Pathogenetic mechanisms of mental disorders: endogenous intoxication

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There is described the existence of the syndrome of endogenous intoxication in patients with mental disorders. Oxidative stress, middle-mass endotoxic molecules, disorders in functional properties of the blood albumin and the thiols of the albumin, disturbances in the state of the neurotrophic factors and in the activity of several enzymes, including monoamine oxidase and semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase, contribute to the development of the endogenous intoxication. We introduce the scheme of the possible pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of the endogenous intoxication and the ways of its overcoming.

About the authors

M. G Uzbekov

Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry - branch of V. Serbsky National Research Center of Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

107258 Moscow, Russia


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