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Vol 52, No 1 (2016)

Plant Genetics

Genetic variation and identification of promising sour cherries inferred from microsatellite markers

Najafzadeh R., Arzani K., Bouzari N., Saei A.


The aim of this study was to identify the group of highly polymorphic microsatellite markers for identification of promising sour cherries. From among 30 tested microsatellite (SSR) markers, 19 were selected to profile genetic variation in sour cherries due to high polymorphisms. Results indicated a high level of polymorphism of the accessions based on these markers. Totally 148 alleles were generated at 19 SSR loci which 122 alleles were polymorphic. The number of total alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 15 with an average of 7.78 and polymorphism percentage varied from 50 to 100% with an average of 78.76%. Also, PIC varied from 0.47 to 0.89 with an average of 0.79 and heterozygosity ranged from 0.35 to 0.55 with a mean of 0.45. According to these results, these markers specially PMS3, PS12A02, PceGA34, BPPCT021, EMPA004, EMPA018, and Pchgms3 produced good and various levels of amplifications and showed high heterozygosity levels. By the way, the genetic similarity showed a high diversity among the sour cherries. Cluster analysis separated improved cultivars from promising sour cherries, and the PCoA supported the cluster analysis results. Since the studied sour cherries were superior to the improved cultivars and were separated from them in most groups, these sour cherries can be considered as distinct genotypes for further evaluations in the framework of breeding programs and new cultivar identification in cherries. Results also confirmed that the set of microsatellite markers employed in this study demonstrated usefulness of microsatellite markers for the identification of sour cherry genotypes.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(1):64-73
pages 64-73 views

The inheritance of endosperm storage proteins by the line of the Saratovskaya 29 cultivar of common wheat from its parental forms

Obukhova L.V., Shumny V.K.


We ran a comparative analysis of storage proteins (gliadins, high(HMW) and low-molecularweight (LMW) glutenins, puroindolines, and exogenous pest alpha-amylase inhibitors) in the Saratovskaya 29 cultivar line from the collection of a genetic engineering laboratory, its parental forms (Albidum 24 and Lutescens 55/11), and distant ancestors (Poltavka, Selivanovskiy Rusak, Sarroza, and tetraploid Beloturka). It was confirmed that the allelic states of storage proteins in the Gli-1, Gli-2 and Glu-1 loci originate from ancestral forms from the collection of the Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry. Moreover, new alleles were found in Lutescens 55/11 (Glu-A1a) and Selivanovskiy Rusak (Glu-B1b) cultivars from the collection of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics. A new allelic state, Ha, was observed in the loci of the Poltavka cultivar as a soft-grain cultivar, and the ha allele was found in the hard-grain Albidum 24 and Sarroza cultivars. It was found that the expression rate of exogenous pest alpha-amylase inhibitors in the Saratovskaya 29 cultivar line is lower than that of ancestral cultivars (Albidum 24, Sarroza, Poltavka, and Beloturka). Such inhibitors are absent in the paternal form Lutescens 55/11. A high expression rate of protein pest inhibitors for exogenous α-amylases and puroindolines was observed in the Poltavka cultivar. The allelic composition of Glu-1 loci was newly studied in the Sarroza cultivar, which has some promising features. The Saratovskaya 29 cultivar line, on the basis of which a wide range of diverse lines were created in the Institute of Cytology and Genetics, is isogenic for all of the studied traits.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(1):49-55
pages 49-55 views

DNA methylation analysis during the optimization of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of soybean

Jiang J., Wang Y., Xie T., Shi X., Wang Y.P., Sokolov V.


