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Vol 74, No 2 (2024)

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Neurovisceral interactions in individual and phylogenetic development

Bakhchina A.V., Sozinova I.S., Alexandrov Y.I.


The article provides a review of experimental studies exploring the nature of neurovisceral interactions through the analysis of heart rate variability at different stages of individual development and within different species. Analysis of heart rate variability is one of the most common and accessible experimental methods to observe aspects of neurovisceral (for example, neurocardiac) interactions. Nonstationary, nonlinear components in the dynamics of inter-beat intervals (periods between adjacent heart beats) reflect the processes of coordination of heart activity with changes in the organization of neural activity, ensuring the current relationship of the individual with the environment. Mathematically, these aspects of heart rate dynamics are expressed in estimates of the complexity, irregularity, entropy, and unpredictability of the time sequence of inter-beat intervals. The dynamics of neurocardiac interactions described in this way are not the same in different species and become more complex in phylogeny. Similarly, in individual development, the dynamics of the heart rate becomes more complex and reflects, among other things, the degree of maturation of certain nervous structures at different stages of ontogenesis. We examined the features of the dynamics of neurovisceral interactions in individual and phylogenetic development within the framework of the system-evolution theory and interpreted them in connection with changes in the structure of individual experience – the characteristics of a set of functional systems actualized in behavior (increasing differentiation of the relationship between the individual and the environment).

Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I.P. Pavlova. 2024;74(2):131-149
pages 131-149 views

Search for neurophysiological mechanisms of configurational learning

Chernyshev B.V., Ushakov V.L., Poznyak L.A.


Configural learning is a form of associative learning in which the conditioned stimulus is a holistic set of stimulus elements rather than individual stimuli or their isolated properties. Successfully solving the task of such associative learning requires a holistic analysis of the entire configuration as a whole. The ability to analyze not only individual physical aspects of a stimulus or single objects in a visual scene, but also their holistic combinations, offers significant evolutionary advantages, as configurations often have substantially greater predictive power compared to individual stimulus elements or features. Moreover, the ability to holistically analyze combinations of stimulus field elements or features can be considered an initial, primitive manifestation of consciousness. In the present review, we consider the history of the development of the concept of configural learning, the main methodological avenues of investigation, and currently available neurophysiological data on the putative neural basis of this phenomenon. We find it most interesting to study the processes of configural learning in humans using modern neuroimaging methods, as they provide a glimpse into the holistic brain functioning. Finally, we consider the future tasks aimed to provide a more complete understanding of the neurophysiology of the configural learning phenomenon.

Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I.P. Pavlova. 2024;74(2):150-166
pages 150-166 views


Comparative analysis of the excitatory and inhibitory hippocampal neurons activity during associative context memory retrieval

Toropova K.A., Ivashkina O.I., Vorobyeva N.S., Anokhin K.V.


In the present study, we analyzed the differential involvement of hippocampal interneurons and pyramidal neurons in the retrieval of associative aversive context memory. For this purpose, we used a model of associative learning in which the formation of a neutral context memory and the subsequent association of this memory with the footshock US during a brief reminder of the context were significantly separated in time. The activation of hippocampal neurons during associative context memory retrieval in this task was addressed by immunohistochemical detection of the immediate early gene c-fos protein. Retrieval of associative context memory was accompanied by an increase in the number of c-Fos-positive cells in the CA1 region, but not in the CA3 region and the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. Next, a protein marker, the product of the homeobox-containing gene Emx1, was used to specifically identify excitatory neurons, and the marker glutamate decarboxylase, GAD, the product of the GAD1 and GAD2 genes, was used to specifically identify inhibitory neurons. The results of double staining for cell markers and c-Fos protein showed that during retrieval of associative aversive context memory in the CA1 region of the hippocampus, both Emx1-positive excitatory neurons and, less, GAD-positive inhibitory interneurons were activated. At the same time, regardless of the type of behavioral procedure (retrieval of associative context memory, non-associative context memory, or exploration of context, where animals previously received the footshock but did not remember it), the proportion of activated excitatory and inhibitory neurons remained constant, only the number of activated cells of each type changed. Altogether, our results indicate the specific role of hippocampal CA1 neurons in associative context memory and demonstrate that both excitatory and inhibitory neurons are involved in the encoding of such memory.

Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I.P. Pavlova. 2024;74(2):167-178
pages 167-178 views

Evaluation of sensomotor development, behavioral reactions and cognitive functions of the second generation of rats with hyperhomocysteinemia

Yakovleva O.V., Skripnikova V.V., Yakovlev A.V., Sitdikova G.F.


The adverse maternal exposure during pregnancy leads to developmental disorders in the offspring that can be passed on to later generations. Epigenetic regulation of DNA transcription may mediate inherited metabolic diseases. An increase in homocysteine concentration in the blood is associated with epigenetic modifications of the genome, which can alter the fetal brain’s development program and cause cognitive impairment. The aim of our work was to identify changes in sensomotor development, behavioral reactions and cognitive functions of offspring of second generation rats (HcyF2) of hyperhomocysteinemia. Our results indicate that unconditioned reflexes and physical parameters are delayed in HcyF2 rats. In “open field”, HcyF2 rats showed higher levels of anxiety and decreased exploratory and motor activity, while coordination of movements studied in “rotarod” test was not impaired. Decreased limb muscle strength was shown in the “grip strength” test. Additionally, HcyF2 rats demonstrated an impaired learning and longterm memory in the Morris water maze. Biochemical analysis revealed an imbalance in the antioxidant systems, which was attributed to decreased activity of glutathione peroxidases and H2S synthesis enzymes. It was suggested that elevated homocysteine levels during pregnancy may result in epigenetic modifications of the genome, which can impact the metabolism of offspring and be inherited by future generations.

Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I.P. Pavlova. 2024;74(2):179-196
pages 179-196 views

Mechanisms of adaptation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in male mice under chronic social defeat stress

Sapronova А.А., Ryabushkina Y.A., Kisaretovа P.E., Bondar N.P.


The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) plays an important role in the mechanisms of adaptation to chronic stress. A model of chronic social defeat stress (CSDS), based on the experience of defeat in daily agonistic interactions, causes the development of a depressive-like state in mice, which is often accompanied by an increase in blood corticosterone levels. In this work, we assessed what changes occur in the central (hypothalamus) and peripheral (adrenal glands) parts of the HPA axis under the influence of chronic social stress, which can affect the regulation of corticosterone synthesis and its level in the blood. The experience of chronic social stress causes an increase in the relative weight of the adrenal glands, an increase in the expression level of Crh gene in the hypothalamus and the expression of the genes for the corticosterone synthesis enzymes Star, Cyp11a1, Cyp11b1 in the adrenal glands. At the same time, in the hypothalamus the expression of Fkbp5 and Nr3c1 decreases and the expression of Crhbp increases, and in the adrenal glands the expression of the Mc2r and Hsd11b1 genes decreases, which is ultimately aimed at reducing the amount of corticosterone secreted by the adrenal glands, and thus limiting the glucocorticoid response. Thus, chronic stress leads to an imbalance of the activating and stabilizing mechanisms of HPA axis regulation and a possible inadequate response to additional stress stimuli.

Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I.P. Pavlova. 2024;74(2):197-209
pages 197-209 views


Dynamics of EEG synchronization and desynchronization when performing real and imagined hand reaching

Kurgansky M.E., Isaev M.R., Bobrov P.D.


The work investigates spatial and temporal EEG patterns during real and imagined execution of hand reaching. Six independent sources of electrical activity were identified in the EEG recordings. The sources corresponded to the premotor areas, supplementary motor area, primary motor areas, and posterior parietal cortex. Their activation patterns in the alpha and beta range were studied using a continuous wavelet transform. The main differences between real and imagined movement are found in the activation of primary motor and premotor areas. Asymmetry in activation of primary motor areas was observed only during the imaginary movements. Desynchronization in premotor areas of both the alpha and beta ranges, suggesting their activation, accompanied the imaginary movements throughout their course. On the other hand, hypersynchronization was observed in premotor areas during real movement, which likely corresponds to inhibition, while desynchronization was observed in the latent period, 1.5 seconds before the start of movement. Thus, an imaginary movement bears the features of planning a real movement.

Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I.P. Pavlova. 2024;74(2):210-222
pages 210-222 views

Retention of verbal and nonverbal information in the working memory. An analysis of functional and effective connectivity

Kurgansky А.V., Korneev A.A., Lomakin D.I., Machinskaya R.I.


In this work we estimated differences in the structure of brain systems that ensure encoding and retention in working memory (WM) of two types of information: verbal (letters) and non-verbal (segments of an open broken line) sequences presented either statically or dynamically. Brain systems were characterized by the strength of functional and effective connections between eight approximately bilaterally symmetrical cortical loci, including the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and regions of the temporal (STG), parietal (IPS), and occipital (v2) cortices.

Using an 8-channel vector autoregressive model in the space of cortical EEG sources, it was shown in a group of subjects in whom high-density EEG was recorded that: (1) the brain organization of the WM when holding a sequence of letters differs from that when holding a sequence of broken line segments; (2) the brain organization of the WM depends on the mode of presentation of sequences: the strength of the functional connection is different during dynamic and static presentation of the sequence; (3) differences in the structure of functional and effective connections are not of a pronounced frequency-selective nature and are observed in all studied EEG frequency ranges from theta (4–8 Hz) to high-frequency gamma (50–60 Hz); (4) the most reliable differences between the task of retaining a sequence of letters and the task of retaining a sequence of broken line segments are observed in the alpha and beta frequency ranges during static visual presentation of sequences in the strength of functional connectivity measured using coherence between the left hemisphere dlPFC and the right hemisphere STG, as well as in theta range between the right hemisphere dlPFC and the left visual cortex v2; (5) the most reliable difference between static and dynamic presentation modes is observed in the task of holding broken line segments in the gamma frequency range (50–60 Hz) between the dlPFC in the right hemisphere and the left visual cortex v2.

Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I.P. Pavlova. 2024;74(2):223-243
pages 223-243 views

The Activity of the Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus and the Error Detection Brain Mechanism During Deception Under Conditions of Different Monetary Benefit

Korotkov A.D., Zheltyakova M.A., Masharipov R.S., Didour М.D., Cherednichenko D.V., Kireev М.V.


This research is aimed at investigating the characteristics of activity of brain areas that underlie action execution and are modulated by the error detection mechanism under conditions of various potential monetary benefits of manipulative truthful and false actions. It is shown that the implementation of potentially less profitable deceptive actions is associated with a relatively higher level of functional activity of the inferior frontal gyrus, a structure that receives information from structures associated with the error detection mechanism. This effect was revealed in experimental conditions with less reinforced deceptive actions, both in comparison with relatively more rewarded deception, and with manipulative truthful actions, regardless of their reward. Moreover, the increase in the profit of deceptive actions is accompanied by the disappearance of a statistically significant difference in the activity of the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, which has been observed in the comparison of equally low profitable truthful and false actions. These results indicate a possible mechanism of expected monetary benefit influence on the manipulative decision to lie, according to which, the prefrontal structures underlying control of behavior show less susceptibility to the involvement of the error detection mechanism in maintaining deceptive actions.

Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I.P. Pavlova. 2024;74(2):244-256
pages 244-256 views

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