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Vol 78, No 1 (2023)

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Application of Metal-Organic Frameworks to High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

Shaikhutdinov I.K., Ryazanova T.K., Limareva L.V., Sokolov A.V.


We present a critical review of experimental studies of the efficiency of the separation of various groups of chemical compounds under the conditions of high-performance liquid chromatography using metal-organic framework polymers (metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)) or composite materials with MOFs as a stationary phase. MOFs demonstrated many advantages in high-performance liquid chromatography and a possibility of competing successfully with conventional phases, especially in the determination of low-molecular-weight compounds and optical isomers. Among the promising options for using this class of materials are the development of monolithic separation columns and hybrid adsorbents that eliminate the disadvantages of adsorbents based on pure MOFs.

Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii. 2023;78(1):3-23
pages 3-23 views


Identification and Authentication of Milk Using Digital Colormetry of Indicator Test Systems, Smartphone, and Chemometric Analysis

Amelin V.G., Shogah Z.A., Bol’shakov D.S., Tret’yakov A.V.


A simple and an available method is proposed for the identification and authentication of milk using a test device, a smartphone, and chemometric analysis. For the identification by the region of origin and the species of milk (cow, goat, sheep, etc.) and authentication (authenticity, falsification of milk), acid-base indicator papers and test papers are used to determine the total hardness and total alkalinity of water and chloride and sulfate ions. Two indicator systems are proposed. In the first test system, 16 indicator zones are used, of which 12 zones are acid-base indicators with a color change in the pH range of 3–9, and 4 are indicator zones, the color change of which depends on the concentration of calcium ions and chloride, sulfate, carbonate, and hydrocarbonate ions. The second test system uses fluorescent indicators, as well as the intrinsic fluorescence of milk on cellulose paper and a thin silica layer. In this case, the indicator zones of the matrix are irradiated with monochromatic ultraviolet light (365 nm) after applying milk samples to them. A device and a method for measuring the colorimetric characteristics of test systems using a smartphone are proposed. The data array (the sum of the RGB channel values) is processed using the XLSTAT software. The use of chemometric analysis made it possible to establish the authenticity of milk, identify it by the region of origin, and reveal facts of milk falsification by dilution with water, the use of vegetable fats, and emulsification with surfactants. The manufacturers of pasteurized milk were identified and a possibility of determining its fat content by the data array of RGB colorimetric parameters is proved

Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii. 2023;78(1):24-33
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Using Carbon Quantum Dots for the Determination of Aminoglycoside Antibiotics by Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay

Larina M.Y., Farafonova O.V., Eremin S.A., Ermolayeva T.N.


Conditions are studied for the synthesis of carbon quantum dots (CQD) exhibiting green fluorescence by the ultrasonic treatment of multilayered carbon nanotubes in a mixture HNO3 with H2SO4 (CQD-1) and by the microwave decomposition of 9,10-dinitroanthracene in ethanol (CQD-2). The sizes of COD are estimated by atomic force microscopy, and their optical properties, by spectrophotometry and fluorescence spectrometry. Infrared spectrometry was used to identify active functional groups on the CQD surface, participating in the formation of stable bonds in the synthesis of tracers. A possibility of using CQD as labels in fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA) is shown. Procedures are developed for determining aminoglycoside antibiotics gentamycin, streptomycin, and amikacin by FPIA using a TDx-analyzer (Abbott Diagnostics, United States); their performance characteristics are presented. The limit of detection is (ng/mL) 20, 10, and 3, and the analytical range (µg/mL) is 0.05–3.00, 0.02–6.00, and 0.01–3.00 for gentamycin, streptomycin, and amikacin respectively. The procedures are tested in the determination of gentamycin, streptomycin, and amikacin in dairy products.

Various labels, most often enzyme or fluorescent, are used to 

Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii. 2023;78(1):34-42
pages 34-42 views

Replacement of Acetonitrile with Ethanol in the Determination of Anthocyanins by Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

Deineka V.I., Oleinits E.Y., Blinova I.P., Deineka L.A.


