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Brevilinea kevei (Bacillariophyta)—a New Genus and Species for the Flora of Russia

Genkal S., Eremkina T.


This scanning electron microscopy study of phytoplankton from the Nizhny-Tagil Reservoir has revealed a small-sized genus and species of diatoms, Brevilinea kevei, new to the flora of Russia. Small differences from the original description in the minimum values of the valve width and a higher variability range of the number of striae in 10 µm allow the authors to refine the species description. New data on the location make it possible to clarify the ecology and geographical range of Brevilinea kevei.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):131-133
pages 131-133 views

Is Aquatic Fern Salvinia natans (Salviniaceae) Rare in Russia?

Konotop N., Vinogradova Y., Chemeris E., Bobrov A.


According to publication and literature, herbarium data, materials of Internet resources, the change in distribution of aquatic fern Salvinia natans (Salviniaceae) on Russian territory was traced since the beginning of XX century until 2021, and the current boundaries of its range were determined. Among the bioclimatic and temperature indicators that determine the distribution of S. natans, the minimum and maximum temperatures in October and January and the maximum temperatures in April and July showed the highest statistical significance, which is associated with important stages of the life cycle of S. natans. Comparison of species localities with climatic and temperature indicators for the time periods of 1960–1969, 2010–2018, 2011–2021 showed that up to 2021 in the European part, West Siberia, and the Far East there was significant spreading of S. natans to the north (more than 200 km). A notable increase in the number of records of the species has been found since the 2000s in different regions. For example, in the Ivanovo Region from 2018 to 2021 their number has increased more than three time. The expansion of the species occurs against the background of a noticeable increase in average annual temperatures and changes in other bioclimatic indicators. If present temperature trends continue, S. natans will expand its range even further north, east, and west in European Russia, north and west in West Siberia and the Far East. Due to the ongoing expansion of S. natans, the premises for the exclusion of the species from a number of regional Red Data Books were discussed.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):134-145
pages 134-145 views


New Species of Section Typha (Typha L., Typhaceae) from the Northern Part of Sakhalin Island

Krasnova A., Efremov A.


A description of a new species, the coastal cattail Typha litoralis, collected in the coastal areas of the Sea of Okhotsk is given. Habitually, the plants differ from T. latifolia and T. laxmannii, has been reported Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Islands. The new species is morphologically closest to T. krasnovae Doweld.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):146-151
pages 146-151 views

Amphimonhystrella tropica sp. n. and Oncholaimus mekongis sp. n. (Nematoda) from the Mouth of the Mekong River, Vietnam

Gagarin V., Gusakov V.


Illustrated descriptions of two new nematode species, Amphimonhystrella tropica sp. n. and Oncholaimus mekongis sp. n., found in the mouth of the Mekong River (Vietnam) are given. А. tropica is close to A. major Gagarin, Nguyen Dinh Tu, 2021 and A. paramonovi Phan Ke Long, Nguyen Dinh Tu, Gagarin by body size. It differs from first species in pharyngostoma shape, thiker body, longer tail and spicules, and absence of posterior uterus sac. It differs from second species in thicker body, longer spicules and another gubernaculum structure. Daptonema paramonovi Phan Ke Long, Nguyen Dinh Tu, Gagarin, 2020 is transferred to the genus Amphimonhystrella Timm, 1961: A. paramonovi (Phan Ke Long, Nguyen Dinh Tu, Gagarin, 2020) comb. nov. Dichotomy and pictorial keys for the identification of males of valid species of the genus Amphimonhystrella are given. Oncholaimus mekongis sp. n. is close to O. balli (Kreis, 1934) and O. menzeli Schneider, 1973 by body size and spicules length. It differs from both species in the presence of big spiny seta before to cloaca, position of ventral papillae at tail of males, thicker body, shorter outer labial setae and longer and slender males tail.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):152-163
pages 152-163 views

Features of the Organization of the Tegument in Cystacanth and Adult Acanthocephalan Acanthocephalus tenuirostris

Davydenko T., Nikishin V.


