Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 49, № 1 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


Characteristics of the Involvement of Hidden Nodes in the Activity of Human Brain Systems Revealed on fMRI Data

Medvedev S., Masharipov R., Korotkov A., Kireev M.


Currently, it is generally accepted that brain functioning is based on the systemic principle. At the same time, knowledge about the principles and mechanisms of the brain system functioning remains scarce. In the present work, these principles were studied within the framework of ideas about the so-called “hidden” nodes of the brain systems. Previously, according to fMRI data, it was shown that some brain structures could be involved in work without changing their energy consumption (reflected by the blood oxygenation level-dependent signal). Their involvement was found only due to a change in the long-range functional connectivity. An analysis of the systemic brain activity using functional connectivity data makes it possible to reveal “hidden” nodes that are inaccessible to detection using the standard “activation” approach. This work aimed to clarify the extent and nature of the involvement of “hidden” nodes in the brain maintenance of various task activities using open fMRI data from the Human Connectome Project. It has been shown that the brain systems ensuring the current activity are provided with a much larger number of nodes than was previously believed, and the overwhelming majority of them are “hidden”. For the first time, this result clearly shows the actual scale of the brain systems providing current activity. The mental activity is actually provided by the work of almost the entire brain and not a minor part of it, as is usually observed in functional tomographic studies. As a result, it is shown that the idea of the existence of “hidden” nodes is confirmed by analyzing the activity of the human brain at the macro-level and shows similarities with the characteristics of the micro-level activity of individual neuronal populations, confirming the previously formulated neurophysiological ideas about the systemic organization of brain activity.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(1):3-16
pages 3-16 views

Coherence Dynamics in the EEG Rhythms during the Observation of Pro- and Antisocial Behavior in Children at an Early Age

Orekhova L., Kulichenko A., Makhin S., Mikhailova A., Pavlenko V.


In children aged 17–43 months (mean age 31 months), who differently evaluated pro- and antisocial actions performed by puppet characters (groups with high and low indices of moral evaluation – IME), there have been revealed the group-specific changes in the coherence of EEG activity in each group. In high IME children, the observation of a prosocial action facilitated intrahemispheric interactions in the α-frequency range. In the low IME group, changes in α-rhythm coherence were multidirectional. In the high IME group, the situation of decision making on how to distribute the reward between the two characters who demonstrated either pro- or antisocial behavior evoked an increase in α-activity coherence between the frontal, central, parietal and occipital regions in the right hemisphere. In the low IME children, on the contrary, it decreased. No significant modulations of the EEG coherence in θ-frequency range have been revealed. For β-activity, significant modulations were found only in children with low IME. The obtained findings are discussed in the context of the functionality of the brain control systems and the role of intrahemispheric cortical interconnections in moral behavior organization.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(1):17-27
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Neurofunctional Organization of Working Memory on the Basic Characteristics of Visual Space in Males and Females

Mikhailova E., Kushnir A., Moshnikova N.


Thirty eight subjects (19 males and 19 females) performed the working memory task on orientations. In males, the higher sensitivity of the early occipito-temporal negativity N150 to the match/mismatch between current and stored orientations indicates the more effective early detection of changes in orientations. A higher amplitude of the P200 component of the occipital-temporal ERPs and central positivity of 400–500 ms in males compared to females is considered as indicator of the higher selective attention to orientations and the potential possibility of retaining in memory a larger information about the spatial properties of the environment. In was found a statistically significant relationship between the reaction time of the working memory performance and assessments of navigational behavior strategies according self-report questionnaires. It was suggested that the more effective visual-spatial working memory on the orientations is the important biological factor underlying the more effective navigation strategy that based on global spatial environmental characteristics.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(1):28-41
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Supression of Alpha- and Beta-Oscillations during Virtual Social Interactions

Bocharov A., Savostyanov A., Saprygin A., Merkulova E., Tamozhnikov S., Proshina E., Knyazev G.


The aim was to study the oscillatory dynamics accompanying the processes of interaction with the virtual character and the localization of the revealed effects. 42 subjects (of which 25 are women) aged 18 to 41 years took part in the study. During the EEG recording, the subjects had to interact with the virtual character by choosing one of three options (“offer friendship”, “attack” or “avoid contact”). Faces with 5 types of emotional expressions (angry, happy, frightened, sad and neutral) were used. An analysis of equivalent dipoles revealed that the choice of active interaction (to attack or offer friendship), compared with the avoidance of interaction, was accompanied by a large decrease in α- and β-rhythms, which may be associated with the processes of understanding the virtual character’s intentions. The choice of friendship versus avoidance of interaction was accompanied by an increase in δ-rhythm, which may indicate the presence of a motivational component. The revealed effects were found in clusters of equivalent dipoles, the localization of which coincides with the structures of the mentalization network and the network of mirror neurons involved in the processes of people’s intent assessment.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(1):42-51
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Localization of Correlated and Uncorrelated Audio Signals in the Horizontal Plane under Masking Conditions

Agaeva M., Petropavlovskaia E.


