
Savchenko, Valeriy Grigor'evich

栏目 标题 文件
卷 81, 编号 7 (2009) Editorial Acute leukemia and pregnancy - some postulates
卷 81, 编号 7 (2009) Editorial Results of the treatment of adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia according to ALL-2005 protocol as a basis for new trials
卷 81, 编号 7 (2009) Editorial Regulatory mechanisms of iron metabolism in patients with acute leukemia
卷 81, 编号 7 (2009) Editorial Leukemic dendritic cells in patients with acute myeloid leukemia
卷 81, 编号 7 (2009) Editorial Significance of matrix metalloproteinases and their ihhibitors in normal subjects, solid and blood cancer patients
卷 83, 编号 3 (2011) Editorial Development of acute myeloid leukemia from donor cells after allogenic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in a female patient with acute monoblastic leukemia
卷 83, 编号 7 (2011) Editorial Long-term results of HBV and HCV infection in patients with blood diseases
卷 83, 编号 7 (2011) Editorial Follow-up study of expression of Bcl-2, Bax, p53 and ACE in CD34+ cells of peripheral blood and bone marrow in acute leukemia patients in the course of induction chemotherapy
卷 83, 编号 7 (2011) Editorial Optimization of regimes of mobilization of blood hemopoietic stem cells in patients with multiple myeloma
卷 83, 编号 7 (2011) Editorial Extremely high concentration of mexotrexate in blood serum leading to development of acute renal failure in a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia after high-dose consolidation
卷 83, 编号 10 (2011) Editorial Iron metabolism regulatory mechanisms in initial leukocytosis in patients with acute leukemia
