
The path to recognition (An essay on the life and scientific heritage of Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences A. N. Trainin)
Savenkov A.
Features and limits of delinquency of minors in relations of a diversified type
Letova N.
Traditional family values as an object of state protection, their significance in shaping the spiritual and moral foundations of russian society
Letova N.
Intersectoral protection of labor and social rights in conditions of social transformation (review of the International scientific and practical conference)
Malikov S., Chucha S.
Conditions for the restriction of intellectual rights in the protection of the constitutional right of citizens to health protection
Latyntsev A.
On the issue of the diversity of national models of regulation of information (digital) relationships. Edward J. Swan. Internet law: a concise guide to regulation around the world
Tedeev A., Oshmankevich K.
Relations of administrative and legal protection as a kind of administrative and legal relations: concept, content, characteristics
Kobzar-Frolova M.
Conceptual approaches to determining the legal status of a child in modern conditions
Letova N.
Legal protection of the environment and rational use of natural resources: implementation of O. S. Kolbasov’s ideas
Ustyukova V.
Ensuring free competition and its protection: criminal law and other means. Part one (Trades and cartels)
Ovcharov A.
Motherhood and childhood as a basis for family policy: modernity and historical heritage
Letova N.
Legal issues of permafrost protection
Kudelkin N.
Legal means of protection of creative labor as a traditional Russian spiritual and moral value
Chucha S.
On protection of the rights and legal interests of the buyer and creditors of the strategic debtor in the case on inconvention (bankruptcy)
Borisova L.
Methods and forms of resolution of interstate disputes
Mikhailova E.
State crimes in the system the Special part of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Nikolaeva J.
Protection of the rights and interests of the parties in recovery from the developer for the breach of the terms of transfer of the object of sharing construction to the shareholder
Pushkina A.
Features of legal personality of children
Letova N.
Agreements and contracts in the field of family relations: correlation and features of legal regulation
Letova N.
Problems of legal regulation of bilateral investment agreements in the economic community of west african states (ECOWAS)
Ryzhov N.
Human rights, imperative norms and basic principles of International Law: notes of an international lawyer
Smirnova E.
The first Criminal Code of Soviet Russia and the responsibility of professional criminals
Skoblikov P.
Arbitration in the USA: the main trends in legal regulation
Ermakova E.
Honor and dignity as objects of criminal law protection
Latypova D., Musaleva A.
The international legal basis of the criminal law policy of the Russian Federation in the field of protection of historical and cultural heritage
Khalikov I.
Interaction between judicial discretion and methods of interpretation in the case-law of courts of integration associations
Diyachenko E.
Counteraction to illegal participation in voting: criminal and administrative responsibility
Turischeva N.
Preconditions for the right to bring claim: state of the art
Mikhailova E.
Specifics of legal regulation of environmental protection and protection during development of mineral deposits in the Arctic zone of Russia
Battakhov P., Ovchinnikova Y.
On the issue of trends of the development of the legal establishment of administrative responsibility
Admiralova I., Kostennikov M., Kurakin A.
The concept of the right to privacy in the workspace in the context of the development of the digital economy
Serova A., Shcherbakova O.
On the question of legal regulation of investment activities in the Russian Federation
Kobzar-Frolova M.
The future International Court of Human Rights with the participation of Russia: options for possibilities
Kleandrov M.
On some directions of harmonization of legislation in the sphere of health protection of children studying in general educational organizations in the context of the inclusion into the Russian Federation of new subjects
Borisova L.
Criminal and legal protection of cyber virtual property in modern China
Dunmay P.
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