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Vol 32, No 4 (2024)

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Amudzhikan volcano-plutonic association of the eastern part of the West-Stanovoy superterrane (Central Asian orogenic belt): age, sources, and tectonic setting

Larin А.М., Kotov A.B., Sal’nikova Е.В., Kovach V.P., Savatenkov V.M., Velikoslavinskii S.D., Rizvanova N.G., Sergeeva N.A., Skovitina Т.М., Zagonaya N.Y.


Geochronological (U-Pb on zircons, ID-TIMS), isotope-geochemical (Nd, Sr, Pb), and geochemical studies of rocks of the Amanan and Amudzhikan intrusive complexes and volcanic rocks of the Ukurey Suite in the eastern part of the West Stanovoy superterrane of the Central Asian Fold Belt were performed. The belonging of granitoids of these complexes to high-potassium C-type adakites is substantiated. The cogeneticity of the studied rocks has been established, which makes it possible to unite them into one Amudzhikan volcano-plutonic association formed in the age range of 133±1–128±1 Ma. The igneous complexes of this association are part of the Stanovoy volcano-plutonic belt, which extends in the sublatitudinal direction from the Pacific Ocean deep into the North Asian continent for more than 1000 km subparallel to the Mongol-Okhotsk suture zone and stitches the tectonic structures of the Dzhugdzhur-Stanovoy and West-Stanovoy superterranes. The formation of the Stanovoy Belt is connected with the closure of the Mongolo-Okhotsk Ocean and the collision of the continental masses of the North Asian and Sino-Korean continents at the turn of ~140 Ma. The subsequent collapse of the collisional orogen, accompanied by large-scale lithospheric extension and delamination of the lower part of the continental lithosphere, led to upwelling of the asthenospheric mantle. This caused the melting of the lithospheric mantle and continental crust and, as a consequence, the formation of both mafic melts of the shoshonite type and anatectic crustal melts of the adakite type. The mixing of these melts led to the formation of the parent magmas of the Amudzhikan magmatic association. The crustal component in the source was of a heterogeneous nature and was finally formed as a result of the Early Cretaceous collision event. It is characterized by upper-crustal isotopic parameters: an increased Rb/Sr and U/Pb ratio and a decreased Sm/Nd ratio in the source. The mantle component is represented by the material of the enriched lithospheric mantle of the Central Asian fold belt, the formation of which is associated with subduction processes at the stage of closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk paleoocean. Metasomatic transformation of the mantle with the introduction of melts and fluids with isotopic parameters of an EMII-type source or upper crust occurred at this stage.

Petrologiâ. 2024;32(4):415–445
pages 415–445 views

Gneisses and granitoids of the basement of the Nepa-Botuoba anteclise: constraints for relation of the archean and paleoproterozoic crust in the boundary zone between Tungus superterrane and Magan terrane (South Siberian craton)

Turkina О.М., Plyusnin A.V., Donskaya Т.V., Afonin I.О., Sanin S.S.


The paper presents geochemical and geochronological data on gneisses and granitoids from three deep boreholes (Yalykskaya-4, Danilovskaya-532, Srednenepskaya-1) in the basement of the southwestern part of the Nepa-Botuoba anteclise. Based on U-Pb dating of zircon, three stages of granitoid magmatism were identified: ∼2.8, 2.0 and 1.87 Ga. At ca. 2.8 Ga magmatic TTG protolith of biotite-amphibole gneisses (Yalykskaya-4 borehole) were formed, which represent the Mesoarchean crust and experienced thermal effects at the terminal Neoarchean (∼2.53 Ga), typical of the Tungus superterrane of the the Siberian craton. Biotite gneiss-granites (∼2.0 Ga) (Danilovskaya-532 borehole) correlating in age with the granitoids of the basement of the Magan terrane and the Akitkan fold belt, were derived from a metasedimentary source formed by the erosion of mainly rocks of the Paleoproterozoic juvenile crust. The 1.88 Ga A-type granite (Srednenepskaya-1 borehole) correspond to the main stage of post-collision granite magmatism within the South Siberian magmatic belt. The ca.2.8 Ga biotite-amphibole gneisses mark position of the eastern boundary of the Archean crust in the south part of the Tungus superterrane with the area of the Paleoproterozoic juvenile crust, separated by a transitional zone, which intruded by granites having intermediate isotopic characteristics. The isotopic composition of Paleoproterozoic gneisses and granitoids indicates that marginal south part of the Magan terrane bordering with the Tungus superterrane – includes blocks of both Archean and Paleoproterozoic crust showing similarity with the Akitkan fold belt and accretionary orogens. The final amalgamation of the Tungus superterrane with blocks of the eastern part of the Siberian platform basement correspond to milestone of 1.88 billion years.

