
Vacancy Void Growth Rate as a Function of the Neutron Irradiation Parameters at the Initial Stage of Transient Swelling
Kozlov A., Portnykh I.
Thermal stability of the microstructure of silver films
Sursaeva V., Straumal A.
Effect of Overload on the Near-Threshold Fatigue Crack Growth Rate in a 2024-T3 Aluminum Alloy: II. Fatigue Crack Growth Simulation for Calculating the Fatigue Life under Alternating Loading
Savkin A., Sunder R., Andronik A., Sedov A.
Effect of Recovery and Recrystallization on the Hall–Petch Relation Parameters in Submicrocrystalline Metals: I. Experimental Studies
Chuvil’deev V., Nokhrin A., Myshlyaev M., Kopylov V., Lopatin Y., Melekhin N., Piskunov A., Bobrov A., Pirozhnikova O.
On the Theory of the Nonstationary Spherical Crystal Growth in Supercooled Melts and Supersaturated Solutions
Alexandrov D., Alexandrova I., Ivanov A., Malygin A., Starodumov I., Toropova L.
Formation of an Electrode Deposit under Galvanostatic Conditions
Isaev V., Grishenkova O., Laptev M., Isakov A., Zaikov Y.
Simulation of the potentiodynamic and galvanostatic phase formation in melts
Isaev V., Grishenkova O., Kosov A., Semerikova O., Zaykov Y.
Effect of the Neutron Irradiation Characteristics on the Irradiation-Induced Swelling in a Kh18N9 Steel
Kozlov A., Asiptsov O., Portnykh I.
Potentiostatic Current Transients during the Diffusion-Controlled Growth of a New Phase
Isaev V., Grishenkova O., Zaikov Y.
Effect of doping on the mechanical properties of nonlinear GaSe crystals
Potekaev A., Andreev Y., Kokh K., Svetlichnyi V.
Development of Fatigue Damages in a Pseudo-α-Titanium Alloy after Intense Thermomechanical Treatment
Bagmutov V., Vodop’yanov V., Zakharov I., Vdovenko A., Romanenko M., Chekunov V.
Boundary Integral Equation Study of the Growth of a Dendritic Elliptic Paraboloid Crystal
Titova E., Alexandrov D., Galenko P.
Analysis of the geometrical–probabilistic models of electrocrystallization
Isaev V., Grishenkova O., Zaykov Y.
Mathematical Simulation of the Crystal Nucleation and Growth at the Intermediate Stage of a Phase Transition
Makoveeva E., Alexandrov D.
Nucleation and growth of metal nanocrystals during electrocrystallization in melts
Isaev V., Grishenkova O., Semerikova O., Kosov A., Zaykov Y.
Implementation and Modification of the Manufacture of High-Quality Ingots in an ALD Vacuum Arc Furnace
Sisev A., Troyanov B., Il’inskii A.
Effect of Overload on the Near-Threshold Fatigue Crack Growth Rate in a 2024-T3 Aluminum Alloy: I. Effect of the Character, the Magnitude, and the Sequence of Overload on the Fatigue Crack Growth Rate
Savkin A., Sunder R., Andronik A., Sedov A.
Hot-tearing susceptibility of Al–Zn alloys
Bazhenov V., Pikunov M., Safronova A., Tselovalnik Y.
Solid-Phase Reduction and Iron Grain Growth in Red Mud in the Presence of Alkali Metal Salts
Grudinskii P., Dyubanov V., Zinoveev D., Zheleznyi M.
Ensemble of secondary cracks near the fatigue fracture surface of a titanium alloy VT23M specimen
Lavrov A., Erasov V., Nochovnaya N., Kotova E.
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