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编号 7 (2024)



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The new “old” values of the Latin American right and the struggle for influence

Diakova L.


In recent years, the popularity of politicians and political parties in Latin America has been growing, ready on a long-term basis to defend the clearly expressed values of right-wing ideology, which are filled with new content in their rhetoric. One of the prerequisites of this phenomenon is the fact that in times of crisis, against the background of the increasing influence of left-wing radicals, with massive disappointment in the activities of centrists, they advocate the integrity of society, defend the importance of its national interests (political, economic, social). The ideological guidelines of the right, conditioned by both traditional approaches and specific risks existing in some countries, practical work, and the social base, are urgent problems that are considered in this article on the example of three leaders of the "new right wave" — J.A.Kast, N.Bukele and J.Milei.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2024;(7):6-23
pages 6-23 views


Low-carbon development strategy and climate regulation instruments in Brazil

Ershov D.


The article analyzes the development of Brazilian government priorities in the field of low-carbon development and climate regulation. Brazil's climate goals for 2025 and 2030, presented in the Nationally Determined Contributions as part of its participation in the Paris Climate Agreement are reviewed. The facts of partial transformation of climate goals depending on a change in political leadership are pointed out. The main documents and climate aspects of the development of the renewable energy, industry and agriculture in the context of underdeveloped climate finance instruments are briefly described. Positive changes have been noted that have been taking place in the country since 2023 after a change in political course as a result of President Lula da Silva coming to the post of head of state. It is concluded that Brazil has good prospects for low-carbon development, taking into account the structure of the energy matrix and the emerging favorable conditions for the influx of foreign investment.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2024;(7):24-38
pages 24-38 views

Franchising in Central America and the Caribbean: big success for small countries

Berdin A., Berdina M.


The Latin American market is of great interest for international business and franchising, both for foreign investors and for national companies that do business abroad. The region under consideration is a kind of kaleidoscope of countries that vary greatly in level of economic development, size of territory and peculiarities of doing business. The article takes as a basis specific countries of the region — the smallest states of the Caribbean and Central America - in order to emphasize the fact that franchising business is widespread not only in developed and promising developing countries, but also in tropical island “oases”. A significant portion of all franchise concepts in Central America and the Caribbean are American. The main area of development of this business in the region is the service sector, especially fast food enterprises and hotels.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2024;(7):39-56
pages 39-56 views

Our compatriots abroad

The Argentinean odyssey of a Russian maximalist. Some touches from the biography of Boris German

Jeifets V., Jeifets L.


Taking the case of the destiny of the Russian Revolutionary Boris Vladimirovich German, the authors reconstruct some episodes in the history of the revolutionary movement at the end of XIXth and early XXth centuries in Russia and Argentina. The outcomes of the study refute the myth about the “first husband of Nadezhda Krupskaya”and reveal the attitude of the Comintern toward Boris German. The article is based on the documents of the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History and the Central State Archive of Historical and Political Documents of Saint-Peterburg.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2024;(7):57-77
pages 57-77 views

Patriotism and connection with the Homeland of the Russian Roslik family in Uruguay

Moseykina M., Saravia Biancimano J.


Based on archival and published sources, this article reconstructs the fate of the Roslik family — a group of sectarian Christians who resettled as a whole colony from the Voronezh province to the Uruguayan city of San Javier in 1913. In this context, the national and social composition of the migrants, representing two waves of emigration, is presented, along with an examination of the adaptation process. The patriotic stance of the Roslik family and the entire colony towards the USSR during the Second World War is elucidated.

Latinskaya Amerika. 2024;(7):78-89
pages 78-89 views

Volga Germans in modern Argentina. Issues of preserving of language, culture and ethnic identity

Litzenberger O.


The phenomenon of ethnic identity and unique cultural heritage of the Volga Germans of Argentina considered in the article is multidimensional. The author analyzes it on the example of the Entre Rios province. In September 2023 the author conducted an expert survey in 15 localities of the province. The information obtained as a result of the survey is grouped in the article into several thematic blocks: ethnic identity; dialect and German language learning; activities of German national-cultural associations to preserve intangible cultural heritage, forecasts and development trends.

Latinskaya Amerika. 2024;(7):90-103
pages 90-103 views

Thinking about read

“Plowing in the sea”. The Russian Revolution and Latin America

Reynoso Jaime I.


The review analyzes the book "The Russian Revolution and Latin America: 1917 and Beyond," edited by Carlos Miguel Herrera and Eugenia Palieraki. It highlights the diversity of responses to the Russian Revolution, ranging from enthusiasm to rejection, and criticizes the dichotomous view of this event in traditional historiography. The book seeks to understand how the Russian Revolution impacted Latin American societies and challenges the Eurocentric view of the event. Specific cases are examined, such as the development of the Argentine Communist Party, the Communist Party of Mexico and tensions between the Comintern and the Communist Party of Chile. The relationship between the Russian Revolution and the Chilean left is also studied, as well as the impact of communism on the family life of militants. The work concludes with an essay on the "posterity" of the Russian Revolution in Latin America, suggesting that its legacy continues to resonate in the region and contributes to the debate on the role of socialist left in present and future struggles.

Latinskaya Amerika. 2024;(7):104-109
pages 104-109 views

Emil' Surenovich Dabagyan (1935–2024)

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Latinskaya Amerika. 2024;(7):110-111
pages 110-111 views