
Nonparametric Estimation of the Quadratic Functional of a Multimodal Probability Density
Lapko A., Lapko V.
Fast Selection of Blur Coefficients in a Multidimensional Nonparametric Pattern Recognition Algorithm
Lapko A., Lapko V.
Fast Algorithm for Choosing Kernel Function Blur Coefficients in a Nonparametric Probability Density Estimate
Lapko A., Lapko V.
Methods for Rapid Selection of Kernel Function Blur Coefficients in a Nonparametric Pattern Recognition Algorithm
Lapko A., Lapko V.
Selection of the Blur Coefficient for Probability Density Kernel Estimates Under Conditions of Large Samples
Lapko A., Lapko V.
Selection of the Optimal Number of Intervals Sampling the Region of Values of a Two-Dimensional Random Variable
Lapko A., Lapko V.
Nonparametric Estimate of a Parzen-Type Probability Density with an Implicitly Specified Form of the Kernel
Lapko A., Lapko V.
Using Richardson Extrapolation to Improve the Accuracy of Processing and Analyzing Empirical Data
Popova O.
Discretization Method for the Range of Values of a Multi-Dimensional Random Variable
Lapko A., Lapko V.
Analysis of Optimization Methods for Nonparametric Estimation of the Probability Density with Respect to the Blur Factor of Kernel Functions
Lapko A., Lapko V.
Fast Algorithm for Choosing Blur Coefficients in Multidimensional Kernel Probability Density Estimates
Lapko A., Lapko V.
Comparative Evaluation of the Accuracy and Robustness of Various Information Processing Algorithms from Tripled Measuring Channels
Vlasov P., Khrapov F., Subota L., Cheremina E.
Comparison of the Efficiency of Methods of Digitizing the Range of Values of Dependent Random Variables During Synthesis of a Nonparametric Assessment of Two-Dimensional Probability Density
Lapko A., Lapko V.
Dependence Between Histogram Parameters and the Kernel Estimate of a Unimodal Probability Density
Lapko A., Lapko V.
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