization's name).
  3. Abstract (180 to 250 words, including prepositions, conjunctions and particles) - a brief summary of the scientific publication. Provided in Russian and English (Abstract).


*The abstract should be informative and clear, briefly present the topic of the study, the volume of data used, the main findings and conclusions. The abstract should be written in the past tense and not contain quotations. It is necessary to avoid abbreviations and terms introduced for the first time. The structure of the abstract is welcome, repeating the structure of the article and including the introduction, goals and objectives, methods, results, conclusion (conclusions). However: the subject, topic, purpose of the work are indicated if they are not clear from the title of the article; the method or methodology of the work should be described if they are new or are of interest from the point of view of this work. The results of the work are described as accurately and informatively as possible. The information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the abstract. It is necessary to avoid unnecessary phrases, not include irrelevant details, and use significant words from the text of the article. Historical references, unless they constitute the main content of the document, a description of previously published works and well-known provisions are not provided in the abstract. The abstract should use syntactic constructions typical of the language of scientific and technical documents, and avoid complex grammatical constructions. The abstract is intended for a competent audience, including an international one, so technical (specialized) terminology of the discipline can be used. The abstract should be coherent using the words “consequently”, “moreover”, “for example”, “the benefits of this study”, “as a result”, etc. (in English: “consequently”, “moreover”, “for example”, “the benefits of this study”, “as a result”, etc.), or the disparate provisions presented should logically follow from one another. In English, it is necessary to use the active voice, not the passive voice, i.e. “The study tested”, but not “It was tested in this study”.

  1. Key words (or phrases) 10-15 words or phrases. Key words are separated by commas. Russian and English (Keywords) versions are provided.

*Key words are those concepts, terms, and names that carry the main semantic load in the text and have international analogues. Key words should reflect the main content of the article and, if possible, not repeat the terms of the title and abstract. It is necessary to use those concepts, terms, and names from the text of the article that will facilitate and expand the possibilities of finding the article by means of an information retrieval system.

  1. The main text of the article, all cited quotations must be carefully verified by the author, checked against primary sources, have links to them indicating the page and year of publication.
  2. Notes (links to archival and other sources, collected works, reference literature) are formatted as page-by-page footnotes.
  3. When necessary, references to works of art and other sources are given in the text of the article in parentheses with the page number (142), or the volume and page separated by a colon (7:142).
  4. References to studies are given in the text of the article in square brackets, separated by a comma – the author’s last name, the page cited: [Ivanov: 55]. If the list of references includes several works by one author, his last name, year of publication, and page cited are indicated [Ivanov, 2012: 55]. References to books of Holy Scripture are given in the text of the article according to the accepted tradition: for example, (1 Cor. 2:10).


  • Should contain at least 15 sources on the research topic, including sources in foreign languages are desirable.
  • NB! A mandatory requirement for the author is to include in the list of references and cite critical studies over the past five years. The editorial board strongly recommends that authors include in the content of articles an analysis of the main scientific literature on the research topic.
  • Should be presented in Russian in accordance with GOST 7.1–2003 “System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic entry. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation.” The literature cited in the article (author, title, place, publisher, year of publication and pages “from and to” or total number) is given in alphabetical order, first domestic, then foreign authors.
  • Works of one author are arranged chronologically - by year of publication, from earlier works to later ones.
  • The list of references includes only peer-reviewed sources (articles from scientific journals and monographs) used in the text of the article. If it is necessary to refer to an article in a socio-political newspaper, text on a website, explanatory dictionaries, then information about the source should be placed in a footnote.
  • References to articles accepted for publication but not yet published should be marked with the words "in press"; authors must obtain written permission to refer to such documents and confirmation that they have been accepted for publication.
  • It is not recommended to refer to dissertation abstracts and provide them in the list of references.
  • When describing a source, its DOI should be indicated, if it can be found.
  • References must be verified, the output data checked on the official website of the journals and/or publishers.
  1. References – a combination of the English and transliterated parts of Russian-language references.

*When transliterating, it is necessary to use the BGN (Board of Geographic Names) system!


The list of references in Latin (References) is given in full as a separate block, repeating the list of references to the Russian-language part, regardless of whether it contains foreign sources or not. If the list contains references to foreign publications, they are fully repeated in the list prepared in Latin.


Bibliographic descriptions of Russian publications are compiled in the following sequence:

  • author's surname, initials (transliteration);
  • article title in transliterated version;
  • [translation of article title into English in square brackets];
  • name of Russian-language source (transliteration) in italics;
  • [translation of source title into English in italics in square brackets];
  • imprint: place of publication in English (Moscow, St. Petersburg); Publisher in English, if it is an organization (Moscow St. Univ. Publ.), and transliteration, if the publisher has its own name with an indication in English that it is a publisher: GEOTAR-Media Publ., Nauka Publ.

NB! The name of the source in the transliterated and translated English versions is italicized. Square brackets are NOT italicized.

