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Vol 50, No 2 (2024)

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Double Dissociation of Cognitive Varies under Unilateral Radiation Exposure on the Hippocampus

Krotkova O.A., Danilov G.V., Galkin M.V., Kuleva A.Y., Kaverina M.Y., Enikolopova E.V., Strunina Y.V., Enikolopov G.N.


Although the key position of the hippocampus (HP) in memory processes is not in doubt, the specifics of its participation in cognitive processes are far from being established. At the same time, the role of the HP in differentiating the novelty of impressions is often discussed in the context of adult HP neurogenesis. Radiation exposure to the HP, which inhibits the processes of neurogenesis, can serve as a model for studying this relationship. A homogeneous sample of 28 patients with meningiomas of the chiasmal-sellar area adjacent to the HP was studied. 15 patients were diagnosed with a left-sided location of the tumor and 13 patients with a right-sided one. The two groups were comparable in terms of demographic, clinical and morphometric characteristics. In order to stop the growth of the tumor, the patients underwent radiation therapy (RT), in which the HP on the side of the pathological process was forced to receive a dose comparable to the dose in the tumor. The study using the original technique was carried out before the start of RT, immediately after its completion, 6 and 12 months after the end of RT. Data were obtained on earlier changes in memory characteristics mediated by the right hippocampal region, but at the same time — more pronounced long-term cognitive consequences of ionizing effects on the HP of the left hemisphere.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(2):5-19
pages 5-19 views

Sex Differences in the Effect of Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Val66Met Polymorphism on Baseline EEG Connectivity

Privodnova E.Y., Volf N.V.


Dependent on Val66Met polymorphism in BDNF gene secretion of neurotrophin affects morphological and functional changes in the developing and mature nervous system, in particular, may contribute to associated with white matter degradation changes in connectivity observed with aging. It was also shown that the associated with Val66Met polymorphism differences in connectivity between cortical structures are moderated by the sex of the subjects. However, there are no studies examining the effect of polymorphism on connectivity, taking into account age and gender differences. In this regard, the present study examined the associations of the Val66Met polymorphism of the BDNF gene with the characteristics of delayed phase synchronization based on EEG data in 223 younger (from 18 to 35 years old) and 134 older (over 55 years old) men and women. The analysis included connections between 84 cortical areas, identified on the basis of 42 Brodmann areas located in the left and right hemispheres. A statistically significant effect, including the factor of polymorphism, was the SEX × GENOTYPE interaction when considering associations at the frequency of the α1-rhythm: in Val/Met men, the strength of thirty-three connections was higher compared to Val/Val. Strengthening of connections was observed mainly between the parahippocampal regions of different hemispheres. At the frequency of the gamma rhythm, associated with the genotype differences in connectivity depended on gender and age. In young subjects, the scores of connectivity in Val/Val women were lower in comparison with men, however, no differences between Val/Val and Met carriers were found in any age group. The combined effect of sex and BDNF genotype on the baseline EEG parameters of brain connectivity may be a background for further study of the role of these factors in the formation of basic characteristics of brain activity.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(2):20-31
pages 20-31 views

EEG-Correlates of Competition and Cooperation

Bocharov A.V., Savostyanov A.N., Tamozhnikov S.S., Rudych P.D., Zavarzin E.A., Saprygin A.E., Merkulova E.A., Knyazev G.G.


The aim was to investigate the peculiarities and localization of the current source density of α- and θ-frequency bands accompanying competition and cooperation with another player, as well as individual figure building in a computer game. The sample included forty-two volunteers (24 females) between the ages of 18 and 47. Analysis of differences in the current source density of 127 channel EEG under different game conditions was performed in the eLoreta program. During competition, the θ-current source density in the anterior cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex was greater than during cooperation. According to the literature on functional correlates of θ-rhythm, it can be suggested that the greater increase in medial frontal θ-rhythm detected during competition may be related to focused attention and cognitive control processes. The alpha current source density in the parietal and visual cortex areas during interactive game modes (cooperation and competition) was lower compared to the individual mode. During cooperation the α-current source density was lower compared to the competition mode. The greatest decrease of the α-current source density in the cooperation mode is consistent with idea of a relation between α-rhythm decrease and the processes of understanding the other person’s intentions.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(2):32-42
pages 32-42 views

Localization of Moving Sound Stimuli under Conditions of Spatial Masking

Petropavlovskaia E.A., Shestopalova L.B., Salikova D.A.