A comparative light- and electron-microscopic study of the tegument of a formed cystacanth and a mature acanthocephalan Acanthocephalus tenuirostris (Achmerov et Dombrowskaja – Achmerova, 1941) was carried out. It was shown that, in addition to morphometric differences, the tegument of cystacanth differs from that of the adult acanthocephalan by terminal expansions of invaginates of the outer tegument membrane, presumably due to the secretion of glycocalyx material. In the tegument of an adult acanthocephalan, a process of detachment from the nuclei of small fragments was found, which may be an analogue of the well-known process of nuclear fragmentation that occurs at the early stages of postembryonic development. It has been shown that in many cases tegument lacunae are not completely limited by dense formations resembling fibrils on sections.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):164-172
pages 164-172 views

Otolith Biometry of Pikeperch Sander lucioperca from the Lakes Region of Turkey

Koca H., Küçükköse A.


The present study aimed to confirm the existence of relationships between the otolith size (otolith length, otolith breadht, otolith area, and otolith weight) and the size of Sander. lucioperca (L., 1758) from Eğirdir and Beyşehir Lake, Turkey. The length-weight relationships were defined as W = 0.0030L3.386 (R2 = 0.993) for females, W = 0.0032L3.309 (R2 = 0.987) for males from the Eğirdir Lake, and W = 0.0033L3.339 (R2 = 0.977) for females, W = 0.0024L3.410 (R2 = 0.976) for males from the Beyşehir Lake. No significant relations total length and otolith length (OL), otolith breadth (OB), area (A), and otolith weight (OW) were found both the sexes and all the localities. The maximum coefficient of determination were observed between total length and OL, A and OW, while the minimum was observed for OB. The results showed that can be used for the monitoring of stocks in pikeperch populations benefit otolith size.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):173
pages 173 views


The Influence of Abiotic Factors on the Structural and Functional Characteristics of the Diatom Algae Cerataulina pelagica (Сleve) Hendey

Stelmakh L.


Using the electron microscopy method, the species identity of the diatom Cerataulina pelagica, isolated in pure culture from the coastal waters of the Black Sea in September 2021, was confirmed. The range of optimal temperature values for the development of this species was identified. The impact of light and biogenic substances on its main structural and functional characteristics has been studied. Acclimation of C. pelagica to various light intensities was carried out by changing the efficiency of photosystem II, the C/Chl a ratio, and the specific growth rate. The morphometric parameters of cells (volume, surface area, and specific surface area) changed slightly in the studied light range – 8.5–510 μE/(m2 · s). The transfer of C. pelagica cells, which have the maximum intracellular pool of nutrients, to seawater depleted in nutrients caused a rapid increase in the C/Chl a ratio, as well as a decrease in the efficiency of photosystem II, the relative rate of electron transport, and the specific growth rate. A high degree of toxicity with copper ion in low concentrations in relation to the studied species was shown.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):174-184
pages 174-184 views


Vegetation of Lakes and Springs in the Western Kazakhstan

Sergaliev N., Sarsenova B., Idrisova G., Akhmedenov K., Gubasheva B.


The vegetation of 5 lakes and 40 springs of Western Kazakhstan was considered. The relationship between the degree of mineralization and the composition of vegetation was revealed. The anthropogenic factor influences the vegetation of lakes and springs by increasing the number of ruderal and halophytic plants. With a decrease in the water level in lakes, processes of active salinization of the water area and the coastal part are observed, an indicator of which is vegetation. In the territories adjacent to the springs, the dominant role of mesotrophs and megatrophs in the structure of the flora of the springs was noted, which indicates the predominance of soils and soils with sufficient and excessive content of nutrients in the studied area. The flora of the region’s springs has a low degree of similarity. Cluster analysis of the flora of spring tracts confirmed the heterogeneity of quantitative species composition.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):185-193
pages 185-193 views


Spatiotemporal Variation of Planktonic Rotifers in Surface Water of a Eutrophic Reservoir in the Southern Subtropical Region of China (2011‒2020)

Gao Y., Lai Z., Liu E., Yang W., Liu Q.


The trophic status of a reservoir in the southern subtropical region of China was evaluated by non-biological environmental factors from 2011 to 2020. The relationship between the community structure of planktonic rotifers and eutrophication was examined based on the species composition, dominant species, standing crop, and biodiversity index of the planktonic rotifers in the surface water. The results showed that the reservoir was continually slightly eutrophic. The dominant species of planktonic rotifers were mesosaprobic species such as Polyarthra trigla and Brachionus angularis. The overall abundance fluctuated between 438 and 1360 ind./L; biomass fluctuated between 520 and 1613 μg/L, and the biodiversity index fluctuated between 1.27 and 2.43. Redundancy analysis showed that chlorophyll a content, water transparency, total phosphorus, and water temperature had significant impacts on the abundance of planktonic rotifers. The results demonstrate a close relationship between the community structure of planktonic rotifers and eutrophication. In other words, eutrophication was the main cause of the changes in the community structure of planktonic rotifers in surface water.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):194-195
pages 194-195 views

Horizontal Heterogeneities of Functioning of Phyto- and Zooplankton in a Lake With Wind Currents

Tolomeev A., Dubovskaya O., Kravchuk E., Anishchenko O., Drobotov A.


