Functional and Stylistic Equivalence by Translating the Facts of Code-Switching (on the Material of Russian Verbs in the Polish «Version R» of A. Burgess’ Novel «A Clockwork Orange»)

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The article is devoted to the analysis of Russian verb inclusions in one of the Polish versions of the translation of A. Burgess’s novel «A Clockwork Orange» under the title «Mechaniczna pomarańcza. Wersja R» (1999) by R. Stiller. The Russian language is deliberately used by the translator to construct a special «slang» Nadsat in its Polish version in order to give the text an appropriate expressiveness within the language play. 117 verbs selected from the 1,000-item Dictionary of «Unintelligible Words» accompanying the translation represent Russian-Polish code-switchings and other hybrid contact phenomena. The analysis is intended to reveal the functional and stylistic equivalence of the translator’s strategies of introducing Russian verbal borrowings in the Polish text on the formal, semantic and communicative levels. Verbal borrowings of Russian origin are classified depending on the strategy of their incorporating into the text, as well as the degree and level of its adaptation.

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About the authors

Oxana A. Ostapchuk

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2856-0793

Cand. Sc. (Philology), Аssociate Professor

Russian Federation, Moscow


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