The effect of the masker on the localization of the signal was investigated in the free field conditions. Bandpass noise bursts (5–18 kHz) were used to create a signal and a masker. In the case of correlated stimuli, the same noise burst served both as a masker and a signal. In the case of uncorrelated stimuli, the signal and the masker were created from two different noise bursts. The masker was always on the right at an angle of 15 degrees. The signal was presented in one of three positions on the left: –18, –52, –86 degrees. The signal and the masker of 1 s duration each were presented either simultaneously or with a shift of the signal onset relative to the masker onset. The delay varied from 1 to 1200 ms. Perceived position of signals under masking conditions were compared with a single presentation of the signal. It is shown that under the masking conditions the perceived position of the signal shifted towards the masker, and the perceived position of the masker shifted towards the signal. The shift value decreased with increasing delay between the signal and the masker and with increasing angular distance between them. The mutual influence of the signal and the masker was more pronounced for correlated stimuli than for uncorrelated ones.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(1):52-63
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Non-Paretic Arm Motor Deficit and Recovery as a Function of Damage Lateralization after Stroke: Biomechanical Study

Biryukova E., Kondur A., Kotov S., Turbina L., Bobrov P.


The aim was to study the dependence of post stroke motor impairments of the paretic and the intact arm of lesion lateralization and paresis severity. The influence of lateralization of the lesion and the severity of paresis on the recovery of motor functions after rehabilitation using a hand exoskeleton controlled by a brain-computer interface was also studied. The study included 24 patients, 12 with left hemisphere involvement and 12 with right hemisphere involvement. Each group included 6 patients with moderate paresis and 6 patients with severe paresis. As motor tests, isolated movements in the joints of the paretic and intact hands were used before and after the rehabilitation course. Joint torque and motion isolation degree were used to assess motor function. It is shown that the muscle moments of the intact arm are greater in the case of damage to the left hemisphere; the asymmetry of the moments in the joints in this case was more pronounced than in the case of damage to the right hemisphere. This may be due to a greater imbalance in the activity of the hemispheres. The effectiveness of rehabilitation was manifested in: 1) an increase in moments in the joints in both paretic and intact hands; 2) an increase in the symmetry of the biomechanical parameters of the paretic and intact hands, which may indicate the restoration of the balance of the activity of the hemispheres. Biomechanical analysis of isolated movements allows suggests the pronation-supination in the vertical position of the arm as a sensitive indicator of motor function recovery after stroke.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(1):64-78
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Functional State of the Cortical-Spinal Tract and Motor-Cognitive Reactions of Athletes Who Train Speed, Endurance and Coordination of Movement

Lanskaya O., Lanskaya E.


The aim of the work was to study the cortical-spinal excitability and conducting ability of the motor system using muscle potentials caused by magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex of the brain and spinal segments at the level of the C6–C7 and T12–L1 vertebrae in athletes of different specializations, and to correlate these parameters with psychophysiological characteristics. The researches revealed: 1) the stayers had the highest level of excitability of cortical neurons and motor neurons of the cervical and lumbar thickenings of the spinal cord, controlling the activity of shoulder, forearm, hip and shin muscles; the sprinters had the lowest level, while that of the basketball players’ was in between; 2) the sprinters and the basketball players displayed the highest conductive capacity of the corticospinal tract (CST), the stayers had the lowest one; 3) sprinters and basketball players had a higher rate of simple and complex sensorimotor reactions as an indicator of neuromotor (lability and mobility of the nervous system) and cognitive processes than stayers; 4) basketball players had the highest accuracy of complex sensorimotor reactions and the ability to anticipate the course of events as a sign of cognitive success than other athletes; 5) cortical-spinal excitability positively correlated with the accuracy of movements (in basketball players) and negatively with the conductive ability of the CST and the speed of simple and complex sensorimotor reactions (in sprinters and stayers). Athletes who train speed, endurance and coordination of movement have distinctive features and the relationship between the functional state of the CST and motor-cognitive reactions.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(1):79-90
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The Features of Synergetic Interaction of Lower Extremities’ Skeletal Muscles under the Spinal Cord Electrical Stimulation

Moiseev S., Gorodnichev R.


