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Vol 28, No 2 (2022)

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Original Research Articles

Medical laboratory staff labor cost analysis and modeling for SARS-CoV-2 RNA PCR-testing: A time-and-motion study

Ivoylov O.O., Kochetov A.G., Mininkova A.I.


BACKGROUND: Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the main method for detecting the viral agent of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). This analysis is performed in a non-automated mode in many medical laboratories, which implies a significant labor intensity of a test. However, its magnitude, as well as the workload on staff in the context of variability in testing volumes, has not yet been quantified due to the lack of systematic approaches to studying the labor costs of laboratory staff.

AIM: This study aimed to investigate the structure and magnitude of the labor cost components of laboratory staff when performing manual PCR for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ribonucleic acid (RNA) and obtain stratified data that characterize the labor intensity of the testing, which are suitable for workload modeling.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study of the labor costs (as labor time) of the PCR laboratory staff was conducted based on the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory of the Multidisciplinary Medical Center of the Bank of Russia using a time-and-motion study methodology. Hence, the author’s method for researching the labor costs of medical laboratory staff was applied.

RESULTS: The lists of standard manipulations of the time-studied labor process were formed workplaces, the manipulations were classified according to the labor cost components, and the duration of each component was statistically determined. The labor intensity per test under current working conditions was 110.2 s for the «reception and registration», 144.6 s for «RNA extraction», and 79.4 s for «reaction mixture preparation/amplification» workplaces. The workload magnitude for the personnel of these workplaces corresponded to 47%, 62%, and 34% of a lab specialist’s annual working rate budget. The stratification of labor costs into fixed and variable allowed us to model the workload depending on the change in the testing volume and the number of analytical runs, as well as develop nomograms for the annual total labor time calculation.

CONCLUSION: The proposed approach to labor cost accounting and analysis makes it possible to obtain suitable stratified data for modeling the workload of personnel during manual PCR-testing for SARS-CoV-2 RNA. The developed nomograms based on them can serve the purposes of planning the laboratory work and increasing its efficiency by choosing the optimal schemes for organizing the labor process. The obtained data can be used in other laboratories that perform real-time PCR tests for molecular genetic markers.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2022;28(2):103-117
pages 103-117 views

Comparative study of the clinical outcomes of immediate sequential bilateral cataract surgery and delayed sequential bilateral cataract surgery

Medvedev I.B., Pokrovsky D.F.


BACKGROUND: In the last decade, the number of randomized controlled trials indicating the safety and efficacy of immediate sequential bilateral cataract surgery (ISBCS) comparable to the results of delayed sequential bilateral cataract surgery (DSBCS) has been increasing. However, these studies are practically absent in the practice of domestic ophthalmology.

AIM: To comparatively assess the clinical results of ISBCS and DSBCS.

METHODS: Our observation revealed that 1000 patients (2000 eyes) with binocular cataracts aged 37–68 years (mean age: 56.9±1.3 years), including 82% of males and 18% of females. Patients were divided into two groups: the main group (500 patients, 1000 eyes), who underwent ISBCS according to the developed modified algorithm (ma ISBCS), and the control group (500 patients, 1000 eyes), who underwent DSBCS technology with a break after the first surgical intervention 7–10 days. The study was conducted from January 2017 to September 2021. All patients were operated on by one surgeon. The following monofocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) were implanted to correct aphakia: Acrysof Natural IQ (Alcon, USA), Akreos AO (Bausch & Lomb, USA), and Biflex (Medicontur, Hungary). Biometrics and IOL calculation were performed using an optical biometer IOL Master (Zeiss, Germany). The following clinical efficacy criteria were assessed (before and 3 months postoperatively): the presence of intra- and postoperative complications, measurement of the maximum correctable distance visual acuity (BCVA), and deviation from the target (±0.5 D) refraction.

RESULTS: maISBCS provides almost identical (with DSBCS) clinical results of surgical intervention, which is confirmed by the minimum (0.1%–0.6%, n=1000) level of postoperative complications (in the absence of endophthalmitis), the average values of BCVA (0.94±0.02; 0.95±0.02, p=0.724) and «target» refraction (0.30±0.05; 0.28±0.04, p=0.723), achieving BCVA of 1.0 rel unit (87%–88% of cases), and emmetropic refraction (28%–29% of cases).

