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No 1 (2023)

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Social trauma and specifics of memory

Shnirelman V.A.


Russian history is overloaded with numerous tragedies and is certainly a traumatic one. The tragedies took place in various historical periods, were caused by very painful processes, and affected special groups of people. The case studies are represented by people forcefully moved to Germany during the Second World War, the deported Kalmyks, and the former inhabitants of the Valaam monastery. A North Caucasian memory of the Caucasian war as well as the Cossack memory are also discussed. The article introduces a special section of the journal’s issue on “Traumatic Memory” with contributions by E.-B.M. Guchinova, E.A. Zakharina and E.F. Krinko, Е.A. Melnikova, V.A. Tanaylova, V.А. Shnirelman.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(1):5-10
pages 5-10 views

The traumatic experience of ostarbeiters and ways of overcoming it in soviet and post-soviet memorial culture

Zakharina E.A., Krinko E.F.


For a long time, the Ostarbeiters were silent figures in the field of historical memory, unable to speak openly about the tragic events of their past. This article examines how former Ostarbeiters overcame their traumatic experiences in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. We have turned to a wide range of sources which help us to look at the issue from different angles, and draw attention to the place occupied by former Ostarbeiters in the official narrative of the Great Patriotic War and in the memorial space. We further trace the origins and development of artistic images of Ostarbeiters, using literature and cinematography. Finally, we specifically examine the problems of interaction between the Ostarbeiters and another group of victims of National Socialism - the prisoners of the concentration camps - and draw on interviews to analyze the characteristic narratives of the Ostalbaiters and their strategies for recounting their past.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(1):11-29
pages 11-29 views

The memory of the deportation of kalmyks of “generation 1.5”: narrative construction

Guchinova E.-.


The memory of the deportation of the Kalmyks as a traumatic event is not homogeneous. Women and men, expelled as teenagers or adults, or Kalmyk children born as “spetspereselency”, had different experiences of eviction and survival and remember these years in different ways. The oral stories I have collected show the memory of the community through personal narratives, revealing variety of personal strategies and resistance. In this publication, I would like to show, using the example of one interview, the features of social memory about the deportation of the Kalmyks and the specifics of the narrative about this “generation 1.5”. The main research task was to analyze the plots, images, assessments that form the narrative about the deportation of the Kalmyks from the “children of Siberia”. Other objectives of the publication: to find out how the language of trauma works in the narrative about the deportation of the Kalmyks, to show the possibilities of commentary as a scholarly genre. The article consists of three parts: an introduction, fragments of the text of a spontaneous interview and comments on them. The study used the method of discursive analysis and generational theory. The field material is presented in the form of a transcribed text of an interview recorded by the author in 2006. The discursive strategies of the narrative speak of its positive nature.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(1):30-44
pages 30-44 views

Valaam memory breaks: valaam’s memorial community in search of the lost island

Melnikova E.A.


The article is focused on the memorial community of Valaam, which evolved after the buildings of Valaam Monastery were handed over to the Russian Orthodox Church and the locals were forced to leave the island. I turn to an analysis of a variety of recollections and different forms of incorporating the history of the archipelago into the personal biographies of its recent inhabitants. Considering Valaam as an essential place of memory in the biographies of its former inhabitants, I try to answer the question of why, unlike other migrants who return to their homeland in search of traces of their past, the resettlers from Valaam refuse to come back, preferring to speak of the island as lost and inaccessible. The article gives a brief history of the post-war development of the archipelago, the emergence of a community of “keepers” in the 1970s and 1980s, and traces several biographies of local residents whose youth was linked to life and work on the island. Drawing on research on the memories of migrants, I argue that the contemporary memory of the archipelago is a territory of phantom pain caused not only by forced displacement, but also by the loss of the former locals’ status as experts and defenders of the historical and cultural heritage of Valaam. The article draws on field material from the years of 2020-2021.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(1):45-66
pages 45-66 views

The “medals not to be proud of...”: memory of the Caucasian war in social media

Tanaylova V.A.


The article examines the memory of the Caucasian War in the space of social media (VKontakte, Telegram, etc.) and the possibilities of its use as a symbolic resource in the process of radicalisation of local Caucasian societies. The total number of subscribers to the communities, channels, and pages studied is around 300,000 people. The conceptual basis of the paper is the relational approach to the concept of radicalisation. In addition, I consider memory as one of the symbolic resources that determine the process of radicalisation of a particular community, and refer to researchers such as L.-E. Cederman, J. Goodwin, and M. Sageman. The article examines not just the memory of the Caucasian War represented in the field of social media, but the several national images of the Caucasian War that have emerged in this field.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(1):67-83
pages 67-83 views

Traumatic memory and the cossack revival

Shnirelman V.A.


As a rule, a traumatic memory includes two points: a memory of the recent tragedy and a view of the lost Golden Age, i.e. victimization combines with glorification which has to offset a disadvantage with the help of symbolic images. This dichotomy is analyzed with respect to the Cossacks whose memory maintains both the tragedies of the Civil war including their relocation, and a reference to the deep past with an emphasis on indigenous ancestors and also dreams of the own state. At the same time, the Cossack's narrative confronts the North Caucasian views of the past which are also fed by the traumatic memory. A clash of memories provokes a territorial conflict. The historical constructs of the Cossack emigree historians made an impact on the post-Soviet Cossack historiography.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(1):84-101
pages 84-101 views

Motherhood in migration: strategies of migrant women from Central Asia

Demintseva E.B.