The aim of the work was to study the neural basis of the synergetic interaction of the lower extremities’ skeletal muscles during locomotor activity. It was supposed to determine the relationship of the locomotor-related neuronal networks with the centers regulating the spatiotemporal modes of muscle interaction in the structure of the step cycle and its periods. The subjects walked the treadmill both, under normal conditions and during spinal cord percutaneous electrical stimulation. The parameters of the synergies extracted using the principal component method were analyzed. The reorganization of neuronal activity of spinal locomotor-related networks, similar to adaptive processes that compensate for motor deficits in people with pathologies of the nervous system, has been revealed. Percutaneous electrical stimulation changed the reciprocal relations of bilateral lower extremities muscles in the structure of synergetic modules, mainly during the swing phase. The synergy structure demonstrated combined temporal profiles with several peaks of activity. During stimulation, the formation of a basic profile with a clear outline of the main fluctuations was revealed. The spatiotemporal structure of muscle synergy patterns during stance phase turned out to be more stable, which is probably due to an increase in afferentation from the foot support-sensetive zones, which creates optimal conditions for initiating the central generators of locomotor pattern.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(1):91-103
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Study of the Protein Composition of Dry Blood Spots of Healthy Volunteers in the Experiment with Hypomagnetic Conditions

Kashirina D., Larina I., Nikolaev E., Tyuzhin M., Popova O., Kukanov V., Rusanov V., Kononikhin A., Brzhozovskiy A., Pastushkova L., Orlov O.


Hypomagnetic conditions will be an integral part of the complex of factors affecting cosmonauts in long-term interplanetary missions outside the Earth’s magnetic field. Adaptation of the human body under these conditions will affect the regulatory processes in various physiological systems, the molecular pathways of which, with the participation of proteins, have not yet been studied. In order to fill this gap, dry blood spots collected on a special paper from healthy volunteers were studied by proteomic methods in two sessions of a model experiment: with hypomagnetic conditions and in a “placebo” session. The experiment was carried out by double-blind control, with the participation of the same volunteers in both sessions. 1219 different proteins were semiquantitatively determined in the samples. In the hypomagnetic conditions series, changes in three proteins: tropomyosin alpha-3 chain (TPM3), abhydrolase domain-containing protein 14B (ABHD14B), and acetylcholinesterase-associated protein (CUTA), relative to individual values before the experiment series were detected. However, comparison of the data obtained in the “placebo” session smoothed out the effect of hypomagnetic conditions on the changes in the aforementioned proteins. The results obtained, in our opinion, may either mean the absence of the influence of hypomagnetic conditions with a short exposure and the absence of a cumulative effect, or they are unreliable due to the insufficient number of subjects in the sample.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(1):104-115
pages 104-115 views

OCT-Diagnostics of Optic Nerve Disc Edema in Space Flight. Analysis of the Retina, Optic Disc and Neuroretinal Circle Thickness

Makarov I., Alferova I., Bogomolov V., Voronkov Y., Anikeev D.


The article analysis the state of 24 eyes of 12 Russian cosmonauts who made long-term space flights to the ISS in the period from 2016 to 2021. The analysis was carried out by HRA and OCT images study, using the Display function included in the program of Spectralis OCT device. The thickness of the optic nerve head and retina was determined according to the hourly meridians, which allowed us to accurately diagnose and classify the optic disc edema according to the stages of the Frisen scale. By measuring the percentage ratio of the maximum thickness of the nerve disc within its boundaries to the minimum thickness of the retina outside the boundaries of the disc, we determined the digital value of prominence in each temporal hourly meridian, limited by the temporal sector of 95°. The presence of prominence in the extreme temporal meridians, or its absence at all, we regarded as a physiologically healthy state of the optic disc, corresponding to stage 0. This stage was established in 13 eyes (54.2%). Stage I (7 eyes (29.2%)) was diagnosed based on the absence of prominence in the horizontal temporal meridian. The defining feature of stage II is an increase in prominence in the temporal horizontal meridian by more than 10%. Subclinical stage II (prominence is increased, but less than 10%) was diagnosed in two eyes of two cosmonauts (8.3%). Clinically pronounced papilledema II–III stages was diagnosed in two eyes (8.3%) in one cosmonaut, where the maximum value of prominence was 70.1% in the right eye, and on the left – 40.1% in the horizontal meridian. The study shows that an increase in prominence up to 70% in the temporal horizontal meridian at stage III of edema leads to neurodegeneration of the optic nerve fibers in space flight. At stages II–III of edema, an increase in the minimum thickness of the neuroretinal rim compared with all other observations. At 0 – II subclinical stage, according to this indicator, it was impossible to differentiate the state of the optic disc.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(1):116-127
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