  • Examples of bibliographic descriptions of Russian-language publications (References)

Description of the book:

  • Pashkov A. M. Kareliya i Solovki glazami literatorov pushkinskoy epokhi [Karelia and Solovetsk Monastery from the Viewpoint of Literary Man of Pushkin’s Times]. Petrozavodsk, Petrozavodsk State University Publ., 2000. 176 p. (In Russ.)

Description of the article from the journal (periodical):

  • Nepomnyashchiy V. Notes About Pushkin's Fairy Tales. In: Voprosy literatury, 1972, no. 3, pp. 124–151. (In Russ.)

Description of the article from the electronic journal:

  • Tikhomirov B. N. The Addresses of Dostoevsky in St. Petersburg. In: Neizvestnyy Dostoevskiy [Unknown Dostoevsky], 2015, no. 1. Available at: (accessed on February 7, 2011) (In Russ.)

Description of conference materials:

  • Koshelev V. A. That's a Mystery That We Seem to Have Solved: "Pushkin Speech" of Shmelev 1937 Year. I. S. Shmelev and literaturnyy protsess XX–XXI vekov: Itogi, problemy, perspektivy. Materialy X Krymskikh Mezhdunarodnykh Shmelevskikh chteniy [Shmelev and the Literary Process of the 20th–21st Centuries: Results, Problems and Prospects. Proc. 10th Crimean Chmielewski International Reading]. Moscow, 2004, pp. 11–18.

Description of Internet resources:

  • Pravila tsitirovaniya istochnikov [Rules for the Citation of Sources]. Available at: (accessed on February 7, 2011).

Description of the dissertation:

• Sklemina S. M. «Neupivaemaya Chasha» I. S. Shmeleva: poetika zhanra i traditsii russkoy klassiki XIX veka: dis. ... cand. filol. nauk [Ivan Shmelev's "The Inexhaustible Cup": Poetics of the Genre and Traditions of Russian Classical of the 19th Century. PhD. philol. sci. diss.]. Moscow, 2007. 154 p. (In Russ.)


Copyright Notice


License Agreement no. ____

To Use an Article in a Scientific Journal

Founded (Cofounded) by Petrozavodsk State University


Petrozavodsk                                                                                               MMMM, DD, 202Y



(Full Name)

hereinafter referred to as the Author[1], on the one hand, and Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Petrozavodsk State University", represented by the Editor-in-Chief (or the designated substitute)


(Full Name)

of the scientific journal The Scientific Journal Title, acting under the letter of attorney ________________, hereinafter referred to as the Licensee, on the other hand, hereinafter collectively referred to as the Parties, concluded this Agreement (hereinafter, the Agreement) on the following:




1.1. The Author shall grant the Licensee, within the bounds stipulated herein, the right to use the Author's scientific article previously not made public "The Name of the Scientific Article" (hereinafter, the Article) in the scientific journal the Title of the Scientific Journal (hereinafter, the Journal).

      1.2. This Agreement is concluded with the suspensive condition under Article 157 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The rights and obligations under this Agreement (except for the Author's obligation to extend the original of the scientific article on a tangible medium under clause 2.2 of the Agreement) shall arise provided the editor-in-chief (editorial board) of the Journal accepts (approves) the Article for publication. Within five business days since the decision was made, the Author is notified in writing or by e-mail of the acceptance (approval) of the Article for publication or of the refusal to publish the Article.

      1.3. The Licensee may use the Article only within the rights and ways stipulated by the Agreement. The right to use the Article not specified directly in the Agreement shall not be considered granted to the Licensee.

      1.4. The Author shall grant the Licensee an exclusive license to use the Article in the following ways:

      - the reproduction of the Article, as well as the metadata of the Article, in any material form, including on paper and/or electronic media as a separate work and/or as part of the Journal, and/or as part of the Licensee's and/or other parties' databases, at the Licensee's discretion (the right to reproduce);

      - the dissemination of copies of the Article, as well as the metadata of the Article, or any other disposal of its original or copies, including on paper and/or electronic media as a separate work and/or as part of the Journal, and/or as part of the Licensee's and/or any other parties' databases, at the Licensee's discretion (the right to disseminate), including distributing or otherwise using the Article or portions (excerpts) thereof for publication in scientific, educational, technical or professional journals or other periodicals and derivative works; in printed and electronic versions of such journals, periodicals and derivative works in all media and formats now existing and which may arise in the future;

      - making the Article available to the public in a way that any person may gain access to the Article from any place and at any time out of preference (the right to make available to the public);

      - reprocessing of the Article by translating it into foreign languages at the Licensee's option, and using the reprocessed (translated) Article in the above ways.

      The Author shall allow the Licensee to use the Article on a worldwide basis.

      The Author shall assign the right under this Agreement free of charge.

The Author shall give advance consent to the Licensee for the Licensee to conclude sublicense agreements whose subject matter will be of the right to use the Article within the rights and ways of usage stipulated herein for the Licensee, including when making contracts to transfer the Article's materials for desktop publishing; reviewing; scientific, literary, and copy-editing; for the making and processing of illustrative materials. The Licensee shall be responsible before the Author for the sublicensee's activities.

1.5. The Agreement shall be in effect for the entire period of the exclusive copyright provided for in the applicable laws of the Russian Federation.

