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Vol 88, No 4 (2023)

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Epigenetic mechanisms of the maternal hyperhomocysteinemia influence on the placenta functional state and the offspring nervous system plasticity

Arutjunyan A.V., Milyutina Y.P., Shcherbitskaia A.D., Kerkeshko G.O., Zalozniaia I.V.


According to modern concepts, the susceptibility to certain diseases, especially to cognitive and neuropsychiatric disorders, can be formed during the period of embryonic development. Adverse factors that affect the mother during pregnancy increase the risk of the pathology development in the postnatal period. Despite the relationship found between elevated maternal blood levels of the amino acid homocysteine (Hcy) and fetal brain formation impairments, as well as cognitive deficits in offspring, the role of brain plasticity in the development of these pathologies is still insufficiently studied. This review allows to be acquainted with the available data on the negative impact of hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) on the neural plasticity. An important aspect of the problem considered in the review is the possible influence of maternal HHcy on the offspring brain plasticity through the epigenetic mechanisms. Data on changes in intracellular methylation potential, activity of DNA methyltransferases, and DNA methylation in brain cells under the influence of HHcy are presented, and possible effects of HHcy on histone modifications and microRNA expression are considered. Since placenta plays a key role in the transport of nutrients and modulation of signals from mother to fetus, its dysfunction due to epigenetic mechanisms disturbances may affect the development of the fetal CNS. In this regard, the review presents data on the impact of maternal HHcy on the epigenetic regulation in the placenta. The data presented in the review are not only of theoretical significance, but are also of interest for understanding the role of epigenetic mechanisms in the pathogenesis of diseases for which HHcy is a risk factor (pregnancy pathologies accompanied by delayed fetal brain development, cognitive impairments in childhood and neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders later in life), as well as the search for approaches to their prevention using neuroprotectors.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(4):531-557
pages 531-557 views

Neuronal exosomes as a new signaling system

Yakovlev A.A.


Every year more and more works are devoted to the study of neuronal exosomes. The potential of exosomes as diagnostic markers for neurodegenerative diseases has been significantly explored., and similar marker search patterns have been adopted for the study of psychiatric pathologies. The fundamentals of exosome biogenesis in different cell types have been elucidated., the physiological significance of exosomes is being actively studied., and many aspects of signaling with their participation are being elucidated. At the same time., data have been accumulated pointing to the role of exosomal signaling as an important element of interneuronal communication. Do we have enough evidence to call exosomes a new non-canonical neurotransmitter in the brain? This discussion work is devoted to answering this question., in which the author presents to the scientific community the concept of the possible role of brain exosomes as a signaling system.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(4):558-568
pages 558-568 views

Brain CoA and acetyl CoA system in mechanisms of neurodegeneration

Moiseenok A.G., Kanunnikova N.P.


The processes of biotransformation of pantothenic acid (Pan) in the biosynthesis and hydrolysis of CoA, the key role of pantothenate kinase (PANK) and CoA synthetase (CoASY) in the formation of the priority mitochondrial pool of CoA, with a high metabolic turnover of the coenzyme and limited transport of Pan across the blood-brain barrier are considered. The system of acetyl-CoA, a secondary messenger, the main substrate of acetylation processes, including the formation of N-acetylaspartate and acetylcholine, post-translational modification of histones, determines the protection of neurons from degenerative signals and cholinergic neurotransmission. The biochemical mechanisms of neurodegenerative syndromes in PANK and CoASY defects and the possibility of correcting the development of CoA biosynthesis in knockout models for these enzymes are described. The data of a post-mortem study of the brain of patients with Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s diseases are presented, proving Pan deficiency in the CNS, which is especially pronounced in pathognomonic neurostructures. In the frontal cortex of patients with Parkinson’s disease, combined immunofluorescence of anti-CoA- and anti-tau protein was detected, reflecting CoAlation during dimerization of the tau protein and its redox sensitivity. The redox activity and antioxidant properties of the precursors of CoA biosynthesis were confirmed in vitro on synaptosomal membranes and mitochondria in the modeling of aluminum neurotoxicosis, accompanied by a decrease in the level of CoA in the CNS. The ability of CoA biosynthesis precursors to stabilize the glutathione pool in neurostructures, in particular, in the hippocampus, is considered as a pathogenetic protection mechanism when exposed to neurotoxins, the development of neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration, and justifies the combined use of Pan derivatives (for example, D-panthenol) and glutathione precursors (N-acetylcysteine). Taking into account the discovery of new functions of CoA - redox-dependent processes of CoAlation of proteins, the possible association of oxidative stress and deficiency of Pan (CoA) in neurodegenerative pathology, the study of the bioavailability and biotransformation of Pan derivatives, in particular, D-panthenol, 4′-phospho-pantetheine, its acylated derivatives and compositions with redox pharmacological compounds are promising as potential etiopathogenetic agents.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(4):569-587
pages 569-587 views

Neuroinflammation in the pathogenesis of the audiogenic epilepsy: altered proinflammatory cytokine levels in Krushinsky-Molodkina seizure-prone rats

Surina N.M., Fedotova I.B., Nikolaev G.M., Grechenko V.V., Gankovskaya L.V., Ogurtsova A.D., Poletaeva I.I.


