Traditional family values as an object of state protection, their significance in shaping the spiritual and moral foundations of russian society

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The article deals with modern trends in the development of our state, the need for the formation of its spiritual and moral foundations, taking into account traditional family values. Family, marriage, children are defined as the fundamental family values of every person, the protection of which is of fundamental importance for the preservation of the Russian people. The article presents theoretical research aimed at determining the legal and social essence of traditional values, their system is presented, their system-forming significance for the legislation of the Russian Federation is determined. The author proves that the continuity of family values, their universality and irrefutability, the transfer of their ideological essence from generation to generation, will protect future generations from moral destruction, preserve the historical identity of our people, which will determine the further development and prosperity of our state.

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About the authors

Natalia V. Letova

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Law, Chief Researcher of the Sector
of Procedural Law, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, 10 Znamenka str., 119019 Moscow


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