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Nº 1 (2024)


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The Dniester Campaign of General Prince A. M. Golitsyn in 1769 and Russia’s Strategy Towards the Principality of Moldavia in the Initial Period of the Russian-Turkish War of 1768–1774

Kashirin V.


The article is devoted to the little-studied problems of the history of the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–1774 – the military and political strategy of the top leadership of the Russian Empire and the commander-in-Chief of the 1st Army, General-in-Chief Prince A. M. Golitsyn towards the Principality of Moldavia in the initial period of the conflict, during the campaign of 1769. Flaws in the organization of strategic planning on the Russian side, the absence of a pre-developed war plan, deficiencies in the supply system of troops and the inability to use an artillery siege park significantly limited the effectiveness of Golitsyn’s operations on the upper Dniester, which was reflected in two unsuccessful attempts by the Russian army to take the fortress of Khotyn in April and July 1769. For political and psychological reasons, this undermined Golitsyn’s credibility at the imperial court and led to his removal from the post of commander-in-chief, however, it was Golitsyn’s pragmatic defensive strategy that allowed him to defeat the main forces of the Ottoman army in late August – early September 1769 and force them to retreat from most of the territory of Moldova. Simultaneously with the conduct of military operations, A. M. Golitsyn and the commander of the vanguard corps of the 1st Army, Major General Prince A. A. Prozorovsky actively engaged, largely on their own initiative, in establishing secret intelligence and political contacts with representatives of the highest boyars and clergy of Moldova. Their success in this activity, as well as the recruitment of Arnaut formations from local natives to the Russian service, largely paved the way for the rapid and successful occupation of most of Moldavia by Russian troops in the autumn of 1769.

The article is based on previously little-known archival material, mostly on the official correspondence of the Russian command.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(1):5-30
pages 5-30 views

White Military Formations in Poland and an Attempt to Disrupt the Genoa Conference in 1922

Ganin A.


The article examines the preparation of anti-Soviet uprisings by the leaders of the white emigration in Poland on the eve of the Genoa Conference of 1922 on the basis of documents from Russian and foreign archives, including the archives of the special services. The purpose of the uprisings was to disrupt the conference and undermine the authority of the Soviet government. The Belarusian lands, which were ceded to Poland under the Riga Peace Treaty of 1921, became a springboard for the deployment of anti-Bolshevik forces. There, under the guise of teams of loggers, white detachments were concentrated. A prominent role in the preparation of the operation was played by General V. M. Novikov, an alleged Soviet agent. These plans were thwarted as a result of the expulsion of several leaders of the white military emigration from the country by the Polish authorities.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(1):31-38
pages 31-38 views

The Role of Czechoslovakia in the Development of the Soviet-French Relations During the Non-Recognition Period of the USSR: View from Paris (1920–1924)

Magadeev I.


The article aims to discern the contents and specifics of the French estimates in regard of the Czechoslovakian role in the interactions between the Third Republic and the Soviet Russia/USSR in 1920–1924. Chiefly, the author analyses the French answers on the question about the significance and potential function of Czechoslovakia in the interstate triangle. Rather recently published French diplomatic documents are used as sources, as well as the evidence taken from the Diplomatic archives of the French Ministry of Europe and foreign affairs, and the from funds of the Historical services of the French Ministry of Armed forces. The author concludes that Paris contemplated two main roles of Prague in the triangle USSR – Czechoslovakian Republic – France. First, Czechoslovakia could be an important element of the «sanitary cordon» directed against Germany and the Soviets; second, she could perform the function of a potential bridge in the case of Franco-Soviet normalisation. Such roles of Czechoslovakia were not antagonistic, and Paris tried to combine them in the French foreign policy and strategy. The variety of international, regional and interior circumstances defined what role was emphasised by the leadership of the Third Republic. In 1919–1921, 1923, when the Soviet-French contradictions were sharp and Paris underlined the «Soviet menace», the right governments of France tended to think about Czechoslovakia more as an important element of the «sanitary cordon», though understanding that the latter wasn’t really solid. On the contrary, in 1922 and from end of 1923, while the interest of France in normalising the relations with the Soviets grew stronger, the role of Czechoslovakia as a potential bridge to USSR attracted more attention of the Paris (these aspirations remained unfulfilled). Though the French estimates were volatile and depended on person, the images of the russophilia of the Czechoslovakian society, and the thesis that antagonism Czechoslovakia and USSR couldn’t escalated to war, persisted.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(1):39-53
pages 39-53 views

Participation of the Comintern and the All-Slavic Anti-Fascist Committee in the Сreation of Foreign Military Formations on the Territory of the USSR (1941–1945)

Sinitsyn F.


