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No 3 (2024)

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Variable agreement and the structure of coordination

Grashchenkov P.V.


Modern formal approaches to syntax propose different underlying structures for coordinate constructions. At the same time, none of them describe the entire set of properties of coordination, including variable predicate agreement in number (and gender). The goal of the paper is to define the internal organization of coordinate phrases. As the study of examples from the Russian treebank demonstrates, in addition to the previously known factors, the choice of agreement strategy is also influenced by the linear length of conjuncts and the distance between them and the verbal head. Additionally, the strategy of matching the nearest (and not necessarily the first) conjunct is relevant for Russian. We present and analyze the corpus data and conclude that there is no hierarchical organization in coordination. This lets us elaborate on some general ideas about syntactic derivation put forward by Noam Chomsky.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2024;(3):7-30
pages 7-30 views

Toward a historical grammar of elevation in Kartvelian

Rostovtsev-Popiel A.A., Chukhua M.J.


This paper in detail addresses and, for the first time in the field, presents linguistic evidence related to the expression of elevational semantics in the Kartvelian languages. The domains of its expression include a wide range of parts of speech, such as adverbs, adjectives, postpositions, and verbs. Provided with a broad synchronic illustrative base, as well as with respective diachronic commentaries, the material under discussion is meant to lay the groundwork for the establishment of a diachronic grammar of elevation in Kartvelian.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2024;(3):31-59
pages 31-59 views

Continuative constructions in the Lezgic languages and their use in parallel contexts (in the Gospel of Luke translations)

Maisak T.A.


The paper presents an overview of grammaticalized constructions expressing the continuative meaning ‘still do, continue doing’, attested in a number of languages of the Lezgic branch (< Nakh-Daghestanian), although enjoying very little attention from researchers. A peculiarity of four Lezgic languages is the existence of a stative verb describing continuation of existence or staying in a certain place (‘still be, remain’). It is this verb that is found as an auxiliary in continuative constructions of East Lezgic languages and Rutul; in Archi, periphrastic continuative forms are based on dedicated continuative converbs, while the auxiliary is a simple copula. In addition, I discuss the use of continuative constructions, as well as other means of expressing the continuative meaning, in parallel contexts from the Gospel of Luke translations (seven translations into six Lezgic languages were taken into account). According to cross-linguistic studies of the continuative by Panova (2021, 2023), the continuative meaning is unambiguously present in 17 contexts in the Gospel of Luke. The present paper demonstrates in which of these contexts the means of expressing the continuative meaning were most frequently used and which particular means were employed, as well as which languages explicitly express the continuative meaning more often than others. On the whole, in more than a half of all cases the continuative meaning is not expressed by an explicit grammatical or lexical means other than imperfective verb forms. At the same time, the three East Lezgic languages, as well as Rutul, make use of stative verbs meaning ‘still be, remain’, both as a lexical verb and as an auxiliary, and also of adverbs. Tsakhur and Udi, which lack dedicated continuative constructions, only use adverbs in the respective contexts, the use of adverbs in these two languages being more frequent than in languages possessing continuative constructions.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2024;(3):60-98
pages 60-98 views

Semantic field SEARCH in Amguema Chukchi: From morphosyntax to semantics and back

Starchenko A.M.


The study describes the semantic field of search in Amguema Chukchi within the frame-based approach to lexical typology. I discuss lexical items of the macroframe of seeking an object (‘search for something’): the verb qərirək and the lexical affixes ‑rerək and ‑ɣiɬik; verbs of the macroframe of searching space (‘search some place’): ojpətkok и rəritɬʔewək; and the verb enarerək, which covers both macroframes and can also describe objectless search. In addition to unveiling semantic oppositions within each macroframe, the study examines in detail the interaction of morphosyntax, etymology, and semantics of the items of the field. First, a historical explanation is provided for the properties of the verb enarerək, unique with respect to valency expression, which yields its broad semantics. The explanation is based on the historical presence of the antipassive prefix in this verb and, at the same time, on the fact that this voice alternation has been lost in the Amguema dialect. Secondly, differences in the behavior of independent lexemes and lexical affixes that compete in the macroframe of searching for an object are considered. I conclude that there is a correlation between the referentiality of the searched object and the degree of boundedness of the morpheme with the meaning ‘to search’. Noticeably, the correlation within the semantic field of search manifests itself in the form of combinability restrictions that are not obligatory for independent verbs or lexical affixes outside the field. Thirdly, for the macroframe of searching space, I trace the transmission of semantic restrictions on combinability from the source field.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2024;(3):99-127
pages 99-127 views

The alternation of stem-internal а and о: Can we say that it is determined by pragmatics

Shmelev A.D.


This article critically examines the hypothesis regarding the emergence of the sound [o] in the place of the expected [a] (and, accordingly, in written form, the occurrence of о in the place of the expected а) is a regular mechanism marking the informality of a word (its association with slang, colloquial language, and other non-standardized areas of the language). It shows that externally similar phenomena conceal completely different linguistic mechanisms. In particular, quite often the appearance of о is a side effect of the shifted stress in word inflection. The examples considered confirm a general principle of spell checking: slang and colloquial words cannot be used for checking. It is claimed that this principle should be taken into account in spelling guides and references.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2024;(3):128-139
pages 128-139 views

Neg-raising in Russian Sing Language

Dubyaga A.O.


The article is devoted to the primary search for neg-raising in Russian Sign Language. Neg-raising is a phenomenon of syntactic or pragma-semantic nature that occurs when a matrix verb takes over the negation from a dependent clause, while semantically negation pertains to a dependent verb. Neg-raising has been thoroughly studied in sound languages, but sign languages were not previously included in a typological review: there are only four studies that consider the neg-raising phenomenon. A corpus analysis revealed the neg-raising verbs of the propositional attitude want, love, need. During the experiment, consisting of two diagnostic tests and a questionnaire, the results of the corpus study were confirmed, and think was also identified as a verb that can take over the negation from a dependent clause.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2024;(3):140-153
pages 140-153 views


pages 154-160 views

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