On the Monotonicity of Solutions of Nonlinear Systems with Respect to the Initial Conditions

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We consider the autonomous system of differential equations x˙=f(x) and the solution φ(t,x)  of this system with the initial condition φ(0,x)=x. Sufficient conditions for the following monotonicity property of solutions with respect to the initial conditions are obtained: if x(0)∈Rn и y(0)∈Rn  and x(0)≤\linebreak≤y(0),, then φ(t,x(0))≤φ(t,y(0))  for all t≥0. This property is used to study the problem of almost surely estimating the average time gain for systems with random parameters.

About the authors

L. I Rodina

Vladimir State University, Vladimir, 600000, Russia; National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Moscow, 119049, Russia

Email: LRodina67@mail.ru
Владимир, Россия; Москва, Россия

M. S Voldeab

Vladimir State University, Vladimir, 600000, Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: mebseb2018@gmail.com
Владимир, Россия


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