Semantic field SEARCH in Amguema Chukchi: From morphosyntax to semantics and back

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The study describes the semantic field of search in Amguema Chukchi within the frame-based approach to lexical typology. I discuss lexical items of the macroframe of seeking an object (‘search for something’): the verb qərirək and the lexical affixes ‑rerək and ‑ɣiɬik; verbs of the macroframe of searching space (‘search some place’): ojpətkok и rəritɬʔewək; and the verb enarerək, which covers both macroframes and can also describe objectless search. In addition to unveiling semantic oppositions within each macroframe, the study examines in detail the interaction of morphosyntax, etymology, and semantics of the items of the field. First, a historical explanation is provided for the properties of the verb enarerək, unique with respect to valency expression, which yields its broad semantics. The explanation is based on the historical presence of the antipassive prefix in this verb and, at the same time, on the fact that this voice alternation has been lost in the Amguema dialect. Secondly, differences in the behavior of independent lexemes and lexical affixes that compete in the macroframe of searching for an object are considered. I conclude that there is a correlation between the referentiality of the searched object and the degree of boundedness of the morpheme with the meaning ‘to search’. Noticeably, the correlation within the semantic field of search manifests itself in the form of combinability restrictions that are not obligatory for independent verbs or lexical affixes outside the field. Thirdly, for the macroframe of searching space, I trace the transmission of semantic restrictions on combinability from the source field.

About the authors

Aleksey M. Starchenko

HSE University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow


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