The aim of this study was to investigate spatial masking of noise signals in the delayed motion paradigm. Spatial effects were created by interaural level differences (ILD). Stationary maskers were located laterally or near the head midline, while test signals moved at different velocities from the head midline towards the ears, or in the opposite direction. The masking effect was measured by shifts in the perceived azimuthal positions of the starting and final points of signal trajectories, compared to their positions in silence. The perceived trajectories of all test signals shifted in the opposite direction from the masker. The masking effect was most pronounced in the spatial regions closest to the maskers, and was stronger when the signal moved towards the masker, compared to moving away from it. The final points were perceptually shifted further than the starting points. Signal velocity and masker presentation side (left or right) did not change the degree of masking.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(2):43-56
pages 43-56 views

Eye Movements and Autonomic Regulation of Cognitive Activity during Reading in Adolescence. Part I. Functional “Cost” of Cognitive Activity when Reading Text from the Screen in Adolescence

Komkova Y.N., Bezrukikh M.M., Babanova K.U., Ryabkova T.S., Ustsova A.G.


Reading from the screen of an electronic device (ED) is a significant cognitive activity for adolescences, and its complexity affects visceral functions. We conducted an analysis of the heart rate variability (HRV) and eye movements (EM) in adolescents while they were reading complex text on an ED screen. The aim was to assess the functional state characteristics under these conditions and reveal the intensity (“cost”) associated with this activity The study involved 22 adolescences with an average age of 15 years (М = 15.46, SD = 0.44). Reading text from an ED screen in adolescents was associated with a high functional “cost,” characterized by a decrease in overall HRV, an increase in the tension index and heart rate. These changes indicate the functional tension of regulatory systems during cognitive activity. The study revealed varying levels of parafoveal processing involvement. For the majority of adolescents (86.4%), word-by-word reading and a low percentage of regressions (12.0%) were observed, suggesting developed average reading skill. However, a qualitative analysis of individual EM tracks indicated varying level of reading skill development among adolescents, possibly due to a limited vocabulary and a lack of understanding of syntax. Additionally, 40.9% of adolescents demonstrated poor text comprehension. Our results showed that reading remains a complex cognitive task for adolescents, despite the expectation that their reading skills should be well-developed and automated by this age. Individual analysis of HRV and EM in adolescents with varying levels of text comprehension during reading demonstrated different strategies of adaptive behavior and autonomic reactions when performing a complex cognitive task. The functional “cost” of information processing when reading text from the ED screen results from a combination of age-related and individual adaptation characteristics, language competence and the psycholinguistic complexity of the text.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(2):57-69
pages 57-69 views

Physiological Features of the Response of the Respiratory and Circulation Systems to Physical Load in Students Engaged in Winter Football

Kapilevich L.V., Ilyin A.A., Jiao L., Xiao F., Krivoshchekov S.G.


Adaptive changes in the circulatory and respiratory systems under the influence of winter football training were studied. 50 men aged 21-25 years — 3rd-4th year students — were examined: control group — 25 people specializing in “soccer” (S), main group — 25 people studying in the specialization “winter football” (WF). The examination was performed twice — before and after physical activity. Running (average pace, 180 steps/min) for 15 minutes was used as dosed physical activity. The loads were performed either indoors at a temperature of plus 22–24°C, or in winter outside at a temperature of minus 18–20°C. Indoor and outdoor surveys were carried out on different days. Assessment of peripheral blood flow in the lower extremities was performed using rheography; to assess the main blood flow in the femoral artery, Doppler ultrasound was used. The study of external respiration functions was carried out using pneumotachography. The lactate concentration in capillary blood was determined photometrically. It has been shown that physical activity performed in the cold in adapted athletes (WF group) promotes increased integration between the respiratory and circulatory systems, ensuring the formation of a functional system characterized by stronger connections for optimal adaptation to the combined effects of physical activity and cold. In athletes training indoors (group S) under conditions of a combination of physical activity and cold exposure, on the contrary, desynchronization of the interaction of the respiratory and circulatory systems occurs, which leads to a decrease in adaptive reserves. Thus, sports training in winter football triggers phenotypic adaptive changes and creates a number of physiological mechanisms that promote increased integration between the respiratory and circulatory systems, providing optimal adaptation to the combined effects of physical activity and cold. The obtained facts will be useful for the development of special training programs aimed at increasing the functional reserve of the cardiorespiratory system of athletes training in cold conditions.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(2):70-83
pages 70-83 views

