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Vol 63, No 3 (2023)

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Radiation Biology of Structurally Different Drosophila melanogaster Genes. Message 9. General Regularities and Locus-Specific Features of Radiomutability of Sex-Linked and Autosomal Genes

Alexandrov I.D., Alexandrova M.V., Afanasyeva K.P., Rusakovich A.N., Harchenko N.E.


The results of large-scale radiation, genetic, cytogenetic and molecular genetic studies on the nature and frequency of heritable mutations of two sex-linked and three autosomal genes of Drosophila melanogaster after exposure to 60Co γ-rays and 0.85 MeV neutrons are presented. Regularities were established for studied genes and radiations in the induction of five different types of recessively inherited mutations, which can be combined into two main classes - the class of chromosomal mutations in one way or another affecting the gene under study (changes leading to sterility of F1 mutants, multilocus deletions, inversion or translocation breakpoint chromosome in the region of gene localization) and a class of “point” gene mutations with a complex spectrum of DNA changes detected by PCR and sequencing. In this report, the results of classical genetic and cytogenetic analysis of these classes of mutations are considered in detail and the frequency of their induction by γ-rays or neutrons is estimated per locus per dose unit (1 Gy). An important and unexpected result of the assessment was the fact that the frequency of “point” mutations turned out to be invariant (on average 1.15 E-06/locus/Gy) for the studied genes and radiations, in contrast to chromosomal mutations, where a pronounced locus-specificity is observed for individual types of mutations. At the same time, neutrons are two or more times more effective than γ-rays in inducing this class of mutations. It is significant that the ave-rage frequency of “point” mutations induction correlates with the average cDNA length of these genes (1.62 kb), but not with their average size (6.07 kb), indicating that the target for " point mutations is, obviously, not the entire DNA of the gene, but only the informational part of its exons. The dependence of the frequency of chromosomal mutations of one type or another on the position of the gene on the chromosome and in the three-dimensional space of the genome is discussed.

Radiation biology. Radioecology. 2023;63(3):229-239
pages 229-239 views


Three-Color FISH Method: A Comparison of Retrospective Cytogenetic Dose Estimations in Different Patients Undergoing Acute Emergency Irradiation

Lomonosova E.E., Nugis V.Y., Kozlova M.G., Nikitina V.A., Galstyan I.A., Snigiryova G.P.


This work presents the results of the use of three-color FISH-staining of chromosomes (DNA probes to 1, 4 and 12 pairs of chromosomes) for the cytogenetic study of peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures of four patients at different times after irradiation in various emergency situations. All victims had initial dose estimations: one by EPR signal in the tooth enamel (1.12 Gy) and three by the dicentric frequencies (1.9; 3.2 and 4.3 Gy). There was a strong significant linear correlation between the observed translocation frequencies and the initial dose estimations. Retrospective indication of the dose by translocation frequencies was carried out with the help of own dose-effect curve, the obtained on the basis of experiments with the irradiation of blood of healthy donors in vitro. At the same time, dose estimates in the long terms after irradiation in three of these patients with the greatest lesion were significantly lower than they were established earlier (1.26; 2.06 and 2.47 Gy). The coincidence of the initial and repeated results was observed only in one remaining patient.

Radiation biology. Radioecology. 2023;63(3):240-249
pages 240-249 views


Risk of Depressions after Radiation

Zasukhina G.D., Maximova T.N.


The review provides data from a number of authors on the risk of developing psychogenic disorders, mainly depression as the most severe pathology, after accidents at nuclear power plants: Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima. At the same time, it is important to develop depression even many years after the accident. The second part of the review provides information on the development of depression in patients with head and neck cancer who received head radiotherapy. The number of pathologies in this group significantly exceeds the indicator of the development of pathologies in patients with other types of cancer. The role of non-coding RNAs in the pathogenesis of radio-induced depression is discussed. They are supposed to be used as targets for specific therapy of depression.

Radiation biology. Radioecology. 2023;63(3):250-254
pages 250-254 views


Metabolic Correction of Cerebral Radiation Syndrome in Small and Large Animals

Vasin M.V., Ilyin L.A., Chernov Y.N., Ushakov I.B.


In experiments on mice, rats, guinea pigs and dogs, the effectiveness of metabolic correction of cerebral radiation syndrome with nicotinic and succinic acids and Esseentiale was evaluated. The animals were totally exposed to 5–8 and 16–20 MeV pulsed electron flux at doses of 85–110 or 500–570 Gy or to gamma irradiation at a dose of 100 Gy. The frequency and time of ataxia and convulsions, as well as the dynamics of animal death after radiation were recorded. Nicotinic and succinic acids (500 mg/kg each) and Esseenciale (20 mg/kg by nicotinamide) reduced the frequency and delayed the onset of ataxia and seizures equally in both small laboratory animals and dogs. In experiments on rats after exposure at a dose of 100 Gy under the influence of radiation and Essentiale, there was no significant change in animal cognitive function according to the decision-making test at the first presentation of a new deposit.

Radiation biology. Radioecology. 2023;63(3):255-260
pages 255-260 views

Molgramostim Efficiency Trial in Acute Radiation Damage (Experimental Study)

Kondakov A.Y., Drachyov I.S., Remizov D.V., Karamullin M.A., Tihomirov P.V., Suprunova E.B., Yakunchikova E.A., Danilova O.A.


