Primenenie rastitel'nykh komponentov pishchi gipolipidemicheskogo deystviya

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The impact of antiatherogenic diet fortified with phytosterols and amaranth oil on clinical and biochemical parameters was in patients with cardiovascular diseases. The study indicated that fortification of antiatherogenic diet with phytosterols and amaranth oil in patients with coronary heart disease and hypertensive disease contributed to clinical improvement and better anthropometric indicators and blood lipid spectrum. It was concluded that the use of these plant components is highly promising for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

About the authors

Anna Vladimirovna Pogozheva

ГУ НИИ питания РАМН

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. отд-нием с/с патологии; ГУ НИИ питания РАМН

S A Derbeneva

ГУ НИИ питания РАМН

ГУ НИИ питания РАМН

K V Gonor

ГУ НИИ питания РАМН

ГУ НИИ питания РАМН

G Yu Mal'tsev

ГУ НИИ питания РАМН

ГУ НИИ питания РАМН


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