The Correlation of β-Adrenoreactivity of Erythrocyte Membranes with Clinical and Laboratory Parameters in Patients with Resistant Hypertension in the Presence and Absence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Afanasiev S.A., Manukyan M.A., Rebrova T.Y., Zyubanova I.V., Muslimova E.F., Solonskaya E.I., Korepanov V.A., Lichikaki V.A., Kondratieva D.S., Mordovin V.F., Falkovskaya A.Y.


The peculiarity of the conjugation of β-adrenoreactivity of membranes (β-ARM) erythrocyte, as an indicator of the state of autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system, with other clinical and laboratory indicators in drug-resistant arterial hypertension (RAH) with the absence and presence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) was investigated. It was shown that patients with RAH, regardless of the presence of DM2, were characterized by reduced adrenoreactivity, while the beta-ARM index of erythrocytes was more than 2 times higher than the reference values. The intergroup difference in the mean values of beta-ARM erythrocytes and the frequency of cases of exceeding the established reference values by this indicator did not have significant differences. In RAH, regardless of the presence of DM2, the beta-ARM erythrocytes index of erythrocytes is statistically significantly associated with the variability of blood pressure, the volume of daily diuresis and increased contractile capacity of the left ventricle. In addition, in the presence of DM2, the association of β-ARM erythrocyte with an increase in left ventricular elastance, heart rate variability, duration of arterial hypertension and DM2 was revealed. Thus, with the development of RAH in humans, the β-ARM erythrocyte indicator can be a new biomarker for personalized assessment of the activity of autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system. CD2 expands the conjugacy of β-ARM erythrocyte with clinical and laboratory parameters.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(2):84-93
pages 84-93 views

Optical Apparatus of the Eye under Conditions of “Dry” Immersion

Gracheva M.A., Manko O.M.


The studies of the astronauts’ vision show that after space flight various changes can occur in the visual system: flattening of the eyeball, optic disc edema, hyperopic refractive shift, and others. The mechanisms of those changes are being actively studied. Among model experiments simulating aggressive factors of space flight, experiments on modeling microgravity in conditions of “dry” immersion seem to be one of the most promising in terms of studying eye changes. The aim: to evaluate the prospects of using “dry” immersion as a model for studying intraocular changes in space flight conditions. The paper presents data on the evaluation of the eye condition of the test subjects after being in the immersion bath for 5 days (10 subjects) and 21 days (6 subjects). Refraction and dynamic accommodation were evaluated in all subjects using an autorefkeratometer Righton Speedy-i k-model with dynamic accommodation assessment function. The refraction data showed a trend toward a positive refractive shift of 0.11 diopters on average for 5 days of immersion (confidence interval (–0.06)–(+0.28)) and 0.29 diopters for 21 days of immersion (c.i. (–0.28)–(+0.86)); no statistical significance of the differences was confirmed, which may be due to the small number of subjects and the limited power of the statistical criterion. However, the trend requires further investigation. A significant individual variation was shown in the results of accommodation assessment. Preliminary data suggest that “dry” immersion may be a promising model for studying the effects of reduced gravity on the human visual system. Further studies are needed.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(2):94-100
pages 94-100 views

The Effect of Systemic Endotoxinemia on the Structure of the Brachiocephal Arteries Wall or a Potential Clinical Model for Assessing the Efficacy of Anti-Aging Measures

Pokusaeva D.P., Anikhovskaya I.A., Morozov S.G., Yakovlev M.Y.