A hypothesis about the formation of horizontal heterogeneities of zooplankton and phytoplankton for the lake subjected to regular daily changes in wind currents has been tested. Formation of horizontal heterogeneities is based on a combination of low-amplitude vertical migration of zooplankton and epilimnion wind currents: surface currents, which bring water depleted in zooplankton to the downwind shore (in the direction in which the wind is blowing), and compensatory above-thermocline ones, which bring zooplankton-enriched water to the upwind shore (against the wind). The spatial separation of phytoplankton and zooplankton may result in the weakening of trophic links between these trophic levels. The hypothesis was tested in 2020 in the pelagic zone of Lake Shira (Khakassia, Russia), a brackish meromictic water body with simple bathymetry and a simple food web. The epilimnion horizontal heterogeneities were assessed using a survey across the lake by measuring biological and physical parameters with a submersible fluorimeter probe and a plankton net at 11 stations and recording the dynamics of wind speed and direction. Differences in the values of primary production, plankton destruction, and intensity of phytoplankton grazing by zooplankton near the downwind and upwind shores were estimated using the bottle method in 3 experiments. The experiments confirmed the expected differences in the functioning of the trophic cascade near the northeastern (more often upwind during the day and downwind at night) and south-southwestern (downwind during the day and upwind at night) shores. Namely, the concentration of chlorophyll a, the gross and net primary production of phytoplankton (estimated by bottle and fluorescent methods), and the daily intensity of zooplankton feeding (based on chlorophyll) were higher near the southern coast, while the biomass of net zooplankton and the respiration rate of the plankton community were higher near the northeastern shore, which coincided with the pattern of phyto- and zooplankton distribution over the lake according to the sampling data under similar weather conditions. The hypothesis was confirmed and supplemented by the data on the evening-night vertical migrations of zooplankton.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):196-209
pages 196-209 views

Distribution of the Mass Species of Benthic Crustacean on Nearshore Slope the Ladoga Lake

Zuyev Y.


The species list and distribution of crustacean of a nearshore zone of the Valaam Island (Ladoga Lake) have been investigated by sampler-syringe, dredge and video records. On the depth 1–25 m the five species of crustacean: Asellus aquaticus (Linnaeus, 1758), Monoporeia affinis (Lindström, 1855), Pallaseopsis quadrispinosa (G.O. Sars, 1867), Gmelinoides fasciatus (Stebbing, 1899), Mysis relicta Lovén, 1862 were described. For the first time the vertical distribution of naturalized Baikal amphipods G. fasciatus were inventoried and their features of joint residence with local species were characterized. The distribution of the alien species reliably connected with wave intensity, types of grounds and depth range. The most numerous local species P. quadrispinosa distribution affects by depth range. The types of grounds do not influence on the quantity of all indigenous crustacean in the nearshore zone. In all condition the local species successfully compete with G. fasciatus. All these species inhabit of littoral have higher resistance for wave action as compared with non-indigenous species. It guarantees existence of refuges which can safe diversity of the indigenous species. The obtained data on the spatial distribution of crustaceans make possible to characterize the benthic communities of the little-studied parts of the littoral and sublittoral and, as a result, the food base of bentophagous fishes.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):210-223
pages 210-223 views

Present State of Zoobenthos in Small Reservoirs of Nothern Slope Baltic-Caspian Watershid of Volgo-Baltic Water Way

Ivicheva K., Filonenko I.


In 2010–2013 first investigation of benthic fauna in Novinkinskiy, Belousovskiy and Vytegorskiy water reservoirs were carried out. Totally 103 species of zoobenthos were found. Increase of abundance, species richness and diversity in range profundal–open littoral–thicket littoral was recorded. In profundal of all reservoirs was found complex of species Limnodrilus hoffmeisteriProcladius. In littoral structure of zoobenthos communities depended from type of substrate and thicket species. Maximum abundance of zoobenthos was recorded in anomaly hot 2010. In comparison with located to the south Volga reservoirs, Novinkinskiy, Belousovskiy Vytegorskiy reservoirs characterized low abundance and species richness.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):224-232
pages 224-232 views

Features of Zoobenthos of Mesohumus Lakes of the Republic of Karelia in a Natural State

Savosin E., Savosin D.