The article analyzes the migration experiences of mothers who leave Central Asian countries to work in Russia. Based on interviews, the article examines situations where women are forced to leave their children in the care of relatives at home, as well as those where they are able to bring their children to Russia. I conclude that the main problem for living together with children is not only the low earnings of migrants and the inability to rent separate housing at the beginning of life in Russia. An important factor is the limited access to social institutions, such as kindergartens, or problems with enrolling a migrant child in school. When planning life in another country with a child, it is also important for a woman whether she will be able to take care of her child with her irregular work schedule and ensure a safe stay for her child in Russia.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(1):102-122
pages 102-122 views

Formation of the “chinese” segment among the uyghurs of Kazakhstan in the context of the adaptation of immigrants from China to the USSR in the 1950-1960s

Karimova R.-.


The article examines specific features of adaptation of migrants, focusing on the case of the Uyghurs of Kazakhstan who moved from China to the USSR in the 1950-1960s. Migration from China to the USSR of that period was a top-down process; it was carried out according to an agreement between the governments of the two countries and in line with a general plan within the framework of repatriation campaign pursued by the Soviet government. It also was directly linked to the virgin-and-fallow-lands development campaign in Kazakhstan and was supposed to alleviate labor shortages. Adaptation of migrants to the Soviet environment was shaped in different ways and was specific for each ethnic group. For the Uyghurs, one of the important consequences of the adaptation was a formation of the “Chinese” segment in the Uyghur community of Kazakhstan.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(1):123-140
pages 123-140 views

On “ethnic migrants” and the beginning of their ethnographic study in Central Europe

Lozoviuk P.


“Ethnic migrants” can be understood as participants of a specific type of migration, which is characterized by institutional and material facilitation by the host country of the conditions of migration movement based solely on the ethnic origin of migrants. The ethnic origin declared by such migrants, as a rule, coincides with the ethnic origin of the titular nation located in the target country. The aim of this article is to depict the mode of implementation and methodological preconditions of one of the first attempts at ethnographic analysis of so-called ethnic migrants and to convey how the thematic and methodological directions of the aforementioned scientific approach led to theoretical innovations in German-speaking ethnology in the post-war period. As an example, studies of disappearing ethnographic phenomena conducted among Bessarabian migrants of German origin in the territory of the then Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia will be presented.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(1):141-157
pages 141-157 views

Rudolf Virchow and epidemiological well-being as an anthropoecological concept

Shevchenko S.Y.


This article discusses the anthropoecological understanding of epidemiological well-being and takes steps to the genealogy of such understanding. The works of the German physician Rudolf Virchow on cultural, administrative, biological and geographical factors of a typhoid pandemic are considered as anthropoecological texts. Such an interpretation of his work makes it possible to emphasize two significant aspects of the anthropoecological understanding of epidemiological well-being. First, it underlines its difference from the understanding of well-being as the absence of risks, total separation of the human population from infectious agents. Secondly, the mission of a scientist and physician in realization of epidemiological well-being involves participation not only in sanitary measures, but, above all, lies in indicating ways to achieve the environmental sustainability of a certain cultural community.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(1):158-174
pages 158-174 views

Tourism in archaeological sites of the trans-Urals region: rethinking the landscape status and heritage regimes

Korandei F.S., Agapov M.G.


The article discusses the tourist commodification of archaeological sites in the Tobol Trans-Urals region (Tobol’skoe Zaural’e, Russia). The transformation of the region into a taskscape of professional archaeology associated with the urban centers of the Kurgan and Tyumen regions, as well as its tourist development, run by both the state and private business, involves the archaeological heritage of remote territories into the urban economy. This urban expansion is described here from the perspective of landscape negotiation, that is, the narratives and practices of rethinking the territories interpreted as a resource of the new type. This rethinking process involves all social groups claiming a place in the landscape, as well as the landscape itself, modified both in accordance with group ideas about the archaeological heritage (heritage regimes) and in accordance with the challenges generated by intergroup interaction. Based on fieldwork in the Kurgan region and in the south of the Tyumen region, we identify the main groups participating in negotiation on the promotion of the archaeological heritage, and also describe the practices of mutual modification of archaeological sites, which producing landscapes of negotiation.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(1):175-198
pages 175-198 views

Reproduction of the titular languages of the Volga and Urals republics: integrity of individual and collective practices

Nizamova L.R.


Based on the sociological materials collected in the period of 2012-2021 (mass surveys and interviews with opinion leaders), the article examines the complex nature of linguistic practices of residents of the Republic of Tatarstan and the national republics of the Volga region and the Urals. In every republic, the titular language is the native language for most representatives of the titular nationality and the state language of the republic along with Russian. The article evaluates the interrelation of the individual and the collective in the linguistic repertoire of citizens, the importance of language as a marker of ethnic affiliation in the context of growing individualization, the erosion of ethnic adherence and the formation of multiple identities. Special attention is paid to the perception of changes in the teaching of native languages initiated by federal authorities in 2017-2018, and to the viewpoints of the opinion leaders of the Volga-Ural republics (national intelligentsia, media workers and representatives of public organizations) which are discussed in terms of correlation of the freedom of speech preferences and the reproduction of language and culture of the ethnic community.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(1):199-216
pages 199-216 views

Don cossacks-doukhobors in the arkhangelsk exile

Inikova S.A.


The article examines the life of Cossacks-Doukhobors, who retreated from the Orthodox Church, in exile in the Arkhangelsk province in 1778-1802 and 1812-1818. I draw on a range of newly discovered archival materials to describe the experience of a group of exiles in the extreme conditions of the North of Russia, their attempt to create a religious community involving the local residents, and their tactics of behavior vis-a-vis state authorities of different levels. I explore the manifestations of the Doukhobor mentality as exhibited in the conditions of the exile and discuss the policies of the secular authorities towards the apostates.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(1):217-237
pages 217-237 views

Political cuisine as a phenomenon and object of interdisciplinary study

Fais-leutskaia O.D.
Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2023;(1):238-242
pages 238-242 views

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