Integrated indicators of systemic endotoxemia (SEE): the level of endotoxin (ET) and the concentration of antibodies to the hydrophobic (AT-LPS-FOB) and hydrophilic (AT-LPS-PIL) forms of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecule in the general circulation can be used to determine the risk category of atherosclerosis development and progression, which dynamics is an objective marker of aging rate. The comparison of images the structure of brachycephalic arteries wall in dynamics with changes in blood parameters is one of the most successful models for monitoring the atherosclerotic process in a clinical setting. 42 people were examined without the presence of recognized risk factors for the progression of atherosclerosis at baseline and after 1.5-2 years. It was found that lipid profile indicators, such as the concentration of total cholesterol, low and high density lipoproteins, triglycerides, atherogenic index had no prognostic value. Whereas in the group with the progression of damage to the arterial wall, an increase in the concentration of ET was noted with a decrease in the concentration of AT-LPS-FOB and AT-LPS-PIL. In the group with regression of atherosclerotic changes, on the contrary, against the background of a decrease in the concentration of ET, an increase in AT was noted. A prospective study revealed an extremely important fact of a decrease in the concentration of LPS in the blood of patients with positive dynamics of morphological manifestations of atherosclerosis, indicating both the reversibility of the atherosclerotic process and the participation of ET in atherogenesis, which is a real way for extending the life of an individual and indicates the direction to achieve this goal – “antiendotoxin therapy”.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(2):101-109
pages 101-109 views


Adaptation of the Child’s Body to Primary School Education

Son’kin V.D., Ermakova I.V., Makarova L.V., Paranicheva T.M.


The systematic review of the literature presents data on the factors of the school environment, as well as on the psychological, social and physiological aspects of the child’s adaptation to learning in primary school. The criteria for successful adaptation in this aspect are academic performance, behavior and inclusion of the child in the social environment, as well as moderate shifts in physiological indicators. Modern approaches to the study of physiological reactions associated with adaptation to school are described, based primarily on the dynamics of cortisol in saliva and the variability of biological rhythms. The role of health is emphasized and data on the adaptation of children with disabilities to school are presented. The important role of the mother and intra-family relations on the nature and effectiveness of adaptation processes is shown.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(2):110-132
pages 110-132 views

Exercise-Induced Сardiomyopathy. New Foreign and Old Domestic Representations

Gavrilova E.A., Saiganov S.A.


The review provides a historical background on the dynamics of representations about the pathology of the heart of athletes induced by intense physical activity in the domestic and the foreign literature. Evidence of the existence of a specific pathology of the myocardium in athletes, which has different names: myocardial dystrophy due to chronic physical overstrain, stress cardiomyopathy in athletes, exercise-induced arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, Phidippides cardiomyopathy. However, the authors agree in describing the clinical picture of heart pathology in athletes: metabolic, electrical, functional and morphological changes in the myocardium under the influence of intense physical activity within a separate nosological unit and its pathogenetic mechanisms.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(2):133-141
pages 133-141 views

Neurotrophic Hypothesis of Development of Depression

Yasenyavskaya A.L., Tsibizova A.A., Samotrueva M.A.


Currently, depression is a widespread mental disorder in modern society and is associated with significant impairments in the quality of life of patients. The review examines the main representatives of neurotrophic factors belonging to various families, in particular nerve growth factor, transforming growth factor beta, neurokines and non-neuronal factors. Neurotrophins, being large polypeptides, play an integrative role, fulfilling the signaling mission of intermediaries in a wide range of physiological processes. At the moment, a large number of studies have been carried out in order to understand the interaction between factors of various directions, including biological, psychological and environmental factors that determine the etiopathogenesis of this pathology. Based on the data obtained, one of the main hypotheses for the development of depression is considered - neurotrophic, which most fully explains the emerging pathogenetic changes. According to this hypothesis, the leading role in the etiology of depression is played by neurotrophic factors that ensure the maintenance of normal neuron-glial interaction, the processes of neurogenesis, angiogenesis, and synaptic plasticity. Neurotrophins have a high physiological activity due to the presence of several binding groups for different cell receptors and the regulatory ability to express other signaling molecules, the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, showing trophic, anti-inflammatory, growth, mediator and effector properties. To date, the mechanisms of the onset of depression, despite the widespread prevalence of this pathology, remain largely unclear, hindering a directed search for targets for the development of effective therapy. The revealed disorders of neurotrophic factors in depression make it reasonable to consider neurotrophins as therapeutic agents in a multitarget approach to the treatment of depressive disorders.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(2):142-152
pages 142-152 views

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