The results of studies of the current state of zoobenthic communities of lakes Sukkozero and Gimolskoye, located in the western part of the Republic of Karelia (Muezersky district), are presented. Under conditions of high color and low mineralization of waters, communities are formed with a predominance of chironomid larvae, caddisflies, mayflies, and oligochaetes. Biomass and abundance indicators in 2017–2018 were within 0.41–0.75 g/m2 and 315–685 ind./m2 in the lake Sukkozero and 0.41–0.93 g/m2 and 220–346 ind./m2 in the lake Gimolskoye. The highest values of abundance and biomass were noted in biotopes of silty soils (overgrown littoral and profundal), the lowest values in the biotope of sandy littoral. According to the level of quantitative development of zoobenthos, Sukkozero belongs to oligotrophic water bodies; Gimolskoye – mesotrophic. The experience of using common biotic indices for assessing the ecological quality of waters (Mayer, oligochaete, saprobity, chironomid) indicates that low mineralization and high humus content can affect their performance and distort the assessment of real organic pollution.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):233-242
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Dependence of the Distribution of Alien Species of Macrozoobenthos on the Type and Composition of Soil in the Volga and Kama Reservoirs

Kurina E., Seleznev D., Sherysheva N.


The result of studies of macrozoobenthos in the reservoirs of the Volga and Kama cascades is an assessment of the biotopic confinement of alien species. A reliably significant dependence of the abundance of polychaetes Hypania invalida, mollusks Dreissena bugensis, and amphipods Dikerogammarus haemobaphes on the size fraction of the soil was revealed. The dependence of the distribution of invaders – representatives of different trophic groups on the type of biotope is shown.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):243-251
pages 243-251 views


Organisation of Fish Assemblage in the Mekong Delta as a Potential Indicator of Salt Water Intrusion

Malin M., Malina I., Hai T., Dinh C., Man L., Chi D.


The problem of salt water intrusion into the Mekong Delta is a research topic involving various branches of science. Among the causes of this phenomenon are global sea level rise and regulation of the natural river discharge due to hydropower dam construction. The scale of the delta and its water dynamics complicate instrument-based observations. Meanwhile, communities of living organisms can serve as indicators of environmental heterogeneity. This study aimed to analyze the spatial variability of fish assemblage organisation in the Mekong Delta for use as an indicator of salt water intrusion. The composition of fish assemblages in different parts of the delta were determined by midwater trawl catches during January and April 2021. A total of ~15 thousand individual fish from 74 trawl hauls were captured and analyzed. The null hypothesis was that the fish assemblages in the Mekong Delta are represented by three taxonomic complexes that are localized in the upper course (freshwater), the lower course (brackish) and the middle course (zone of the contact of the fresh and brackish waters) of the delta. The taxonomic composition of the freshwater complex is the most poor and is represented by 9 families. Meanwhile, marginal (the contact zone) and brackish complexes include 26 and 23 families, respectively. Specimens of families Cobitidae, Eleotridae, Plotosidae and Siluridae that are only found in the zone of contact of fresh and brackish waters could be considered as indicator species of its position. The actual boundaries of the brackish and freshwater complexes were determined and the distance from them to the marine delta edge equals 34 and 78 km, respectively. Assessment of the salinity values that correspond to the complex boundaries is a task for future investigation. The position of the boundaries of freshwater and brackish fish taxonomic complexes has a biological basis and could be used as an indicator of salt water intrusion into the Mekong Delta.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):252-263
pages 252-263 views

Diet and Feeding Ecology of the Invasive Gambusia holbrooki (Teleostei: Poeciliidae) in Lotic and Lentic Habitats (Northwestern Part of Turkey)

Saç G.


