卷 16, 编号 2 (2010)


Analiz donorskoy aktivnosti lits molodogo vozrasta

Lyalyukhina A., Baklushina E.


The purpose of the study was to comparatively analyze the parameters characterizing the donor activity of young donors. Anonymous questionnaire survey was made among 427 donors aged 18-24 years. A high proportion of the respondents take part in blood donation due to altruistic motives. Unfortunately, most respondents consider the donor's status is not prestigious due to the inadequate effective social publicity of donation. Donors' low awareness of a blood donating procedure and donation support measures result in no purpose popularization of donor movement. The performed study revealed that a large number of respondents noted the insufficiently convenient working day time schedule of hemotransfusion stations and that most donors expressed their wishes to reduce the time of stay in a donor center. To eliminate the negative influence of the above factors on donors' activity, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions in blood donation centers, by using the positive foreign experience.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(2):3-6
pages 3-6 views

Otsenka effektivnosti deyatel'nosti protivotuberkuleznykh dispanserov Moskvy

Kochetkova E.


The basic parameters of the work of tuberculosis dispensaries (TBD), Healthcare Departments of Moscow administrative districts over 10 years (1997-2006) were analyzed and recommendations on optimal criteria for evaluating its effectiveness elaborated. The determination of the capacity of the work of a TBD (the number of visits per shift) and the function of a medical post (the number of visits per occupied post of a phthisiatrician) was not ascertained to loose its topicality in the evaluation of the efficiency of the work of the facility. Along with this, since the function of the medical post of a phthisiatrician considerably lags behind the existing standards, the change in the number of patient visits to a polyclinic and medical calls should be estimated as compared with the previous period in percentage (year, quarter, month), which reflects the actual load of a local phthisiatrician and is the basis for assessing where labor remuneration is in accord with the actual volume of performed work. This indicator should be guided as one of the main criteria for assessing the activity of a local phthisiatrician.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(2):6-8
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Dupleksnoe issledovanie pozvonochnykh arteriy u bol'nykh s arterial'noy gipertenziey

Gaevskiy Y., Filina E., Krasnikova O., Pozdnyakova T., Bondarenko V., Uvarov S.


To study the causes of dizziness in patients with arterial hypertension (AH), duplex scanning of vertebral arteries (VA) was made in 256 male and female patients aged 31-67 years with grades 1-2 AH and in 56 healthy individuals matched for age and sex. The investigators compared the indicators of 3 groups of patients: 1) those without complaints of dizziness; 2) those with complaints of dizziness episodes; and 3) those with dizziness during its exacerbations. The study established that more than half of the patients had substantial deviations in the readings of VA duplex scanning. In patients with dizziness, on their exacerbation in particular, there was an increase in the diameter of VAs with a significant reduction in the diameter of the right VA and a rise in that of the left one. There was a considerable decrease in right VA blood flow and an increase in left VA one. The authors conclude that among the AH patients with complaints of dizziness, their cause is vertebrogenic spasm of the right VA in more cases. In another, smaller part of patients with AH, the cause of dizziness seems to be dyscirculatory encephalopathy. It is concluded that VA duplex scanning in patients with AH, by using the criteria proposed by the authors is a simple and available tool for the differential diagnosis of these conditions.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(2):9-14
pages 9-14 views

Biomekhanicheskiy analiz dvizheniy travmirovannoy kisti (opyt klinicheskogo primeneniya)

Biryukova E., Frolov A., Grinyagin I., Korshunov V., Romanov S., Prokopenko R.


The paper gives examples of the clinical use of functional diagnostic technique for human hand motor activity, which is based on the recording finger movements and on the biomechanical analysis of these movements. Movement volumes in individual finger joints, articular velocities and the moment of muscle forces in the joints cannot be determined only by clinical methods. These characteristics calculated from the recorded movements, by using a biomechanical model give important additional information on the success of an operation and the efficiency of rehabilitative treatment. The experience in using the biomechanical analysis of finger movements in clinical practice shows that the monitoring of the results of surgery and performed postoperative treatment may be adequate if a physician has a numerical evaluation of the biomechanical parameters of movements.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(2):14-19
pages 14-19 views

Kliniko-diagnosticheskiy algoritm u bol'nykh ostrym varikotromboflebitom nizhnikh konechnostey

Krylov A., Shulutko A., Osmanov E., Khmyrova S., Gogokhiya T., Lobanova M.


