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卷 35, 编号 2 (2024)



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The philosophy of the himan being

The problem of moral identity

Artemyeva O.


The concept of personal identity is now the focus of a wide variety of studies. In modern philosophy, the analysis of personal identity is addressed in connection with the consideration of problems in philosophy of consciousness, as well as ontological, epistemological, aesthetic, ethical, etc. problems. When applied to ethics, the concept of personal identity is usually explored in connection with the analysis of moral responsibility, as well as bioethical problems. Contemporary approaches to the concept of identity in the field of morality differ in that they are limited to transferring concepts of identity developed within the framework of various “metaphysical” approaches to the notions of morality (intuitive and non-conceptualized). The difficulties of this approach, which some authors recognize as failures, are due to the lack of ethical contextualization of the concept of personal identity. In order to understand how a personal identity is related to certain moral concerns and problems, it is necessary to fit the Self (like all these concerns and problems) into the concept of morality and discuss rather the very concept of moral identity as a concept set by ethics, than the various concepts of personal identity developed in an nonethical context, in their relation to ethics. Analysis of ethical and philosophical approaches to understanding the issues relevant to the concept of moral identity in moral philosophy showed that this problem should be considered on the basis of moral philosophy, in the language of moral philosophy and taking into account the real diverse moral experience.

Čelovek. 2024;35(2):7-26
pages 7-26 views

Scientific research

The phenomenon of human trust: an interdisciplinary review

Rostovtseva V.


The article presents an interdisciplinary review of research on the phenomenon of human interpersonal trust. Trust is a multifaceted manifestation of human psychology and behavior, and its understanding is difficult to fit into any single scientific paradigm. The paper highlights various aspects of human trust, as well as different approaches to the investigation of this phenomenon. The author considers the socio-cultural, psychological, ethological and biological factors that influence predispositions to trust others. A special place in the article is given to trust toward strangers and the mechanisms responsible for its functioning. The article also presents trust from an evolutionary perspective as a fundamental component of human cooperative behavior.

Čelovek. 2024;35(2):27-43
pages 27-43 views

Analysis of School Shooting Phenomenon and its Mediatization from the Perspective of Digital Humanitaristics

Baeva L.


The severity of the problem of school shooting (mass attacks in educational institutions with the use of weapons) is due to its viral spread in the countries and the tragic consequences caused. The study of this phenomenon is on the frontier of social, psychological, informational, philosophical, legal studies. This has led to an interdisciplinary approach to its study, combining the possibilities of case-study and digital humanitaristics, applying data analysis described in this paper. The aim of the study is to identify the factors of school shooting promotion in the media and to comprehend the complex of external and internal reasons that trigger it. The object of the study is the episodes of school shootings committed in 2023, including attacks in the United States, Russia and the Czech Republic. The specifics and similarities of the attacks committed in educational institutions are revealed, their media coverage and audience reactions to the crimes are analyzed. A comparative analysis of cases of school shooting as an existential crime-manifestation of personality and the media effect caused by it, which can cause “viral” imitation and dissemination, is presented for the first time. The results of the research can be applied not only in theoretical aspect in philosophical-anthropological, social and media studies, but also in practical sphere for teachers, psychologists, specialists in work with youth.

Čelovek. 2024;35(2):44-68
pages 44-68 views

Social practices

Problems of intercultural dialogue in modern society: finding solutions

Sheveleva D.


The article presents possible grounds for intercultural dialogue. Due to the polarization of international relations and political tensions, the issue of the fundamental possibility of grounds for intercultural dialogue in modern times is being considered. The concept of intercultural dialogue is understood in the article as an integrative process based on the acceptance of cultural differences. The author argues that the use of modern sociological approaches is not always applicable as a basis for building dialogical relations, since such approaches do not reflect the cultural characteristics of individual communities. Sociological researches are often politicized, and the methods of classifying different cultural communities used in them need to be rethought. Also, sociological approaches to the interaction of different cultural communities are focused on long-term ideological work, but the existing problems show that quick and constructive solutions are needed. According to the author, other grounds for interaction between cultures and communities are required, more general and applicable at the current stage on a global transnational scale. The author identifies two main starting points for intercultural dialogue: scientific and environmental cooperation and economic cooperation. Each of these paths has ample opportunities in the modern world for implementation in the field of the global economy or in the field of scientific cooperation and environmental protection. On the basis of transnational economic cooperation, it is possible to find an economic consensus between states which often represents different cultural systems. International scientific and environmental elaborations also serve as a basis for constructive interaction in front of common environmental problems or by qualitatively new scientific developments. The two paths presented are points for formal interaction, which can further be an entry point of an integrative cultural dialogue.