Petrologiâ. 2024;32(4):446–470
pages 446–470 views

Properties of fluids during metasomatic alteration of metamorphic rocks under P-T conditions of the middle crust: an example from the Bolshie Keivy region, Belomorian-Lapland orogen, Fennoscandian shield

Bushmin S.А., Vapnik E.A., Ivanov М.V., Kol’tsov A.В., Lebedeva Y.М., Aleksandrovich О.V., Savva Е.V.


Properties of fluids under P–T conditions of the middle crust were studied with reference to the metasomatic alteration of metamorphic rocks (amphibolite facies) of the Bolshie Keivy nappe of the Keivy terrane of the Belomorian–Lapland collision orogen of the Fennoscandian shield. Properties of the fluids were studied in five selected types of rocks: metamorphic schists and gneisses with graphite, metasomatic quartz rocks with a high content of graphite, kyanite–quartz veins with wall-rock metasomatites, and metasomatic quartz-bearing kyanite rocks and anchimonomineral quartz veins. NaCl, CaCl2, CO2, N2, CH4, heavier hydrocarbons, and graphite were identified in the fluid inclusions using microthermometry and Raman spectroscopy. Using the method of multiequilibrium thermobarometry for mineral associations and the density of CO2 inclusions, a retrograde P–T path was calculated, which reflects the P–T exhumation history of the rocks. An explanation was proposed for the presence of water inclusions with NaCl of low salinity among inclusions of high salinity with NaCl and CaCl2. Comparison of data on the H2O activity (inferred from mineral equilibria) and salt content (data on fluid inclusions) with those of a model fluid (thermodynamic model of the H2O–NaCl–CaCl2–CO2 system) showed a good agreement between natural and model data. Natural and model data were synthesized to analyze variations in the phase state and chemical composition, fluid properties, including H2O activity, density, and salinity along the retrograde P–T trend.

Petrologiâ. 2024;32(4):471–496
pages 471–496 views

Titanium partitioning between zircon and melt: an experimental study at high temperatures

Borisov А.А., Borisovskiy S.E.


The experiments on titanium partitioning between zircon and silicate melt were conducted at temperatures 1300 and 1400°C at 1 atm total pressure. Additionally, Ti content in zircons of a few experimental series from (Borisov, Aranovich, 2019) was measured and a critical analysis of experimental literature was carried out. It was demonstrated that at high temperatures (1200–1450°C) DTi values lie in the range from 0.02 to 0.04 regardless of pressure, melt composition, and water content. Based on obtained data, the impossibility of zircon crystallization from high temperature basic melts once more was shown. It was demonstrated that geothermometer “Ti in zircon” cannot describe Ti content in our experimental zircons and, possibly, cannot be applied to dry high-titanium melts at 1 atm total pressure.

Petrologiâ. 2024;32(4):497–508
pages 497–508 views

Three types of olivine crystal size distribution in dunites from the Yoko-Dovyren layered massif as signals of their different crystallization history

Sobolev S.N., Ariskin A.A., Nikolaev G.S., Pshenitsyn I.V.


Crystal size distributions (CSD) of olivine were obtained for 17 samples of plagiodunite and Pl-bearing dunite from the central part of the Yoko-Dovyren massif, northern Baikal region, Russia. Three types of CSD were identified: loglinear, bimodal, and lognormal. Combining these data with the results of petrological reconstructions, which earlier revealed two main types of the Dovyren magmas (using the method of geochemical thermometry), we proposed a basic scenario of interaction between magmatic suspensions of different temperature to explain the diversity of the CSD. The intratelluric olivine transported by magmas of different temperature, which had not subjected to abrupt cooling or heating in the chamber, retained an original loglinear CSD. For some portions of the hottest magma (~1290°C), it is assumed that the original olivine evolved into a bimodal CSD due to accelerated crystallization at faster cooling of the hightemperature injections contacting relatively cold crystal mush (~1190°C). An interpretation of the lognormal CSD suggests that part of the olivine crystals composing the protocumulate systems efficiently interacted with the pore melt infiltrating upward during the compaction of the underlying crystal mush. This led to cycles of partial dissolution and regrowth of the olivine grains resulting in a final lognormal CSD. The infiltrating hot melt, which was undersaturated with immiscible sulfide liquid, could dissolve sulfides preexisting in the lowtemperature mush. This produced dunites with lognormal CSD relatively depleted in sulfur and chalcophile elements. The lognormal CSD is considered to be a marker of crystal mush regions through which the focused infiltration of the pore melt proceeded.

Petrologiâ. 2024;32(4):509–526
pages 509–526 views

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