Influence of Structural Defects on the Electrophysical Parameters of pin-Photodiodes

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The results of studies of electrophysical parameters of pin-silicon-based photodiodes, depending on their operating modes (external bias and temperature), manufactured on single-crystal silicon wafers of p-type conduction orientation (100) with ρ = 1000 ohm cm, are presented. The p+-type region (isotype junction) is created by the implantation of boron ions; the n+-type region, by the diffusion of phosphorus from the gas phase. It is established that on the voltage-current characteristics under reverse bias, three regions of dark cur-rent variation depending on the applied voltage can be distinguished, sublinear, superlinear, and linear, caused by various mechanisms of the generation-recombination processes in the depletion region of the pn-junction. A noticeable dependence of the barrier capacitance value (at a frequency of 1 kHz) and the size of the depletion region on temperature is observed only when the applied reverse voltages do not exceed the contact potential difference (V ≤ 1 V).

About the authors

N. S. Koval’chuk

OAO INTEGRAL—Holding Management Company

Minsk, 220108 Republic of Belarus

S. B. Lastovskii

Scientific and Practical Materials Research Center, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Minsk, 220072 Republic of Belarus

V. B. Odzhaev

Belarusian State University

Minsk, 220050 Republic of Belarus

A. N. Petlitskii

OAO INTEGRAL—Holding Management Company

Minsk, 220108 Republic of Belarus

V. S. Prosolovich

Belarusian State University

Minsk, 220050 Republic of Belarus

D. V. Shestovsky

OAO INTEGRAL—Holding Management Company

Minsk, 220108 Republic of Belarus

V. Yu. Yavid

Belarusian State University

Minsk, 220050 Republic of Belarus

Yu. N. Yankovskii

Belarusian State University

Author for correspondence.
Minsk, 220050 Republic of Belarus


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Copyright (c) 2023 Н.С. Ковальчук, С.Б. Ластовский, В.Б. Оджаев, А.Н. Петлицкий, В.С. Просолович, Д.В. Шестовский, В.Ю. Явид, Ю.Н. Янковский

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