
Risk Factors for Recurrence of Shoulder Instability after Bankart Lesion Arthroscopic Treatment
Belyak E., Kubashev A., Lazko F., Abdulkhabirov M., Ptitsyn K., Prizov A., Kulikova O., Savitskyi P., Ismailov D., Men’shikov V.
Comparative characteristics of cervical sagittal balance parameters and atlantoaxial instability criteria in normal and Down syndrome children
Kuleshov A., Nazarenko A., Sharov V., Vetrile M., Ovsyankin A., Kuzminova E., Lisyansky I., Makarov S., Strunina U.
Experience in the use of Distal Fixation Femoral Component Use in Revision Hip Arthroplasty
Zagorodniy N., Ivanov A., Kagramanov S., Chragyan G., Nikolaev I.
Surgical treatment of post-traumatic instability of the shoulder joint in athletes. Аrthroscopic Latarjet procedure or free bone autograft?
Orletskiy A., Timchenko D., Gordeev N., Zharikov V., Vasiliev D., Kosov I.
Diagnosis and treatment tactics for aseptic implant loosening and osteomyelitis in hiparthroplasty
Sherepo K.
Modern Aspects of Spine Instability
Vissarionov S., Popov I., Vissarionov S., Popov I.
Modified Technique of Arthroscopic Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Kuznetsov I., Fomin N., Shulepov D., Ryabinin M., Orlov Y., Salikhov M.
Mid-term results of multi-ligament posterior and anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using a modified method of bone tunnels drilling
Shulepov D., Salihov M., Zlobin O.
Diagnosis and treatment of traumatic displacement of middle and lower cervical spine
Moiseenko V., Tsodyks V.
Features and tactics of management of patients with joint hypermobility (Clinical observation)
Orletskiy A., Timchenko D., Kozlova E.
Revision Hip Arthroplasty: Epidemiology, Causes, Risk Factors (foreign literature review)
Kaminskiy A., Marchenkova L., Pozdnyakov A.
Surgical Treatment of Old Pelvic Ring and Lower Urinary Tract Injuries in Men
Lazarev A., Gudushayri Y., Verzin A., Solod E., Kakabadze M., Roskidailo A., Stoyukhin S.
Anatomical anterograde plasty of the anterior cruciate ligament with lateral extraarticular tenodesis from semitendinosus tendon
Zayats V., Zagorodniy N., Dulaev A., Dydykin A.
Postoperative relapses of knee joint instability and their prevention
Orletsky A., Mironova Z.
On the classification of post-traumatic knee instability
Mironov S., Orletskiy A., Tsykunov M.
Early and Mid-Term Results of Primary Hip Arthroplasty Using Il’za Endoprosthesis
Mironov S., Balberkin A., Zagorodniy N., Karpov V., Kolondaev A., Shavyrin D., Snetkov D.
Emergent Stabilization of Pelvic Bones Fractures in Polytrauma
Litvina E.
Surgical treatment of post-traumatic instability of the shoulder joint in athletes
Orletskiy A., Timchenko D., Gordeev N., Zharikov V., Kozlova E., Krylov S.
Development of approaches to treatment of knee instability. Review
Orletskii A., Timchenko D., Gordeev N.
Method for Glenoid Bone Defect Plasty in Recurrent Shoulder Instability
Prokhorenko V., Fomenko S., Filipenko P.
Study of Intraosseous Implant Osteointegration withVarious Types of Coating in Experiment
Nazarov E., Papkov V., Kuz’manin S., Vesnov I.
Classification of shoulder joint instability
Tyazhlov A.
Validation and cultural adaptation of Russian version of KOOS-Child questionnaire
Ivanov Y., Yeltsin A., Mininkov D.
Chronic Patellar Instability: Anatomic Precondition and Approaches to Surgical Treatment
Avdeev A., Kuznetsov I., Shulepov D., Salikhov M.
Diagnosis of acute carpal instability in radial fractures
Golubev I., Shershneva O.
Anterior cruciate ligament injuries in the prepubescent and adolescent. Modern trends and researches
Ivanov Y., Yeltsin A., Mininkov D.
Prospects for Local Application of Antiresorptive Drugs in Skeleton Bone Injuries and Diseases
Rodionova S., Lekishvili M., Sklyanchuk E., Torgashin A., Ryabov A., Yurasova Y.
Use of Modified Arthroscopic Ankle Joint Stabilization for the Treatment of Chronic Lateral Instability
Matsakyan A., Kesyan G., Ochkurenko A., Butaev B., Shirmazanyan A., Protsko V.
Os odontoideum of C2 vertebra: History and current options to treatment. Literature review. Part 2
Kuleshov A., Shkarubo A., Sharov V., Vetrile M., Lisyansky I., Makarov S.
Total Hip Joint Arthroplasty: Mistakes, Complications and Their Prevention
Filippenko V., Tankut V., Masandika S.
Surgical treatment of lateral instability of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the first finger
Korshunov V., Skvortsova M.
Complicated Cases of Knee Arthroplasty
Zagorodniy N., Kagramanov S., Kudinov O., Nikolaev I., Chragyan G., Ivanov A., Kilasoniya I.
Os odontoideum of C2 vertebra: Aspects of epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis. Literature review
Sharov V., Kuleshov A., Shkarubo A., Vetrile M., Lisyansky I., Makarov S.
Medial Elbow Instability in Athletes
Mironov S., Burmakova G.
Use of Combined Corpodesis Technique in Degenerative Lumbar Spine Diseases
Dzhumabekov S., Zagorodniy N., Abakirov M., Sulaimanov Z.
Experience in use of Wagner SL Revision Stem for Revision Hip Arthroplasty
Kavalerskiy G., Murylyov V., Rukin Y., Kholodaev M., Elizarov P.
Patella instability in children: surgical treatment results
Sautenko A., El’tsin A., Mininkov D., Stuzhina V., Merkulov V.
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