Neuroinflammation plays an important role in epileptogenesis, however, most studies are performed on pharmacological models of epilepsy, while data on non-invasive, including genetic, models are practically absent. In Krushinsky-Molodkina (KM) strain rats with high genetically caused predisposition to AE (intensive audiogenic seizure fit in response to the action of sound) and in the control strain “0” (not predisposed to AE), the levels of a number of pro-inflammatory cytokines were investigated using multiplex immunofluorescence magnetic assay (MILLIPLEX map Kit). Cytokine levels were determined in the dorsal striatum tissue and in the brain stem. Background levels of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α in the dorsal striatum of KM rats were significantly lower than in rats “0” (32.31, 27.84 and 38.87% of decrease, respectively, p < 0.05, 0.05 and 0.01), whereas in the brain stem in the “background” state of interstrain differences in levels of these metabolites were not detected. 4 h after sound exposure, the TNF-α level in the dorsal striatum of KM rats was significantly (38.34%, p < 0.01) lower than in “0” rats. In KM rats, after the action of sound and the subsequent seizure fit, the levels of IL-1β and IL-6 in the dorsal striatum were significantly higher compared to the background (35.29 and 50.21%, of increase, p < 0.05, 0.01, respectively). The IL-2 level in KM rats in the background state was not detected, whereas after audiogenic seizures its level was 14.01 pg/ml (significantly higher, p < 0.01). In the brain stem of KM rats, the levels of IL-1β and TNF-α after audiogenic seizures were significantly lower than in the background (13.23 and 23.44% of decrease, respectively, p < 0.05). In rats of the “0” strain, the levels of cytokines in the dorsal striatum after the action of sound (which did not cause AE seizures) did not differ from those in the background, while the levels of IL-1β in their brain stem were lower than in the background (40.28%, p < 0.01). Thus, the differences between the background levels of cytokines and those after the action of sound were different in rats that differed in their predisposition to AE, which suggests the involvement of these metabolites in the pathophysiology of epilepsy.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(4):588-599
pages 588-599 views

Pathogenetic mechanisms of mental disorders: endogenous intoxication

Uzbekov M.G.


There is described the existence of the syndrome of endogenous intoxication in patients with mental disorders. Oxidative stress, middle-mass endotoxic molecules, disorders in functional properties of the blood albumin and the thiols of the albumin, disturbances in the state of the neurotrophic factors and in the activity of several enzymes, including monoamine oxidase and semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase, contribute to the development of the endogenous intoxication. We introduce the scheme of the possible pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of the endogenous intoxication and the ways of its overcoming.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(4):600-613
pages 600-613 views

Molecular mechanisms of astrocyte involvement in synaptogenesis and brain synaptic plasticity

Khaspekov L.G., Frumkina L.E.


Astrocytes perform a wide range of important functions in the brain. As structural and functional components of synapses, astrocytes secrete various factors (proteins, lipids, small molecules, etc.) that bind to neuronal receptor and contribute to synaptogenesis and regulation of synaptic contacts. Astrocytic factors play a key role in the formation of neural networks undergoing short- and long-term synaptic morphological and functional rearrangements essential in the memory formation and behavior. The review summarizes the data on the molecular mechanisms mediating the involvement of astrocyte-secreted factors in synaptogenesis in the brain and provides up-to-date information on the role of astrocytes and astrocytic synaptogenic factors in the long-term plastic rearrangements of synaptic contacts.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(4):614-628
pages 614-628 views

Activation of embryonic gene transcription in neural precursor cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells of patients with Parkinson’s disease

Fedoseyeva V.B., Novosadova E.V., Nenasheva V.V., Novosadova L.V., Grivennikov I.A., Tarantul V.Z.


Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases in the world. Despite numerous studies, the causes of this pathology remain completely unknown. This is, among other things, due to the difficulty of obtaining biological material for analysis. Neural cell cultures derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) serve as a great potential for studying the molecular events underlying the pathogenesis of PD. This paper presents the results of bioinformatic analysis of data obtained using RNA-seq technology in the study of neural precursors (NP) obtained from iPSCs of healthy donors and patients with PD carrying various mutations that are a common cause of familial PD. This analysis showed that in NP cells obtained from PD patients, unlike healthy donors, the level of transcription of genes actively expressed in the nervous system at the embryonic stage of development was significantly increased. Bioinformatic data are generally confirmed by real-time PCR. The data obtained suggest that one of the causes of PD may be an abnormal process of enhancing the expression of embryonic genes during differentiation of neural cells (dematuration).
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(4):629-641
pages 629-641 views

Acute and chronic lipopolysaccharide-induced stress changes expression of proinflammatory cytokine genes in the rat brain region-specifically and affects learning and memory

Zaichenko M.I., Philenko P., Sidorina V., Grigoryan G.A.