Soybean is recognized as one of the plants which are very difficult to be transformed. Considering the low transformation efficiency of soybean, we aimed to determine the effect of 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BA), shoot induction time, and infection time of Agrobacterium on the clonal propagation of Glycine max. Results showed that 1.6 mg/L 6-BA could be optimal to promote the induction of adventitious shoots. An induction time of 15 d was considered optimal for the actual experiment involving soybean shoot induction. Agrobacterium was cultured until an OD600 = 0.8 was reached for an infection time of 30 min; this infection time may be optimal to promote soybean transformation. Whole genome DNA methylation was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-assisted quantification, and DNA methylation result is consistent with the phenotypic data of shoot development. In addition, two methylation-related genes (decrease in DNA methylation 1 and DNA methyl transferases chromomethylase 2) were analyzed to determine expression differences by qRT-PCR in the shoots that were developed under different experimental conditions. In general, the expression values of these genes were normally downregulated under the recommended experimental conditions of soybean regeneration. This study showed the overall methylation changes in the in vitro culture of soybean, as affected by several variable parameters, which is useful to promote the transformation efficiency of soybean.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(1):56-63
pages 56-63 views

Animal Genetics

Genome-wide mapping of copy number variations in commercial hybrid pigs using a high-density SNP genotyping array

Zhou L.S., Li J., Yang J., Liu C.L., Xie X.H., He Y.N., Liu X.X., Xin W.S., Zhang W.C., Ren J., Ma J.W., Huang L.S.


Copy number variations (CNVs) are important forms of structural variation in human and animals and can be considered as a major genetic component of phenotypic diversity. Here we used the Illumina PorcineSNP60 BeadChip V2 and a DLY [Duroc × (Large White × Landrace)] commercial hybrid population to identify 272 CNVs belonging to 165 CNV regions (CNVRs), of which 66 are new. As CNVRs are specific to origin of population, our DLY-specific data is an important complementary to the existing CNV map in the pig genome. Eight CNVRs were selected for validation by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and the accurate rate was high (87.25%). Gene function analysis suggested that a common CNVR may play an important role in multiple traits, including growth rate and carcass quality.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(1):85-92
pages 85-92 views

Genetic connectivity between sympatric populations of closely related char species, Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma and white char Salvelinus albus

Salmenkova E.A.


The closely related chars Salvelinus malma and Salvelinus albus, which sympatrically inhabit the Kamchatka River basin and Kronotsky Lake (Kamchatka), attract the attention of the researchers because of their debated origin and taxonomic status. Previous studies of sympatric populations of these chars revealed small but statistically significant genetic differences between these species at a number of molecular markers, suggesting the presence of the genetic exchange and hybridization. In this study, based on genotypic characterization of nine microsatellite loci, a considerable level of historical and contemporary genetic migration between sympatric populations of these chars was demonstrated. At the individual level, a high degree of hybridization was observed, mainly among the Dolly Varden individuals from the studied populations. The obtained evidences on the genetic connectivity between sympatric S. malma and S. albus do not support the separate species status of S. albus.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(1):74-78
pages 74-78 views

Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of STR and SNP markers for intraspecific and interspecific differentiation of the genus Ovis

Deniskova T.E., Sermyagin A.A., Bagirov V.A., Okhlopkov I.M., Gladyr E.A., Ivanov R.V., Brem G., Zinovieva N.A.


A comparative study of the informativeness of SNP and STR markers for interspecific and intraspecific differentiation of the two species of the genus Ovis, snow sheep (O. nivicola) and domestic sheep (O. aries), was conducted. Eleven STR loci combined into two multiplex panels were examined. SNP analysis was performed with the DNA microarray OvineSNP50K BeadChip featuring 54241 SNPs. The possibility of clear differentiation of the studied Ovis species with both types of genetic markers was demonstrated. The advantages of SNP markers for intraspecific differentiation of the O. aries breeds and O. nivicola geographical groups were revealed. The areas of application of the studied types of DNA markers are discussed.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(1):79-84
pages 79-84 views

Short Communications

Marriage and migratory characteristics of the urban population of Karachay-Cherkessia (End of the 20th century)

El’chinova G.I., Zinchenko R.A.


As part of systematic research carried out by the Laboratory of Genetic Epidemiology of the Research Center for Medical Genetics, the marriage and migratory structure of the urban population of Karachay-Cherkessia was studied. Numerical estimates of the population-genetic parameters were obtained from 11346 marriage records for 1990–2000. The endogamy, ethnic assortativeness, miscegenation and local inbreeding intensities, and mean-square migration for the four cities Cherkessk, Karachayevsk, UstDzheguta, and Teberda were estimated. It is shown that the autochthonic urban population is highly miscegenated, despite the traditional preference for monoethnic marriages. Half of the Russian urban population is migrant; the autochthonic urban population is substantially formed of Karachay-Cherkessia natives of.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(1):107-111
pages 107-111 views

Bioactive effect of the preparation biostyl on the reproductive function of different genotypes of American mink

Trapezov O.V., Zemljanitskaja E.I., Rasputina O.V., Naumkin I.V., Trapezova L.I.