Čelovek. 2024;35(2):69-86
pages 69-86 views

Consciousness and illusion: does illusionism threaten a human

Gorbachev M.


Illusionism is a relatively recent theory of consciousness that has absorbed and consistently developed physicalist intuitions about consciousness. This approach gives sufficient grounds to consider it contrary to the basic ideas of realists regarding phenomenal consciousness, because according to illusionism there is no phenomenal consciousness, it is just an illusion. The author believes that the danger of this thesis for realists depends on which concept of illusion to adhere to. After a brief review of the illusionist approach, the article presents two possible contents of the concept of the illusion of phenomenality. The author then considers whether realists cannot agree with any of them. One of the possible understandings of illusion is the conceptual distortion of the data of experience or introspection in the course of their interpretation. Although this view is not basic for illusionists, it is implicitly and sometimes explicitly contained in their examples and arguments. In this case, realists can agree that phenomenal consciousness is an illusion, not only without weakening their position, but also emphasizing the special status of phenomenality, which allows a person to expand reality when faced with what is not in the world. When an illusion is understood as a distortion by introspection itself, before any conceptual reactions to its data, the position of illusionists turns out to be much more dangerous for phenomenal consciousness. However, even in this case, realists can introduce a number of counterarguments to which illusionism does not yet have answers acceptable to both sides. Although this discussion is complicated by ambiguities in the relation of definitions of key terms of representatives of these two approaches, which complicates its analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that realism has a chance, if not to adapt the illusion, then to demonstrate the problems and gaps of the illusionist position in connection with this concept.

Čelovek. 2024;35(2):87-102
pages 87-102 views

On the anthropology of luck: objects of moral responsibility and the morality of chance

Emeretli K.


The article examines one of the concepts of a consistent theory of morality — moral luck. It occurs when a person’s moral standing is determined by factors beyond his control, or, in other words, by luck. However, all actions and their consequences are, to one degree or another, determined by such factors. In this aspect, moral luck is opposed to moral responsibility and disrupts the natural practice of human interrelationships. The problem arises: how can one be praised or blamed for certain actions or their consequences if they are partially or completely independent of his individual choice? This article is devoted to consideration of this problem. On the one hand, it argues against resultant moral luck — the kind that is associated with the results of actions. To complete this, the “control principle” and the nature of human action are analyzed. On the other hand, arguments are defended in favor of the significant importance of considering the factor of moral luck for the actualization of people’s moral behavior.

Čelovek. 2024;35(2):103-120
pages 103-120 views

Symbols. Values. Ideals.

From left melancholy to real utopia: modern left about the future

Andiev S.


The failure of the project of socialism in the twentieth century led to what can be designated as a loss of horizon of expectations. People are increasingly focused on the present, and the future, if considered, is more as a source of fears and uncertainty, and not as an opportunity to implement human aspirations and projects. Various methods of “privatization” of their living space lead to escapism from more global social projects. Even the very idea of utopia becomes privatized as part of the current state of affairs. Thus, there is a crisis of ideas about the future, which calls into question how humanity will develop in the future. In this situation, the discourse about the future among modern leftists acquires important values for possible social changes that can be available to society. In addition, how these concepts affect the ideas about a person and his place in a socio-political system also play an important role. This article tries to reconstruct the current state of utopia in the left social and philosophical discourse. For this, an analysis of such socio-political concepts as “left melancholy”, “utopia as education of desires” and “real utopia” is carried out. The conclusion is made of varying degrees of relevance and importance of these concepts for society as a whole and a person in particular.