Received October 13, 2021; revised April 22, 2022; accepted August 15, 2022


In order to understand the success of the invasion of a non-native fish, it is important to determine its fundamental competition characteristics such as its tolerance to habitat differences and feeding plasticity. This study aimed to determine the invasive characteristics of Gambusia holbrooki Girard, 1859 by investigating the diet and feeding ecology of this non-native fish inhabited in lotic and lentic habitats. A total of 164 G. halbrooki specimens (SL 1.4–4.3 cm) were investigated from the lotic habitats, while 101 (SL 1.6–3.3 cm) ones were from the lentic habitats. The food spectrum of the fish in lotic habitats was composed of 11 food items predominantly of the Diptera (80.9, MI%) and Plant (11.8, MI%). In lentic habitats, the species consumed 10 different food types, and Diptera (96.0, MI%) was followed by the low values of zooplankton groups (Cladocera; 2.2, MI% and Copepoda; 0.8, MI%). The fish that inhabited both lotic and lentic habitats have shown a generalist feeding strategy; while the importance of each food item in the diet indicated the generalization, Diptera presented with high values was the evidence of a relatively narrow niche of the fish in both habitats. An ontogenetic shift was observed in the diet of G. holbrooki and while the diet of juveniles was more limited, the diversity and sizes of food items consumed have increased in parallel with the increase in the size of the fish. With these results, it was thought that G. holbrooki could show a food competition with native fish species in the region by feeding mainly on Diptera, which is also an important food source for most of the native fishes and their young individuals.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):264-265
pages 264-265 views

Fishes Encountered in the Turkish Thrace River Systems (Northwestern Turkey)

Özuluğ M., Gaygusuz Ö., Gaygusuz Ç., Kaya N., Saç G.


In the last 30 years, the natural life in the inland waters of the Turkish Thrace has been threatened by water pollution, deterioration of river continuity, the presence of non-native or invasive fish, and drought. The aim of the present study was to determine the recent status of fish fauna in the river systems lying at the Turkish Thrace, under these threats. The field surveys were conducted in a total of 164 sampling sites in both Marmara and Meriç-Ergene water basins between July and August 2017. A total of 36 freshwater fish species representing 12 families (Acheilognathidae, Atherinidae, Centrarchidae, Cobitidae, Cyprinidae, Esocidae, Gobiidae, Gobionidae, Leuciscidae, Percidae, Poeciliidae, and Salmonidae) were determined. The most widespread species of the region was Cobitis strumicae and it was followed by Rhodeus amarus and Squalius orpheus. This study provides first detailed information on the distribution of the species of Barbus tauricus, Chondrostoma vardarense, Cobitis strumicae, Squalius orpheus, and Vimba melanops.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):266-267
pages 266-267 views


Ecological Analysis of the Helminth Fauna in the Dice Snake Natrix tessellata (Reptilia, Colubridae) from the Low Volga Region (Russia)

Kirillov A., Kirillova N., Bakiev A., Gorelov R.


The ecological analysis of the helminth fauna of the Dice snake Natrix tessellata from different habitats of the Astrakhan region in 2004, 2005, 2008 was carried out. The helminth community of the reptile includes 21 species of parasitic worms: 11 trematodes, 1 cestode, 8 nematodes and 1 acanthocephalan. Of these, 11 species are found in all the studied localities and form the basis of N. tessellata helminth fauna. Dominant and subdominant helminth species are found in snakes in all habitats as a result of the implementation of its main trophic relationships. Comparison of the helminth composition from different study sites showed a relatively high degree of similarity. Differences in the helminth fauna of the dice snake from different habitats are insignificant and relate to rare and accidental parasite species. Significant differences in the infection level of snakes with certain species of helminths were revealed. Most of the helminth species that parasitize the water snake have a complex life cycle. The infection of reptiles by them is determined to a large extent by biotic factors: fauna and the number of invertebrates (intermediate hosts of helminths) and vertebrates (paratenic and final hosts) in biocenosis.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):268-280
pages 268-280 views

Helminths of Gray Toad Fingerlings (Bufo bufo) of Protected Areas of the Urals and Analysis of Its Parasitofauna in Russia

Burakova А., Malkova E.


Helminths of gray toad fingerlings Bufo bufo (Linnaeus, 1758) have been studied in some specially protected natural areas (protected areas) the Urals. Four species of helminths belonging to the Nematoda type were found. Common to the studied amphibian populations are 2 species of nematodes – Oswaldocruzia filiformis and Rhabdias bufonis. The species composition of geohelminths does not differ in fingerlings and sexually mature amphibians, infection in adult toads is higher than in fingerlings. The analysis of the helminth fauna of the gray toad showed that the nematodes Oswaldocruzia filiformis and Rhabdias bufonis dominate in Bufo bufo in most regions of Russia. The richest species composition of trematodes is noted in gray toads of the fauna of Mordovia.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(2):281-288
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