During the Great Patriotic War, on the territory of the USSR there were created military formations consisting of representatives of peoples, whose main ‘ethnic array’ was located outside the USSR. The Executive Committee of the Comintern, the foreign bureaus of the Communist Parties and established in 1941 the All-Slavic Anti-Fascist Committee were directly involved in the creation of foreign military units. The activities of these socio-political structures had several directions, including preparatory and propaganda work aimed at motivating the transition of soldiers of enemy armies to the Soviet side and the entry of prisoners of war (POW) into the ranks of foreign military units created in the USSR, direct participation in the creation of these formations and their further political and propaganda support. One of the most effective forms of work were anti-fascist schools and courses created in POW camps. The activities of the Comintern and the All-Slavic Committee were carried out on a common ideological platform that corresponded to the guidelines of Soviet policy.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(1):70-81
pages 70-81 views

The Slovak-Hungarian «Small War» in the Context of the Post-Munich Crisis in Bilateral Relations (March – September 1939)

Salkov A.


The Munich Agreement had a profound effect on the national-territorial conflict between Czecho-Slovakia and Hungary. The first Vienna Award on November 2, 1938 resolved it in favor of Hungary. The consequences of the arbitration created a new configuration in the territorial dispute between autonomous Slovakia within the Second Republic and Hungary, involving Poland as well. Warsaw sought to obtain a joint Polish-Hungarian border, which led to the events of November 1938 – the Polish operation «Lom» in Transcarpathia failed, but local battles in the areas of Čadca and Javorina ended with the last adjustment of the post-Munich delimitation in favor of Poland. Since January 1939 incidents began on the Slovak-Hungarian border. In view of the threat of dismemberment of Slovakia on March 14, it declared independence. Hungary occupied Carpatho-Ukraine and then unleashed the «Small War» (March 23–31). Hungary received 1,050 sq. km with a population of 40 thousand people, half of whom were Slovaks. Slovak-Hungarian relations acquired a hostile character. Germany made the conflict between the two countries the subject of political blackmail, which was one of the reasons for their joining the fascist «axis».

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(1):54-69
pages 54-69 views

FRG’s Strategy and Tactics on the Formation of the Post-Yugoslav Space in the 1990s

Trunov P.


The article attempts to reveal the content and identify the patterns of united Germany`s political and military steps in the situation of Yugoslavian collapse in the 1990-s. The author used the methods of historical reconstruction, event-analyses and a corpus of sources, the basis of which is the Bundestag`s documents. The dynamics and direction of FRG`s efforts to support the independence of Slovenia and Croatia are presented. The scientific paper explores also the line of Germany in the Bosnian question. FRG step by step helped politically and military the Muslim-Croatian federation in its struggle against Republika Srpska. Then the author shows the character and features of the line of Germany (as part of the West) in 1998‒1999 on endowing Kosovo which is province of Serbia with maximum autonomy. The paper concludes about FRG`s support for the secession of the federal republics of Yugoslavia, as well as Kosovo.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(1):82-94
pages 82-94 views

Family Multilingualism in the Minority Community of Croatia (The Сase of a Multilingual Family from Western Slavonia)

Pilipenko G., Borisov S.


The paper discusses the linguistic competence of members of a mixed Czech-Croatian-Bolivian family living in western Slavonia. Language competence in Croatian, Czech and Spanish is analyzed. Czech is used within the Czech minority, Spanish is used by a native of Bolivia with Croatian roots. The models of loanwords adaptation of Croatian items in the Spanish and Czech speech of interlocutors, as well as the adaptation of Czech items in Croatian language are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the linguistic characteristics of the native idioms of the informants: the Bolivian version of Spanish and the Croatian version of Czech. Statistical methods are used to identify the frequency of functioning of individual borrowed items. It is stated that the degree of penetration of L2 items into L1 depends not only on the genetic affinity of the languages, but also on the time of their acquisition and on the frequency of use. The case under consideration is unique for this region and allows us to find out the mechanisms of using three languages at the micro level.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(1):95-114
pages 95-114 views

From the history of Slavic studies

On the History of the Foundation of the Institute of Slavic Studies in the Soviet Union: «The Prague» Project. 1926–1928

Stankov N.


Based on archival materials, the article analyzes the international context in which the project of establishing the Institute of Slavic studies in the USSR, drawn up in the Soviet mission in Prague in 1926, appeared. The Institute was supposed to train specialists for work in the Slavic states and conduct research in various fields of Slavic studies. The documents of the mission show that the foundation of the Institute of Slavic studies was one of the initial stages in the extensive program for the development of broad scientific and cultural relations of the USSR with Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Poland. According to the plan of the plenipotentiary representative of the USSR in Czechoslovakia Vladimir A. Antonov-Ovseenko and the head of the press bureau of the mission Roman O. Jakobson, the implementation of this program would have helped to increase the effectiveness of Soviet foreign policy towards the Slavic states.

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(1):115-129
pages 115-129 views


pages 130-135 views
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Towards the Jubilee of Yuri P. Gusev

Shirokova L.
Slavânovedenie. 2024;(1):140-141
pages 140-141 views

In memoriam

William Francis Ryan (1937–2023)

Toporkov A., Chernetsov A.
Slavânovedenie. 2024;(1):142-145
pages 142-145 views

Ivan Ivanovich Pop (1938–2023)

Slavânovedenie. 2024;(1):146-148
pages 146-148 views

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