Kliniko-diagnosticheskiy algoritm u bol'nykh ostrym varikotromboflebitom nizhnikh konechnostey

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The paper presents the experience in treating 1926 patients with acute varicose thrombophlebitis (AVTP) of the lower extremities (the results of the past 15 years of the clinic's work) during massive admission of patients with lower extremity AVTP to the general surgery hospital in the past 5 years.
The patients with AVTP are characterized; their basic treatment modalities are given depending on the site, pattern, and duration of a thrombotic process. The unified clinicodiagnostic algorithm for treatment is proposed. The clinic has long given preference to active surgical tactics in the treatment of patients with this pathology. Most patients (n = 1390) underwent surgical intervention that differed in volume and duration.
Examining the early and late results of treating patients with AVTP indicated the advantages and disadvantages of some treatment modalities and provided evidence to the benefits of radical treatment.

About the authors

Aleksey Yur'evich Krylov

ГКБ № 61

канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. хирургических болезней № 3; ГКБ № 61

A M Shulutko

ММА им. И. М. Сеченова

Кафедра факультетской хирургии № 2 лечебного факультета; ММА им. И. М. Сеченова

E G Osmanov

ГКБ № 61

ГКБ № 61

S E Khmyrova

ГКБ № 61

ГКБ № 61

T R Gogokhiya

ГКБ № 61

ГКБ № 61

M V Lobanova

ГКБ № 61

ГКБ № 61


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