1.6. The Author who has given the Article under the Agreement for the usage under cl. 2 of art. 1268 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation shall be considered to have agreed to the publication of the Article.




2.1. The Licensee undertakes:

- under article 1287 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, to begin using the Article within a period usual for this type of works and their application, calculated after the editor-in-chief (editorial board) of the Journal has decided to accept the Article for publication. The time of using the Article through its reproduction is determined according to the periodicity of issuing the Journal. The Journal's periodicity is given in the imprint of each issue of the Journal;

- not to introduce without the Author's written consent changes, abridgments, and additions to the Article, including its title and the designation of the Author's name, as well as not to provide the Article with illustrations, forewords, afterwords, commentaries, and any explanations without the Author's consent;

- to ensure free delivery to the Author's e-mail an electronic PDF copy of the Article provided the Author has given his/her e-mail address herein;

- to ensure the review of the Article; the scientific, literary, and desktop editing; the making and/or processing of illustrative material provided for by the Author or the Licensee in the presence of the Author's consent to its inclusion into the Article; the making of the camera-ready copy; and the printing of the Article.

2.2. The Author undertakes:

- to submit the original of the scientific article in the Russian language on a tangible medium (electronic medium, by e-mail) no later than the date of entering into this Agreement;

- during the preparation of the Article for publication, to remove orthographic, syntactic, stylistic, editorial, and factual errors from the text of the Article, identified by the Licensee's editor and proofreader, identified by the reviewers and accepted by the Journal's editorial board. The Author may disregard remarks that distort the meaning of the Article and the intention of the Author;

- to read the galley of the Article in the time set according to the periodicity of the Journal's publication. The periodicity of the Journal is given in the imprint of each issue of the Journal;

- to introduce into the Article's galley changes associated with the need to correct errors made in the original of the Article and/or introduce factual and momentary corrections.

2.3. The Author shall have the right, before the actual publishing of the Article, to forgo the previously made decision to publish it (the right to retract the Article) and compensate for all losses borne by the Licensee.




3.1. The Author guarantees that:

  1. he/she is the legitimate copyright holder of the Article;
  2. by the time this Agreement has entered into force, the Author is not aware of the rights of third parties that might be violated by granting an exclusive license for the use of the Article under the Agreement;
  3. by the time of entering into the Agreement, the exclusive right for the Article is not pledged and not granted under license agreements to other persons;
  4. by the time of entering into the Agreement, the Author's rights for the Article are not litigated.

3.2. The Licensee guarantees the compliance with the legal interests and personal nonproperty rights of the Author.

  1. The Author guarantees that the Article does not contain materials not liable for publication in open press in line with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the publication and dissemination of the Article will not lead to the disclosure of secret (confidential) information, including commercial or state secrets.
  2. The Author guarantees that the Article contains all references to cited authors and sources of publication of borrowed content as stipulated by current legislation.




4.1. Under art. 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Agreement is an accession agreement, the terms of which are determined by the Licensee and which can be signed by the Author solely by joining this Agreement as a whole.

4.2. By signing the Agreement, the Author agrees to the processing and storage of personal data under Federal Law no. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006, On Personal Data.

The Licensee has the obligation not to disclose to third parties and not to disseminate the Author's personal data except for the data used to individualize the Author when publishing the Article without the consent of the subject of personal data unless otherwise stipulated by Federal Law no. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006, On Personal Data.




5.1. All disputes and disagreements that may arise during the execution of this Agreement shall be settled under the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. Before the institution of legal proceedings, each Party shall lodge a claim to the other Party. The answer to the claim shall be sent within 10 (ten) business days.




6.1. The Agreement shall terminate before the expiry date in case:

6.1.1 The Author decides to retract the Article under cl. 2.3 hereof.

6.1.2 Of mutual rescission and, in the case stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as requested by either Party.




7.1. In failure to perform or improper performance of their obligations under the Agreement, the Parties shall bear responsibility under the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.2. All amendments and supplements to the Agreement are finalized in writing and signed by the Parties. The duly finalized supplements and amendments are integral parts of the Agreement.

7.3. In all other matters not covered by this Agreement, the Parties shall be governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.4. The Agreement is compiled in two copies of equal legal force, one for each Party.






Full Name, Passport details, e-mail address

Full Name, details of the scientific Journal.


____________ /                                             /


____________ /                                             /



[1] Acting on behalf of a group of authors, it is necessary to have the letters of attorney from all the authors. Otherwise, the Agreement shall designate all the authors, and all the authors shall sign the Agreement. The letter of attorney shall be finalized as an agreement under cl. 3 of art. 1219 of the Civil Code.


Privacy Statement

The editorial Board of the journal and the administration of the website of the journal do not transfer personal information in any way specified by the users when working with the website of the journal to third parties, except for those cases and to the extent specified in the terms of the copyright agreement.
The affiliation work and e-mail address of the authors of the manuscript accepted for publication will be published in the section "information about the authors" of the printed version of the journal and in the section "about the authors". The phone number of the corresponding author will be known only to the editorial Board Secretariat and will only be used in cases of emergency.


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