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卷 59, 编号 8 (2023)



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Existence and Stability of Solutions with Internal Transition Layer for the Reaction–Diffusion–Advection Equation with a KPZ-Nonlinearity

Nefedov N., Orlov A.


We study a boundary value problem for a quasilinear reaction–diffusion–advection ordinary differential equation with a KPZ-nonlinearity containing the squared gradient of the unknown function. The noncritical and critical cases of existence of an internal transition layer are considered. An asymptotic approximation to the solution is constructed, and the asymptotics of the transition layer point is determined. Existence theorems are proved using the asymptotic method of differential inequalities, the Lyapunov asymptotic stability of solutions is proved by the narrowing barrier method, and instability theorems are proved with the use of unordered upper and lower solutions.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(8):1007-1021
pages 1007-1021 views

On the Monotonicity of Solutions of Nonlinear Systems with Respect to the Initial Conditions

Rodina L., Voldeab M.


We consider the autonomous system of differential equations x˙=f(x) and the solution φ(t,x)  of this system with the initial condition φ(0,x)=x. Sufficient conditions for the following monotonicity property of solutions with respect to the initial conditions are obtained: if x(0)∈Rn и y(0)∈Rn  and x(0)≤\linebreak≤y(0),, then φ(t,x(0))≤φ(t,y(0))  for all t≥0. This property is used to study the problem of almost surely estimating the average time gain for systems with random parameters.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(8):1022-1028
pages 1022-1028 views

Solution of a Singularly Perturbed Mixed Problem on the Half-Line for a Parabolic Equation with a Strong Turning Point of the Limit Operator

Eliseev A., Ratnikova T., Shaposhnikova D.


We study singularly perturbed problems in the presence of spectral singularities of the limit operator using S.A. Lomov’s regularization method. In particular, a regularized asymptotic solution is constructed for a singularly perturbed inhomogeneous mixed problem on the half-line for a parabolic equation with a strong turning point of the limit operator. Based on the idea of asymptotic integration of problems with unstable spectrum, it is shown how regularizing functions and additional regularizing operators should be introduced, the formalism of the regularization method for this type of singularity is described in detail, this algorithm is justified, and an asymptotic solution of any order in a small parameter is constructed.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(8):1029-1045
pages 1029-1045 views

The Problem of Two-Dimensional String Vibrations with a Nonlinear Condition

Zvereva M.


We study a model of small spatial transverse vibrations of a string where the deviation of any of its points from the equilibrium is characterized by two coordinates. It is assumed that in the course of vibrations one end of the string is inside a bounded closed convex set С belonging to a plane @  perpendicular to the segment along which the string is stretched. In turn, the set C can move in the plane @
, with its motion given by a mapping 
. The end of the string remains free until it touches the boundary of the set 
. After coming into contact, they move together. A formula representing the solution of the initial–boundary value problem describing this vibration process is obtained. The problem of boundary control of the vibration process is considered.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(8):1046-1056
pages 1046-1056 views

Representation of the Green’s Function of the Dirichlet Problem for the Polyharmonic Equation in the Ball

Karachik V.


We define the elementary solution of the polyharmonic equation, with the help of which an explicit representation of the Green’s function of the Dirichlet problem for the polyharmonic equation in the unit ball is given for all space dimensions except for some finite set. On the basis of the obtained Green’s function, the solution of the homogeneous Dirichlet problem in the unit ball is constructed. As an example, an explicit form of the solution of the homogeneous Dirichlet problem for the inhomogeneous polyharmonic equation with the simplest polynomial right-hand side is found.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(8):1057-1069
pages 1057-1069 views

Classical Solution of the First Mixed Problem for the Telegraph Equation with a Nonlinear Potential in a Curvilinear Quadrant

Korzyuk V., Rud'ko Y.


For the telegraph equation with a nonlinear potential in a curvilinear quadrant, we consider a mixed problem with the Cauchy conditions on a spatial half-line and the Dirichlet condition on a noncharacteristic curve. The solution of the problem is constructed by the method of characteristics in an implicit analytical form as a solution of integral equations. We study the solvability of these equations depending on the initial data and their smoothness. For the problem under consideration, the uniqueness of the solution is proved and conditions under which there exists a classical solution are established. A mild solution is constructed in the case of insufficiently smooth data of the problem.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(8):1070-1083
pages 1070-1083 views

Linear Recurrent Equations in the Space of Convex Compact Sets and the Diameters of Their Solutions

Voydelevich A.