The paper presents the experience in treating 1926 patients with acute varicose thrombophlebitis (AVTP) of the lower extremities (the results of the past 15 years of the clinic's work) during massive admission of patients with lower extremity AVTP to the general surgery hospital in the past 5 years. The patients with AVTP are characterized; their basic treatment modalities are given depending on the site, pattern, and duration of a thrombotic process. The unified clinicodiagnostic algorithm for treatment is proposed. The clinic has long given preference to active surgical tactics in the treatment of patients with this pathology. Most patients (n = 1390) underwent surgical intervention that differed in volume and duration. Examining the early and late results of treating patients with AVTP indicated the advantages and disadvantages of some treatment modalities and provided evidence to the benefits of radical treatment.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(2):20-25
pages 20-25 views

Puti optimizatsii dietoterapii v kardiokhirurgicheskom statsionare

Bogdanov A., Pogozheva A., Vasil'ev A., Kaganov B.


One hundred and eighty-seven patients with coronary heart disease who were recommended coronary bypass surgery or coronary artery (CA) stenting were examined. Actual nutrition was assessed and indirect respiratory calorimetry at resting and during exercise was carried out in the patients. Whether the nutrition of the patients was adequate to their actual nutrient requirements was analyzed, and the alimentary predictors for the development of atherosclerotic CA stenosis were revealed.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(2):26-29
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Sutochnoe izmenenie arterial'nogo davleniya u nedonoshennykh novorozhdennykh ot materey s arterial'noy gipertenziey

Zaul'skaya E., Vinogradova E.


Blood pressure variations were studied in neonatal infants born to mothers with arterial hypertension by 24-hour monitoring. The trend and stability of blood pressure changes were established in babies, depending on their mothers' health status.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(2):29-31
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Patologiya gastroduodenal'noy zony u podrostkov s infektsiey, vyzvannoy razlichnymi shtammami Helicobacter pylori

Stroylova Y., Potrokhova E., Pomorgaylo E., Sobotyuk N.


The development and progression of gastroduodenal pathology have been recently associated with diverse factors of Helicobacter pylori, including its genetic features. The paper gives the data of a current-level study of Helicobacter pylori genotyping in 95 children aged 12 to 18 years who have Helicobacter pylori-associated gastritis. Analysis of the performed study revealed a number of regularities.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(2):31-34
pages 31-34 views

Primenenie rastitel'nykh komponentov pishchi gipolipidemicheskogo deystviya

Pogozheva A., Derbeneva S., Gonor K., Mal'tsev G.


The impact of antiatherogenic diet fortified with phytosterols and amaranth oil on clinical and biochemical parameters was in patients with cardiovascular diseases. The study indicated that fortification of antiatherogenic diet with phytosterols and amaranth oil in patients with coronary heart disease and hypertensive disease contributed to clinical improvement and better anthropometric indicators and blood lipid spectrum. It was concluded that the use of these plant components is highly promising for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(2):34-37
pages 34-37 views

Diskussionnye voprosy supraventrikulyarnykh takhiaritmiy

Palkin M., Ivanov S., Savenkova A., Olevskiy I.


The wide clinical application of ECG monitoring has recently shown that among supraventricular tachyarrhythmias, the so-called unstable atrial tachyarrhythmias caused mainly by the focus mechanism, constitute a larger proportion in elderly patients in particular. There are a number of disputable issues of the classification of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias in relation to their duration, which is very important in terms of optimal treatment approaches. It is logic to identify the unstable, paroxysmal, resistant, and stable forms of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias with appropriate correction of their management and treatment. A higher percent of mutual transition of different forms of these tachyarrhythmias, as well as their combinations is very important for their diagnosis and treatment.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(2):37-40
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Luchshev V., Bronshteyn A.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(2):41-46
pages 41-46 views

Primenenie kislorodno-gelievykh smesey v lechenii bol'nykh s bronkholegochnoy patologiey

Grigor'ev S., Loshkareva E., Aleksandrov O., Alekhina R., Ezhova I., Zolkina I., Klishina M., Alekhin A.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(2):47-51
pages 47-51 views

Gormonal'naya podgotovka pered programmoy ekstrakorporal'nogo oplodotvoreniya

Dyuzheva E., Kalinina E.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(2):51-53
pages 51-53 views

Geneticheskie faktory predraspolozhennosti k osteoporozu

Petrin A., Akulenko L., Borinskaya S., Tarlycheva L., Safonova A.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(2):53-56
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