The different role of coat color mutations in the American mink on the per os effect of the biologically active preparation Biostyl was shown. The number of kits per female was the same in all control genotypes, including Standard (+/+ +/+), sapphire (a/a p/p), and lavender (a/a m/m): 4.4 ± 0.4, 4.4 ± 0.5, and 4.3 ± 0.5, respectively. Experimental groups of these genotypes have shown a great contrast among each other: stimulation of the reproductive function was 5.2 ± 0.3 in Standard minks, while suppression of the reproductive function was 3.8 ± 0.6, and 2.3 ± 0.5 in the double recessive mutants sapphire and lavender, respectively. The differentiation in body mass between experimental and control newborn Standard kits was not revealed. A significant decrease in the body mass of newborn experimental sapphire kits as compared to control group in a sex-specific manner was registered.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(1):112-115
pages 112-115 views

Reviews and Theoretical Articles

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis by blastocentesis: Problems and perspectives

Zhigalina D.I., Skryabin N.A., Artyukhova V.G., Svetlakov A.V., Lebedev I.N.


The discovery of cell-free DNA in blastocoele fluid opens new perspectives for the development of preimplantation genetic diagnosis of human chromosomal and genetic diseases. In this review we analyzed the results of the first studies, which made it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of a new source of biological material and showed a high degree of agreement between the results of molecular karyotyping with cell-free DNA and blastocyst cells. The results suggest the possibility of developing a noninvasive method of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, which may open a new round of progress in the field of assisted reproductive technologies and the genetics of early stages of human ontogenesis.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(1):1-7
pages 1-7 views

Telomere recombination in normal mammalian cells

Zhdanova N.S., Rubtsov N.B.


Two mechanisms of telomere length maintenance are known to date. The first includes the use of a special enzymatic telomerase complex to solve the problems that arise during the replication of linear DNA in a normal diploid and part of tumor cells. Alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT), which is based on the homologous recombination of telomere DNA, represents the second mechanism. Until recently, ALT was assumed to be expressed only in 15–20% of tumors lacking active telomerase and,, together with telomerase reactivation represented one of two possibilities to overcome the replicative senescence observed in somatic mammalian cells due to aging or during cell culturing in vitro. Previously described sporadic cases of combinations of the two mechanisms of telomere length maintenance in several cell lines in vitro were attributed to the experimental design rather than to a real biological phenomenon, since active cellular division without active telomerase was considered to be the “gold standard” of ALT. The present review describes the morphological and functional reorganizations of mammalian telomeres observed with ALT activation, as well as recently observed and well-documented cases of combinations between ALT-like and telomerase-dependent mechanisms in mammalian cells. The possible role of telomere recombination in telomerase-dependent cells is discussed.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(1):8-16
pages 8-16 views

Mutation induction in the mouse and human germline

Dubrova Y.E.


The review describes the effects of exposure to mutagens on mutation induction in human and mouse germlines. The results of studies that evaluated inductions of mutations in human families subjected to irradiation are presented and discussed. The effects of exposure to mutagens on mutation induction in the mouse germline are also considered. We analyze and discuss the recent data on the genome-wide effects of irradiation on mutation induction in the mouse germline obtained by next-generation sequencing and comparative genome hybridization.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(1):17-28
pages 17-28 views

Molecular Genetics

The effect of transcription on enhancer activity in Drosophila melanogaster

Erokhin M.M., Davydova A.I., Lomaev D.V., Georgiev P.G., Chetverina D.A.