In the space of convex compact sets with the Minkowski addition operation and the operation of multiplication of a matrix by a set, we consider linear recurrent equations of the first order. We give a complete description of such equations whose all solutions have a constant diameter. For equations of a special form, the Lyapunov exponents of the sequences of diameters of their solutions are calculated.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(8):1084-1088
pages 1084-1088 views

On the Fredholm Property and Solvability of a System of Integral Equations in the Transmission Problem for the Helmholtz Equation

Smirnov Y., Kondyrev O.


A scalar three-dimensional boundary value problem of wave diffraction for the Helmholtz equation with transmission conditions that assume the presence of an infinitely thin material at the media interface is considered. Uniqueness and existence theorems for solutions are proved. The original problem is reduced to a system of integral equations over the media interface. Calculation formulas for the system of linear algebraic equations obtained after applying the collocation method and numerical results for solving the problem when the domain is a ball with certain transmission conditions are given.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(8):1089-1097
pages 1089-1097 views

Interior of the Integral of a Set-Valued Mapping and Problems with a Linear Control System

Balashov M.


The dependence of the radius of a ball centered at zero inscribed in the values of the integral of a set-valued mapping on the upper integration limit is studied. For some types of integrals, exact asymptotics of the radius with respect to the upper limit are found when the upper limit tends to zero. Examples of finding this radius are considered. The results obtained are used to derive new sufficient conditions for the uniformly continuous dependence of the minimum time and solution-point in the linear minimum time control problem on the initial data. We also consider applications in some algorithms with a reachability set of a linear control system

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(8):1098-1109
pages 1098-1109 views

Optimal Feedback in a Linear–Quadratic Optimal Control Problem for a Fractional-Order System

Gomoyunov M., Lukoyanov N.


For a dynamical system described by a linear differential equation with a Caputo fractional derivative, we consider an optimal control problem of minimizing a quadratic terminal–integral performance functional. We propose and justify the construction of optimal feedback (optimal control synthesis) that generates the corresponding optimal control for any initial state of the system.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(8):1110-1122
pages 1110-1122 views

Quasidifferentiability and Uniform Observability of Linear Time-Varying Singularly Perturbed Systems

Tsekhan O.


For linear time-varying singularly perturbed systems (LTVSPS) with quasidifferentiable coefficients and a small parameter multiplying some derivatives, the problem of uniform observability is considered. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the quasidifferentiability of the set of output functions independent of the small parameter are proved, observability matrices independent of the small parameter for the slow subsystem and the family of fast subsystems associated with the LTVSPS are constructed, and a connection is established between them and the observability matrix of the original system. On the basis of the complete decomposition of the original LTVSPS with respect to the action of the group of linear nonsingular transformations, we prove rank sufficient conditions for the uniform observability of the LTVSPS that are independent of the small parameter and valid for all sufficiently small values of it. The conditions are expressed in terms of the observability matrices of the slow subsystem and the family of fast subsystems of smaller dimensions than the original LTVSPS.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(8):1123-1138
pages 1123-1138 views

Comparing the Spectra of Oscillation Exponents of a Nonlinear System and the First Approximation System

Stash A.


We study the oscillation exponents of differential systems. It is established that there is no dependence between the spectra of oscillation exponents of a nonlinear system and the system of its first approximation; namely, a two-dimensional nonlinear system is constructed such that the spectra of oscillation exponents of its restriction to any open neighborhood of zero on the phase plane consist of all rational numbers in the interval and the spectra of the linear system of its first approximation consist of only one element.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(8):1139-1142
pages 1139-1142 views

O seminare po problemam nelineynoy dinamiki i upravleniya pri moskovskom gosudarstvennom universitete im. M.V. Lomonosova

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Ниже публикуются краткие аннотации докладов, состоявшихся в весеннем семестре 2023 г. (предыдущее сообщение о работе семинара дано в журнале ``Дифференц. уравнения''. 2023. Т. 59. № 2; за дополнительной информацией обращаться по адресу: nds@cs.msu.su. Семинар основан академиками РАН С.В. Емельяновым и С.К. Коровиным. Составитель хроники А.В. Ильин.
Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(8):1143-1154
pages 1143-1154 views