
Creating Reference Standards for the Implementation of the State Verification Scheme for Water Content Measurement
Medvedevskikh M., Sergeeva A., Krasheninina M., Shokhina O.
A Procedure of Measurement of the Mass of Erythrocytes in Variable Electric Fields
Generalov K., Shuvalov G., Generalov V., Kruchinina M., Durymanov A., Buryak G., Safatov A.
Predicting Drift of the Parameters of Dynamic Systems with a Finite Number of Random Perturbative Factors
Sysoev Y.
State Primary Special Standard of the Unit of Mass Concentration of Particles in Aerodispersed Media, GET 164–2016
Kustikov Y., Kozlov D., Pinchuk O., Kramarenko Y., Vlasov D.
Development of a Combined Empirical and Computational Method of Multiple-Operation Magnetic Monitoring of Ferrous Particles
Sandulyak D., Sandulyak A., Sleptsov V., Sandulyak A., Kiselev D., Matveev V.
Calibration and Validation of Dynamic Force Transducers
Prilepko M.
Determination of Impurities in Magnesium Alloys by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Alekseev A., Yakimovich P.
Use of Mixtures of Distributions for Stochastic Prediction of the Behavior of the Parameters of Engineering Objects
Sysoev Y.
Influence of Partial Wetting on the Results of Verification of Glass Hydrometers for Ethanol
Firsov K.
State Primary Standard of the Unit of Surface Density and Unit of Mass Fraction of Elements in Coatings Get 168–2015
Kazantsev V., Medvedevskikh S., Vasil’ev A.
Estimation of Measurement Errors for the Mass of Commercial Oil and Petroleum Products Using Liquid Counters
Belyaev B., Chesnokov V.
Improvement of a Dielectric Moisture Meter Insensitive to the Mass of Material
Mefed A.
Comparison of Duplicate Standards with the National Primary Standard for the Unit of Mass in 2014–2015
Snegov V., Kamenskikh Y., Viktorov I.
Specific Features of the Tests for Tightness of Small Gas-Filled Spark Gaps Under the Conditions of Unstable Operation of the Ion Source of a Mass Spectrometer
Bushin S.
Verification of Continuous Multichannel Belt-Conveyor Weighers
Galin I.
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