CONCLUSION: maISBCS is a promising direction in cataract surgery, especially considering the established (compared to DSBCS) advantages associated with higher efficiency in terms of anisometropia development and the priority of performing in a difficult epidemiological environment, as well as a significant reduction in the financial costs of surgery.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2022;28(2):119-126
pages 119-126 views

Time-dependent effects of metoprolol in patients with coronary heart disease and grade II–III angina pectoris

Zaslavskaya R.M.


BACKGROUND: This study focused on the topical problem of studying the time-dependent effects of the cardioselective β-adrenergic receptor blocking agent metoprolol in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and grade II–III angina pectoris.

AIM: This study aimed to analyze the effect of metoprolol when used at different times of the day based on the concept of chronopharmacology, which is based on the variability of adrenoreceptor sensitivity depending on the day-night cycle.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Acute clinical and pharmacological tests were performed in 20 patients with CHD and grade II–III angina pectoris to determine the time-dependent effects of metoprolol. All patients underwent a study of the parameters of central and peripheral hemodynamics, as well as electrocardiography and echocardiography. The study results were subjected to statistical analysis.

RESULTS: Metoprolol at 100 mg at different hours of the day causes a persistent negative chrono- and inotropic, hypotensive effect. The clinical and pharmacological test results registered the listed effects with favorable shifts in the first instance when taking the drug in the morning and midday hours. Circadian rhythms of sensitivity of several indicators of the cardiovascular system to metoprolol have been established.

CONCLUSIONS: The study results on the time-dependent hemodynamic effects of metoprolol using acute pharmacological tests enabled to establish the presence of a circadian organization of several hemodynamic parameters with an acrophase of sensitivity to metoprolol at 15:00 and 14:00 h.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2022;28(2):127-131
pages 127-131 views

Osteointegration assessment by the resonant frequency analysis method in patients with different bone mineral density (clinical and biomechanical aspects): prospective study

Aghazada A.R., Aghazada R.R., Amkhadova M.А., Ivanova E.V.


BACKGROUND: Dental implant stability depends on the mechanical bone properties in the area of the planned surgical intervention and the correctness of the implant embedded in the bone tissue. A significantly decreased bone tissue mineral density of the jaws was found in patients with osteoporosis, which complicates or even prevents the restoration of the integrity of the dentition by the dental implantation method.

AIM: This study aimed to conduct a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of the treatment of dentition defects by dental implantation in patients with a normal state of bone tissue, osteopenia, and osteoporosis, to assess the stability of the installed implants using the resonance frequency analysis.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: All patients underwent a densitometric study using double X-ray photon absorptiometry, in addition to the basic examination, in dental implantation operation preparation, which made it possible to identify systemic and regional changes in bone mineral density. Dental implant stability and osseointegration were controlled by the resonant frequency analysis method.

RESULTS: The parameters of resonance frequency analysis in patients with normal bone mass, osteopenia, and osteoporosis vary depending on the area where the implants are installed when studying the implant stability in patients with different bone mineral densities. The overall index of resonance frequency analysis values differed from those of the group with osteopenia and osteoporosis, regardless of the area of implants installed in patients with normal bone tissue, and was respectively higher by 7.1% (p <0.001) and 10.1% (p <0.001), respectively. The overall index in the group with osteopenia was higher and differed from that in the group with osteoporosis by 5.7% (p <0.001).

CONCLUSION: The resonance frequency analysis results provide significant information about the state of the implant-bone interface at different treatment stages and during follow-up examinations of patients. The measurement technique makes it possible to observe the dynamics of the osseointegration process, and, if necessary, make timely adjustments to the functional load. Resonance frequency analysis is an important method for documenting the clinical outcome of implantation. This is of particular importance from a medical-legal point of view.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2022;28(2):133-140
pages 133-140 views

Evaluation of hematological parameters in inactive hepatitis B infection; neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and mean platelet volume

Samanci S., Kosker M.


AIM: It is estimated that the hepatitis B virus, a serious global public health problem, affects more than 250 million people. Herein, our objective was to quantify several hemogram measurements, like neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR), and mean platelet volume (MPV) and to determine their relationship with inflammation in hepatitis B infection (HBV).

MATERIAL AND METHOD: This study included 94 patients aged 2–18 years, who were under follow-up at our hospital for hepatitis B infection between January 1st, 2005 and December 31st, 2015. These individuals served as the patient group. The control group was composed of 88 healthy children of similar age and sex.

