
Structural and Functional Organization and Evolution of the WD40 Genes Involved in the Regulation of Flavonoid Biosynthesis in the Triticeae Tribe
Strygina K., Khlestkina E.
LkAP2L2, an AP2/ERF transcription factor gene of Larix kaempferi, with pleiotropic roles in plant branch and seed development
Li A., Yu X., Cao B., Peng L., Gao Y., Feng T., Li H., Ren Z.
Induction of transcription through the scs insulator leads to abnormal development of Drosophila melanogaster
Kyrchanova O., Leman D., Toshchakov S., Utkina M., Tikhonov M., Parshikov A., Maksimenko O., Georgiev P.
Structural Organization and Functional Activity of the Orthologous TaGLW7 Genes in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Yang C., Ma J., Li T., Luo W., Mu Y., Tang H., Lan X.
Mapping of the gypsy retrotransposon sequence is responsible for the EAST-dependent repression in the yellow gene model system of Drosophila melanogaster
Melnikova L., Kostyuchenko M., Krivega I., Shapovalov I., Georgiev P., Golovnin A.
The role of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes in regulation of genetic processes
Mazina M., Vorobyeva N.
The SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Is Involved in Spatial Organization of the ftz-f1 Gene Locus
Nikolenko J., Krasnov A., Vorobyeva N.
Expression of the R2R3 MYB transcription factors in Vitis amurensis Rupr. plants and cell cultures with different resveratrol content
Kiselev K., Aleynova O., Tyunin A.
Analysis of FOXO1A and FOXO3A gene allele association with human longevity
Erdman V., Nasibullin T., Tuktarova I., Somova R., Mustafina O.
Functions of Insulators in the Context of Modern Whole-Genome Investigations
Vorobyeva N., Mazina M.
Effect of CTXφ prophage deletion in cholera agent on expression of regulatory genes controlling virulence and biofilm formation
Smirnova N., Agafonov D., Kul’shan’ T., Shchelkanova E., Krasnov Y., Lozovsky Y., Kutyrev V.
SWI/SNF protein complexes participate in the initiation and elongation stages of Drosophila hsp70 gene transcription
Mazina M., Nikolenko Y., Krasnov A., Vorobyeva N.
HD-Zip Genes and Their Role in Plant Adaptation to Environmental Factors
Shcherban A.
The role of remodeling complexes CHD1 and ISWI in spontaneous and UV-induced mutagenesis control in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Evstiukhina T., Alekseeva E., Fedorov D., Peshekhonov V., Korolev V.
The effect of transcription on enhancer activity in Drosophila melanogaster
Erokhin M., Davydova A., Lomaev D., Georgiev P., Chetverina D.
Activities Analysis and Polymorphisms Identification of GPIHBP1 Promoter Region in Porcine
Chen J., Chen Y., Wei Y., Tao X., Xu H., Liu Y., Zhu L., Tang G., Wen A., Lv D., Li X., Jiang Y.
Coactivator complexes participate in different stages of the Drosophila melanogaster hsp70 gene transcription
Mazina M., Derevyanko P., Kocheryzhkina E., Nikolenko Y., Krasnov A., Vorobyeva N.
Molecular Study of the Extension Locus in Association with Coat Colour Variation of Iranian Indigenous Sheep Breeds
Amin M., Masoudi A., Amirinia C., Emrani H.
Control of the gene activity by polycomb and trithorax group proteins in Drosophila
Chetverina D., Elizar’ev P., Lomaev D., Georgiev P., Erokhin M.
Perspectives of Use of Transcription Factors for Improving Resistance of Wheat Productive Varieties to Abiotic Stresses by Transgenic Technologies
Gaponenko A., Shulga O., Mishutkina Y., Tsarkova E., Timoshenko A., Spechenkova N.
Insulators can disrupt weak transcription derived from the white gene enhancer in Drosophila transgenic lines
Kyrchanova O., Postika N., Parshikov A., Georgiev P.
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