
Traditional family values as an object of state protection, their significance in shaping the spiritual and moral foundations of russian society
Letova N.
Human rights: problems of conceptualization, positivization and protection. On the 75th anniversary of the universal declaration of human rights (All-russian scientific conference With international participation)
Varlamova N., Vasilieva T.
Projection of cognitive technologies of values transformation on the sovereign russian statehood
Vinogradova E.
Tradition and ideology of the human legal status in Russian constitutionalism
Dzhagaryan A., Sokolshchik I.
Legal means of protection of creative labor as a traditional Russian spiritual and moral value
Chucha S.
). Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference “Traditional spiritual and moral values as the basis of legal development in the XXI century”
Krotkova N., Orekhova T.
Philosophy of Law and modern legal education
Stepanenko R.
Human rights: traditional values, universal standards, new challenges (The All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation)
Varlamova N., Vasilieva T.
Features of legal personality of children
Letova N.
Motherhood and childhood as a basis for family policy: modernity and historical heritage
Letova N.
Theoretical and legal approaches to determining the methods and procedural forms of protection of traditional values in the Russian state
Mikhailova E., Butrim I.
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