Čelovek. 2024;35(2):121-135
pages 121-135 views

Sociality and subjectivity in the soviet man project

Tulchinskii G.


An attempt has been made to generalize the experience of the understanding the Soviet project of the new man, carried out in the 21st century. The proclaimed creation of a communist society implied not only the elimination of private property, the development of corresponding social relations. These radical transformations simultaneously formed a new consciousness among the participants in this process, required active actors. This radical anthropological experiment was very controversial both in its implementation and in its results. On the one hand, propaganda and the education system formed and transmitted a demand for an individual capable of independent creative actions. On the other hand, the actual practices of social life were regulated by strict control, which suppressed any independent initiative. As a result, the practices of control and corresponding social selection gave rise to a paradoxical combination of infantile irresponsibility and intolerance. Inability to negotiate, inability and unwillingness to build horizontal relationships has become established the experience of resolving all issues exclusively through the power vertical through requests, complaints and denunciations. Society has been stratified into two types of people that complement each other: those who have extremely little opportunity to independently organize their lives, and those who irresponsibly manage this human material. The analysis of the relationship between sociality and self-awareness uses materials from a large-scale socio-philosophical study carried out by S.A. Nikolsky, a number of socio-ethical ideas of A.A. Zinoviev, as well as a pragmasemantic approach, which allows us to consider meaning formation as a result of the interaction of contexts set by socio-cultural practices. The examination carried out shows that the Soviet experience provides a compelling lesson-warning about the consequences of the formalization of social relations. This is especially relevant in relation to the conditions of the modern situation, when socio-cultural practices in digital format reduce meaning-making to normative algorithms, “taming” subjectivity — the main source of the dynamics of meaning-making.

Čelovek. 2024;35(2):136-152
pages 136-152 views

Times. Morals. Characters

Person and social media: new value or devaluation of personality?

Kazhberova V.


The modern reality includes the social media: possibility of commenting, social networks, dating sites and reviews, thematic forums, wikipedia units. The number of users of such media is continuously increasing, especially the “explosive” growth has been observed in the last two years. Indeed, online communication is multifaceted, flexible, dynamic and satisfies many human needs. At the same time, the risk of personal devaluation increases many times, which becomes one of the key problems of modern society, its ethics and morality. As a result, against the background of global media processes (mediatization, digitalization, informatization), a number of professions are being desacralized, and at the individual level — the devaluation of the individual. These trends contradict the ideas of the modern media environment as a developed humanitarian space. The article contains possible ways to solve the identified problems: among them, creation the media skills, “eco-friendly” media products, improvement of technologies, specializations, norms and recommendations.

Čelovek. 2024;35(2):153-173
pages 153-173 views

Sorcery and witchcraft in the penza region: current state of the magical tradition

Matveeva I.


The magical tradition, that is actually present in the villages of the Penza region, is being investigated. The presented modern expeditionary materials reveal unknown facets in the tradition of rural healing and witchcraft practices. On the basis of mythological stories, tales and reports with the bearers of the tradition, stable characteristics of healers and sorcerers of the Penza region are highlighted. One of these elements — “gift” — is seen as an excess of life force that allows the sorcerer to harm people, and the healer to heal various diseases. For the first time, a system of successive strengthening of the vitality of a healer or sorcerer is revealed. Prohibitions and restrictions, constant ritual practice, dreaming and shape-shifting are part of the system, the result of which is the strengthening of magical abilities. Particular attention is paid to mythological stories about the transformation of sorcerers and healers into a “fire serpent” — a glowball. In particular, new images and functions of the “snake” have been discovered. Thus, the glowball is an intermediate form in a series of magical transformations. The final image is associated with a person who comes into contact with a sorcerer or medicine man. The function of the “serpent” also varies — it transforms from a harmful creature into a neutral and even positive character. Consistent implementation of all elements of the magical system leads to the creation of a “superman”, simultaneously existing in the space of two “worlds” — real and mythological.

Čelovek. 2024;35(2):174-191
pages 174-191 views