
Plasma Heating of Periclase–Carbon Refractory
Kats Y., Krasnyanskii M., Yusupov D., Tyuftyaev A., Gadzhiev M., Khromov M.
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Oxidation of Radioactive Graphite in Molten Na2CO3–K2CO3–Sb2O3 in a Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere
Barbin N., Sidash I., Terent’ev D., Alexeev S.
Thermodynamic simulation of the oxidation of radioactive graphite in the Na2CO3–K2CO3–NiO and Na2CO3–K2CO3–CuO melts
Barbin N., Shavaleev M., Terent’ev D., Alekseev S.
Technology of Melting an Invar in an Induction Furnace
Gertsyk S., Smirnova V.
Effect of an atmosphere on the wetting of titanium carbide with liquid low-carbon steel
Chumanov I., Anikeev A.
Development of the Compositions of High-Temperature Coatings with a High Emissivity Factor to Intensify Radiant Heat Exchange
Chernov V., Dudin V.
Melting of pellets during arc heating with an analysis of the metal loss in the subelectrode space in a steelmaking bath
Merker E., Sazonov A., Stepanov V., Krakht L., Kharlamov D.
Technology of Plastic Deformation Repair of Metallurgical Machine Parts
Skhirtladze A., Skryabin V.
Effect of Pulsed Helium Ion Fluxes and Helium Plasma on the Inconel 718 Alloy
Borovitskaya I., Gribkov V., Grigorovich K., Demin A., Maslyaev S., Morozov E., Pimenov V., Sprygin G., Zepelev A., Gusakov M., Logachev I., Bondarenko G., Gaidar A.
Algorithm for the Optimization of the Technological Conditions of Forming Epoxy-Matrix-Based Composites
Chen’ Y., Gorodetskii M., Nelyub V., Malysheva G.
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Oxidation of Radioactive Graphite in the Na2CO3–K2CO3–Sb2O3 Melt in an Argon Atmosphere
Barbin N., Sidash I., Terent’ev D., Alekseev S.
Improvement of the Electric Arc Furnace Manufacture of R6M5 Steel
Gertsyk S., Korolev M., Shil’nikov E.
Adjusting characteristics of electric arc furnaces
Mironov Y., Mironova A., Mikhadarov D.
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