
Shear bands and anisotropy of the mechanical properties of an MA2-1pch magnesium alloy after equal-channel angular pressing
Serebryany V., Khar’kova M., D’yakonov G., Kopylov V., Dobatkin S.
Fabrication of a High-Density Compacted Material from a Coarse-Grained Silicon Carbide Powder by Magnetic Pulsed Pressing Combined with Spark Plasma Sintering
Shornikov D., Tenishev A., Kazakova V., Zholnin A.
Manufacture of NiAl-based rods for plasma centrifugal spraying using mechanochemical synthesis
Logacheva A., Gusakov M., Sentyurina Z., Logachev I., Kandyba A.
Structure and Mechanical Properties of the Molybdenum–Steel Bimetal Fabricated by Hot Isostatic Pressing
Makhina D., Denisov V., Perminova Y., Butrim V., Nikulin S.
Effect of deformation and heat treatment on the structure, the mechanical properties, and the fracture characteristics of an ultrafine-grained Zr–1Nb alloy
Vinokurov V., Grabovetskaya G., Stepanova E., Mishin I.
Effect of Hot Isostatic Pressing on the Structure and the Mechanical Properties of an Al–7Si–7Cu Composite Alloy
Akopyan T., Belov N., Padalko A., Letyagin N.
Structure formation in grade 20 steel during equal-channel angular pressing and subsequent heating
Dobatkin S., Odesskii P., Raab G., Tyutin M., Rybalchenko O.
High-Temperature Interaction in the ZrSi2–ZrSiO4 System and Its Mechanism
Astapov A., Lifanov I., Prokofiev M.
Technology of Plastic Deformation Repair of Metallurgical Machine Parts
Skhirtladze A., Skryabin V.
Texture, Structure, Mechanical Properties, and Deformability of MA2-1pch Magnesium Alloy Rolled Sheets Preliminarily Subjected to Direct Extrusion or Equal-Channel Angular Pressing and Annealing
Serebryanyi V., Khar’kova M., Luk’yanova E., Karelin F.
Effect of Barothermal Treatment on the Structure and the Mechanical Properties of a High-Strength Eutectic Al–Zn–Mg–Cu–Ni Aluminum Alloy
Akopyan T., Padalko A., Belov N., Karpova Z.
Mechanical and functional properties of commercial alloy TN-1 semiproducts fabricated by warm rotary forging and ECAP
Andreev V., Yusupov V., Perkas M., Prosvirnin V., Shelest A., Prokoshkin S., Khmelevskaya I., Korotitskii A., Bondareva S., Karelin R.
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