The purpose of the study was to study the specific activity of the drug molgramostim (Neostim®) under conditions of a single general γ-irradiation. Evaluation of the anti-radiation efficacy of the conducted studies, studying the 30-day survival rate and life expectancy of irradiated (at doses of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Gy) mice, as well as the dynamics of peripheral blood, extramedlar and bone marrow hematopoiesis. It has been established that 14-fold (with an interval of 12 hours) subcutaneous administration of the drug molgramostim at a dose of 5 μg/kg to mice after irradiation at an average lethal dose (6 Gy) has a pronounced anti-radiation effect. The value of the dose change factor when the drug is administered at the optimal dose is 1.16. The use of molgramostim increases the survival rate of mice by 30%, contributes to an earlier, compared with irradiated ani-mals of the control group, restoration of the content of peripheral blood cells (by day 10, the number of leukocytes was 50% more, and the number of lymphocytes, erythrocytes and platelets – by 10% than in animals that did not receive the drug), as well as an increase in the number of endogenous CFU by 30% compared with the control and the number of bone marrow myelokaryocytes by an average of 1.2 times.

Radiation biology. Radioecology. 2023;63(3):261-269
pages 261-269 views


Ionizing Radiation and Inflammatory Reaction. Formation Mechanisms and Implications

Ponomarev D.B., Stepanov A.V., Seleznyov A.B., Ivchenko E.V.


Ionizing radiation induces a complex of genetic, biochemical, structural and functional changes in the body. The inflammatory response development is acknowledged as one of the manifestations of systemic bodily response to ionizing radiation exposure, and this response, through the activation of immunity, acts both as protector and leads to the development of undesirable early, delayed and off-target effects. Its underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms are defined by DNA damage, free radical metabolic changes (primarily reactive oxygen and nitrogen species), oxidative stress development, inflammasome activation, “danger signals” release and pro-inflammatory cytokines production. The role of non-apoptotic cell death forms (ferroptosis and pyroptosis) is described in the genesis of post-radiation inflammatory response and subsequent tissue, organ, and system damages. The post-radiation inflammatory reaction’s ability to take form of a time-stable self-sustaining process – that increases the radiation-induced damage severity – due to the presence of a positive feedback between different components of its pathogenesis is noted.

Radiation biology. Radioecology. 2023;63(3):270-284
pages 270-284 views

The Effect of γ-Irradiation on Mortality and Biomass of the Terrestrial Mollusk F. Fruticum M.

Cherkasova E.E., Lavrentyeva G.V., Synzynys B.I., Mirzeabasov O.A., Pavlov A.N.


The results of the study of relevant indicators of mortality and biomass after ɣ-irradiation in the dose of 10–300 Gy of the terrestrial mollusk F. fruticum M. are presented. Mollusks of the second age group were selected. The age of the mollusks was determined by the number of revolutions of the shell. The conditions of keeping the mollusk in the laboratory were experimentally selected in such a way that the survival rate in the control group was 100%. The duration of the experiment (210 days) and the range of radiation doses (10–300 Gy) made it possible to establish the LD50/60 index for a terrestrial mollusk of the second age group. It is 115.6 ± ± 33.8 Gy. LD50/60 was determined by the calculated method of probit analysis using the least squares method. Three dose ranges (10–100, 110–170 and 180–300 Gy of changes in the studied relevant indicators were established. For each time range, starting from 60 days after irradiation, a linear threshold dependence with three dose ranges was established: a dose-independent plateau at low radiation doses, a dose-dependent range with an increase in the radiation dose, and a dose-independent plateau when absolute mortality occurs.

Radiation biology. Radioecology. 2023;63(3):285-299
pages 285-299 views


Radiation Doses of Pine Stands in the Belarusian Sector of the 30-Kilometer Zone Around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant at the Present Stage

Perevolotskaya Т.V., Perevolotsky А.N., Geras’kin S.А.


The article presents the results of assessing the dose of external and internal irradiation of the tree tier of pine stands growing on the northern trace of the Belarusian sector of the 30-kilometer zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant at the present stage. It was found that in the most polluted experimental sites, the total dose of external and internal irradiation of the stand can reach 160 mGy/year. It is shown that internal irradiation is formed by beta radiation of radionuclides accumulated by aboveground phytomass, its contribution to the total dose can be 80%. The external irradiation of the stand is determined by the gamma radiation of 137Cs located in the soil. The results obtained are important for understanding the processes of formation of radiation-induced effects and assessing the effects of irradiation of living organisms.

Radiation biology. Radioecology. 2023;63(3):300-310
pages 300-310 views


Foreshadowing the Future of Genetic Engineering and Radiobiology: 100 Years From the Beginning of N.V. Timofeeff-Ressovsky’s Scientific Work

Klabukov I.D., Yakimova A.O., Baranovskii D.S., Yatsenko E.M., Petrov V.A., Zhavoronkov L.P., Ivanov S.A., Shegai P.V., Kaprin A.D.


The year 2021 was marked with a significant date – 100 years ago, brilliant radiobiologist and geneticist N.V. Timofeeff-Ressovsky started his scientific work. Among the new directions developed by him from 1921 to 1981 were physical biology, basic principles of genetic engineering, amplifier principle, and population radiobiology. It is noteworthy that many of his ideas were developed in the former Department of Radiation Genetics and General Radiobiology of the Institute of Medical Radiology in Obninsk, which is now called the Experimental Sector of the A. Tsyb Medical Radiological Research Centrе. Our work reveals the interconnections of Timofeeff-Ressovsky’s works with the activities of his contemporaries and productive ideas of today.

Radiation biology. Radioecology. 2023;63(3):311-317
pages 311-317 views


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