RESULTS: There was no significant difference concerning neutrophil count and NLR (p=0.698 and 0.842, respectively). A significantly lower absolute lymphocyte count significantly and a significantly higher MPV was found in the hepatitis B-positive group than in the controls (p <0.05 for both comparisons). The groups had similar hematocrit, hemoglobin, platelet count, RBC count, and white blood cell (WBC) count (p=0.642, p=0.388, p=0.418, p=0.366, and p=0.824, respectively). The two groups individually showed a positive correlation between platelet count and MPV (r=0.32, p=0.01 and r=0.36, p=0.01, respectively). NLR and MPV were positively correlated in both groups (r=0.38, p=0.01 and r=0.41, p=0.01, respectively).

CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the study groups did not exhibit any significant difference concerning NLR, PLR, and PLT/MPV levels but it found a significant intergroup difference in MPV. We believe it is of great importance to develop simpler, inexpensive, and easy-to-use noninvasive methods to determine the level of inflammation in chronic hepatitis B infection; Parameters, such as NLR, PLR, and MPV, can be simple and rapid test markers to serve these purposes.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2022;28(2):141-147
pages 141-147 views

Remote monitoring of patients with chronic consciousness impairment: from needs to capabilities. Cohort study

Borisov I.V., Bondar V.A., Kanarsky M.M., Nekrasova Y.Y., Pradhan P., Sorokina V.S., Stern M.V., Shpichko N.P.


The problem of providing rehabilitation assistance to the population has been repeatedly discussed in the global community. One of the important events in recent years was the meeting of participants in «Rehabilitation 2030: Call to Action», where the problem of increasing dissatisfaction in rehabilitation services worldwide, especially in low- and middle-income countries, was discussed. The upward trend in the need for rehabilitation activities will increase in line with global trends in demographic change associated with the aging population and an increase in the number of people living with sequellae of diseases and injuries. The prevalence of health conditions associated with severe functional limitations, of which many are caused by non-communicable diseases, increased by 9.9% and affected almost 14 million people from 2006 to 2016 in the World Health Organization European Region. Devices for monitoring vital signs can become one of the potentially important components of effective rehabilitation with an increased number of technical means of rehabilitation. The constant transfer of these parameters to the cloud storage, followed by machine learning algorithm processing, will determine the prescribed drug therapy efficiency and determine the need for timely hospitalization for a medical organization. This study aimed to assess the needs of patients with a chronic consciousness impairment, and relatives caring for them, using the possibilities of remote monitoring. The study showed that the use of hospital-replacing outpatient equipment that records the vital signs of patients opens up new opportunities for consolidating the information into a big data archive to assess the treatment efficiency and the characteristics of patient rehabilitation with the implementation of the most optimal measures to influence the rehabilitation process approach.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2022;28(2):149-159
pages 149-159 views

Case reports

A clinical case of type II bipolar affective disorder

Osipova N.N., Aleschkina G.A., Beglyankin N.I.


This study presents a clinical case of bipolar affective disorder type II. Difficulties in differential diagnosis at the early disease stages are discussed. The considered clinical case reflects real psychiatric practice when the onset of the disease is identified in adolescence and associated with the impact of a traumatic situation. Disease manifestations are characterized by polymorphism and atypical affective symptoms, which require careful differential diagnosis, considering disorders of other nosological categories and pathological pubertal crisis. Early recognition of type II bipolar affective disorder is associated with difficulties in hypomanic episode identification that are not regarded by patients as painful in most cases and are not a reason for seeking psychiatric advice and care.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2022;28(2):161-166
pages 161-166 views

Takotsubo сardiomyopathy: case report

Hosseini S.K., Shirani S., Mohagheghi S., Zandi N., Mohagheghi A., Mostafavi A.


Stress-induced cardiomyopathy, also known as takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TCM), is a type of reversible left ventricular dysfunction that occurs after emotional or physical stress and manifests as chest pain, electrocardiographic changes mimicking myocardial ischemia, cardiac enzyme elevation, transient left ventricular dysfunction involving mid and apical segments and normal or near-normal coronary angiography. This syndrome could happen after iatrogenic stressors like anesthesia or surgery. We hereby present two cases of TCM after anesthesia and surgery. In both cases, clinical, electrocardiographic, echocardiographic, and angiographic findings are employed to confirm this diagnosis.

Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2022;28(2):167-172
pages 167-172 views

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