It was found experimentally that the replacement of acetonitrile with ethanol upon the acidification of the mobile phase with phosphoric acid is an effective version for replacing acetonitrile. At that, the order of elution of glycosides of the same type of the five main anthocyanidins (delphinidin, cyanidin, petunidin, peonidin, and malvidin) does not change in eluents convenient for analysis, and the range of retention times for a complete set of such anthocyanins becomes noticeably narrower in going from acetonitrile to ethanol. To determine the effect of aglycone structure on the retention of derivatives of the same anthocyanidin (cyanidin), a mixture of six glycosides was used: one monoglycoside (3-glucoside), two 3-diglycosides (sophoroside and sambubioside), and two 3-triglycosides (2"-glucosylrutinoside and 2"-xylosylrutinoside). This mixture is a real set of anthocyanins, requiring the careful selection of the mobile phase for separating all components. In this work, based on an analysis of separation maps, the composition of a mobile phase based on ethanol is determined that ensures the achievement of the effective separation of these anthocyanins.

Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii. 2023;78(1):43-47
pages 43-47 views

Passive Adsorption of Aromatic Substances on Silicon Carbide and Nitrile Rubber Composites and a Comparison of the Chromatographic Profiles of Banana Candy, Fresh Banana, and “Banana” Flavor

Popik M.V., Shpigun O.A., Stepashkin A.A., Markova E.S., Furman A.N., Shekhtman S.P., Pirogov A.V.


A domestic composite material based on silicon carbide and nitrile butadiene rubber was used to identify volatile substances of banana, banana flavor, and creamy chewing candies by passive adsorption in combination with thermal desorption GC–MS. This method can be used to determine a wide range of compounds, for example, esters of carboxylic acids, terpenoids, aldehydes, aromatic hydrocarbons, alkanes, heterocyclic compounds, phenols, glycerides, and fatty acids. The obtained chromatographic profiles of the samples were compared. In the chromatogram of “Banana” flavor, five peaks (out of eight) corresponded to the compounds that form the aroma of a banana, and in the chromatogram of “Love is” candies with banana flavor, three corresponding peaks (out of 21) were found.

Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii. 2023;78(1):48-54
pages 48-54 views

Comparison of Gas-Chromatographic Retention Parameters of Aliphatic Enyne Alcohols with the Data for Their Structural Analogues

Savina I.A., Gusev D.M., Zimina T.V., Golovanov A.A., Zenkevich I.G.


We studied the regularities of gas-chromatographic retention indices of aliphatic enyne alcohols containing С=С and С≡С bonds in the molecule (14 secondary and two tertiary homologues) on standard nonpolar polydimethylsiloxane stationary phases, which have not been characterized in sufficient detail earlier. Using homologous increments of retention indices iRI = RI – 100x, where х = int(M/14), М is the molecular weight number, and 14 is the mass number of the CH2 homological difference, one can compare data for structural analogs, including alkanols, alkenols, and alkynols. The features of comparing iRI values for compounds belonging to different homologous groups y ≡ M(mod14), for example, CnH2n+2O (y = 4), CnH2nO (y = 2), CnH2n–2O (y = 0), and CnH2n–4O (y = 12), are discussed. The main feature is that when the boundary value of y = 0 is passed, the relation between the parameter x and the number of carbon atoms in the molecule changes due to an increase in the formal unsaturation (the condition n = x – 1 is replaced by the condition n = x). Therefore, in the latter case, 100 should be subtracted from the iRI homologous increments to compare them with the data for structural analogs of other series. Taking this correction into account, we found that the iRI values for secondary enyne alcohols (12 ± 16) and previously characterized sec-alkynols (23 ± 21) virtually coincide, and for tertiary enyne alcohols, they are consistent with the data for all considered groups of structural analogues (alkanols, alkenols, and alkynols).

Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii. 2023;78(1):55-63
pages 55-63 views

Gas-Chromatographic Identification of Unusual Unstable Products of the Partial Hydrolysis of Tetraethoxysilane

Zenkevich I.G., Baranov D.A.


Gas chromatographic analysis of a long-stored sample of tetraethoxysilane (tetraethyl orthosilicate) showed that it lacked the main component due to the hydrolysis of this compound by traces of water. Instead, ethanol and three other components with retention indices (RIs) of 537 ± 2 (no. 1), 608 ± 1 (no. 2, the most abundant component), and 727 ± 3 (no. 3) on a column with a HP-5 stationary phase were detected. These components are unstable, and they cannot be isolated preparatively; as a result, they have not been characterized previously. To identify them, the chemical properties of this sample were characterized, and the recurrent approximations of the RIs of the detected components and their correlation with the retention indices of structural analogs were considered. It was established that they were congeners of the initial tetraethoxysilane, namely, exotic products of its partial hydrolysis—triethoxysilanol (C2H5O)3SiOH, diethoxysilanediol (C2H5O)2Si(OH)2, and ethoxysilanetriol (C2H5O)Si(OH)3. In accordance with published data, some silanediols R2Si(OH)2 and silanetriols RSi(OH)3 are stable, especially, compounds containing substituents capable of conjugation with vacant d orbitals of silicon atoms. Among them are phenyl- (π–d conjugation systems) and alkoxy-substituted (p–d systems) silanediols and silanetriols. The identified products of partial hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane belong to the latter type.

Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii. 2023;78(1):64-73
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Comparative Analysis of the Results of the Online Determination of Hydrogen Sulfide and the Results Obtained by Photometry and Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry

Valieva E.F., Khatmullina R.M., Safarova V.I., Goncharova I.P.


The results of the determination of sulfur-containing compounds in atmospheric air polluted by products of the depressurization of a product pipeline with gas condensate are presented. Hydrogen sulfide was determined online using mobile automatic control stations and by photometry in a stationary laboratory. Organic sulfur-containing compounds (mercaptans, sulfides, disulfides) were identified by chromatography–mass spectrometry. It was found that the results of the analysis obtained in the automatic mode reflect the total content of hydrogen sulfide and some organosulfur compounds.

Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii. 2023;78(1):74-79
pages 74-79 views

Determination of Glyphosate, Its Metabolite, and Glufosinate in Products of Plant Origin by Chromatography–Mass-Spectrometry

Sorokin A.V.


A selective procedure is developed for the determination of glyphosate, aminomethylphosphonic acid, and glufosinate in raw materials of plant origin by chromatography–mass spectrometry. The limit of quantification for glyphosate is 0.1 mg/kg and for glufosinate and aminomethylphosphonic acid, 0.4 mg/kg. The procedure is based on the extraction of analytes from a sample with deionized water acidified with hydrochloric acid, solid-phase purification followed by derivatization with 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl chloride, and the additional purification of the derivatives on a sorbent with weak cation-exchange properties. The extraction and purification procedures for the extracts are optimized. The effect of matrix components on the chromatographic separation and detection of glyphosate on chromatographs–mass spectrometers of various types is studied. Validation of the developed procedure showed that the relative expanded uncertainty lies in the range from 15 to 25%.

Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii. 2023;78(1):80-89
pages 80-89 views

A Potentiometric Sensor for Cesium Ions with a Film Membrane Based on Dibenzo-21-Crown-7

Brechalov A.A., Babitova E.S., Timoshenko V.V., Eremin V.V., Kalinin E.O., Kalyagin D.S., Smirnov I.V., Ermolenko Y.E.


A new type of potentiometric sensor for cesium ions based on a crown ether (dibenzo-21-crown-7) is proposed; its analytical characteristics are presented: limit of detection, slope of electrode function, selectivity to a number of interfering ions, and the working pH range of solutions.

Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii. 2023;78(1):90-93
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Сто лет профессору Я.И. Турьяну

Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii. 2023;78(1):96
pages 96 views

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