In higher eukaryotes, the level of gene transcription is under the control of DNA regulatory elements, such as promoter, from which transcription is initiated with the participation of RNA polymerase II and general transcription factors, as well as the enhancer, which increase the rate of transcription with the involvement of activator proteins and cofactors. It was demonstrated that enhancers are often located in the transcribed regions of the genome. We showed earlier that transcription negatively affected the activity of enhancers in Drosophila in model transgenic systems. In this study, we tested the effect of the distance between the leading promoter, enhancer, and target promoter on the inhibitory effect of transcription of different strength. It was demonstrated that the negative effect of transcription remained, but weakened with increased distance between the leading promoter and enhancer and with decreased distance between the enhancer and target promoter. Thus, transcription can modulate the activity of enhancers by controlling its maximum level.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(1):29-37
pages 29-37 views

Genetics of Microorganisms

Distinctive features of the microbial diversity and the polyketide synthase genes spectrum in the community of the endemic Baikal sponge Swartschewskia papyracea

Kaluzhnaya O.V., Itskovich V.B.


The diversity of the symbiotic community of the endemic Baikal sponge Swartschewskia papyracea was studied, and an analysis of the polyketide synthases genes spectrum in sponge-associated microorganisms was carried out. Six bacterial phyla were detected in the S. papyracea microbiome: Verrucomicrobia, Cyanobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, and Planctomycetes. Unlike the microbial associations of other freshwater sponges, the community under study was dominated by the phylaVerrucomicrobia (42.1%) and Cyanobacteria (17.5%), while the proportion of the Proteobacteria was unusually low (9.7%). In the S. papyracea community metagenome, there were identified 18 polyketide synthases genes fragments, the closest homologues of which included the polyketide synthases of the microorganisms belonging to the bacterial phyla Cyanobacteria, Proteobacteria (classes Betaproteobacteria, Deltaproteobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria), and Acidobacteria as well as the eukaryotic algae of the phylum Heterokonta (class Eustigmatophyceae). Polyketide synthase sequences from S. papyracea formed three groups on the phylogenetic tree: a group of hybrid NRPS/PKS complexes, a group of cyanobacterial polyketide synthases, and a group of homologues of the eukaryotic alga Nannochloropsis gaditana. Notably, the identified polyketide synthase genes fragments showed only a 57–88% similarity to the sequences from the databases, which implies the presence of genes controlling the synthesis of the novel, still unstudied, polyketide compounds in the S. papyracea community. It was proposed that the habitat conditions of S. papyracea affect the taxonomic composition of the microorganisms associated with the sponge, including the diversity of the producers of secondary metabolites.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(1):38-48
pages 38-48 views

Human Genetics

The dynamics of the composition of mtDNA haplotypes of the ancient population of the Altai Mountains from the early bronze age (3rd millennium BC) to the iron age (2nd–1st centuries BC)

Gubina M.A., Kulikov I.V., Babenko V.N., Chikisheva T.A., Romashchenko A.G., Voevoda M.I., Molodin V.I.


The mtDNA polymorphism in representatives of various archaeological cultures of the Developed Bronze Age, Early Scythian, and Hunnish-Sarmatian periods was analyzed (N = 34). It detected the dominance of Western-Eurasian haplotypes (70.6%) in mtDNA samples from the representatives of the ancient population of the Early Bronze Age–Iron Age on the territory of Altai Mountains. Since the 8th to the 7th centuries BC, a sharp increase was revealed in the Eastern Eurasian haplogroups A, D, C, and Z (43.75%) as compared to previous cultures (16.7%). The presence of haplotype 223-242-290-319 of haplogroup A8 in Dolgans, Itelmens, Evens, Koryaks, and Yakuts indicates the possible long-term presence of its carriers in areas inhabited by these populations. The prevalence of western Eurasian haplotypes is observed not only in the Altai Mountains but also in Central Asia (Kazakhstan) and the south of the Krasnoyarsk Krai. All of the three studied samples from the Western Eurasian haplogroups were revealed to contain U, H, T, and HV. The ubiquitous presence of haplotypes of haplogroup H and some haplogroups of cluster U (U5a1, U4, U2e, and K) in the vast territory from the Yenisei River basin to the Atlantic Ocean may indicate the direction of human settlement, which most likely occurred in the Paleolithic Period from Central Asia.

Russian Journal of Genetics. 2016;52(1):93-106
pages 93-106 views

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