The purpose of the current work was a comparative analysis of the effects of acute and chronic lipopolysaccharide stress on behavior of rats in the Morris water maze and expression of mRNA proinflammatory cytokines and BDNF in different brain structures. The relevance of this study is related with a weak knowledge of the effects of acute and chronic stress on manifestation of cognitive brain functions, ambiguity of influences of both stresses on the hypothalamic-pituatary axis and expression of the proinflammatory cytokines genes, as well as contradictory data in the literature. In experiments on rats, the acute lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stress improved learning in the Morris water maze. For the period of learning, the rats swam on average less distance to reach a hidden platform and spent less time in the outer zone of the pool (tigmotaxis) and had a low speed compared to the control animals and a group of rats with chronic LPS stress. In a probe trial without a platform in the pool there were no significant differences between groups on time spent in the platform quadrant and distance swum. The acute stress produced a substantial increase of TNF-α and IL-1β concentration in the hippocampus and amygdala, but not in the frontal cortex relative to the control animals. Although the chronic stress increased the levels of TNF-α and IL-1β in the amygdala and hippocampus compared to the control groups, the significance between the groups was only marginal and the concentration of BDNF did not differ from the control animals in none of the structures mentioned. The concentration of IL-6 marginally increased in acute LPS stress in the amygdala and marginally decreased chronic LPS stress in the hippocamus relative to the saline control groups. In total, the most clear molecular-biochemical changes occurred in the amygdala and hippocampus, where the increase of interleukines TNF-α and IL-1β were seen in the acute and chronic LPS stress and no changes in BDNF concentration in the frontal cortex.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(4):642-655
pages 642-655 views

Comparative investigation of glutamate and GABA gene expression in the hippocampus after focal brain ischemia and central lps administration

Kalinina T.S., Shishkina G.T., Lanshakov D.A., Sukhareva E.V., Onufriev M.V., Moiseeva Y.V., Gulyaeva N.V., Dygalo N.N.


Among the responses in the early stages of stroke, activation of neurodegenerative and proinflammatory processes in the hippocampus is of key importance for the development of negative post-ischemic functional consequences. However, it remains unclear which genes are involved in these processes. The aim of this work was a comparative study of the expression of genes encoding glutamate and GABA transporters and receptors, as well as inflammation markers in the hippocampus one day after two types of ischemic exposure (according to Koizumi - MCAO-MK, and Longa - MCAO-ML), as well as after direct pro-inflammatory activation by central administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The results obtained revealed both differences and similarities between the responses to the impacts applied in the work. A greater number of genes that changed the expression associated with the activation of apoptosis and neuroinflammation, glutamate reception, and markers of the GABAergic system were found after MCAO-ML and LPS, than after MCAO-MK. In turn, MCAO-MK and LPS were characterized, in comparison with MCAO-ML, by changes in a larger number of genes involved in glutamate transport. The most pronounced difference between MCAO-ML and MCAO-MK and LPS was changes in the expression of genes for calmodulin and calmodulin-dependent kinases. The revealed features of the responses of the hippocampal transcriptome to two types of ischemia and a pro-inflammatory stimulus will contribute to further understanding of the causes of the diversity of stroke consequences, both in model studies and in the clinic.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(4):656-670
pages 656-670 views

Myelin olygodendrocyte glycoprotein - autoantigen in inflammatory demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system

Eliseeva D.D., Zakharova M.N.


Demyelinating diseases of the CNS are a result of an autoimmune attack to the myelin sheaths surrounding axons. Their structural proteins become antigenic and as a result, myelin lesions appear. The identification of specific antibodies directed against the components of myelin, using highly specialized methods of laboratory diagnostics, can significantly improve diagnostic approaches. Currently, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease (MOGAD) consists of demyelinating syndromes with an identified antigen. The pathogenic role of human MOG-IgG has been demonstrated, which makes it possible to isolate this disease into a separate nosological form. However, for the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) gene, alternative splicing can produce various isoforms, which hinders antigen detection even for the most advanced techniques of immunofluorescence analysis. On the other hand, MOG conformational changes provide the structural integrity of other myelin proteins and maintain immune autotolerance mechanisms that are unique to humans.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(4):671-687
pages 671-687 views

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