
Adhesion Strength of Ceramic Coatings to Dental Ni–Cr Alloy Fabricated by Casting with 3D Printed Patterns
Dikova T., Dolgov N., Vasilev T., Katreva I.
Effect of modification on the solidification of Al–Si aluminum alloys
Petrov I., Berezhnoi D., Ryakhovskii A., Moiseev V.
Interaction of a Liquid Metal with Dispersed Steel Inclusions during Lost-Foam Casting
Vorontsov B., Nesterov N.
Detection of a Pool in Semi-Continuous Castings Made of Heat-Treatable Aluminum Alloys
Krushenko G., Nazarov V.
Reduction of Silicon from a Ceramic Mold during Directional Solidification of Single-Crystal Nickel Superalloys
Min P., Sidorov V., Vadeev V.
Next-generation casting technologies and their adaptation and development in Russia: I. at the beginning of a new technological paradigm
Semenov A., Gavrilenko A., Semenov B.
Microstructure and Hardness of a Dispersion-Reinforced Casting
Anikeev A., Chumanov I.
Creep of the Investment Mold Material
Leushin I., Leushina L., Koshelev O.
Development of a Technique to Simulate the Injection Molding of Metallic-Powder-Filled Polymers
Semenov A., Kutsbakh A., Muranov A., Semenov B.
Development and Implementation of the Casting of Rods Made of Refractory Cast Alloys
Kabanov I., Urin S., Ivanyuk A., Nesterov A., Bogdanov S.
Continuous Casting of Aluminum Alloys Combined with Their Deformation during Solidification
Sergeeva A., Lovizin N., Sosnin A.
Formation of Titanium Boride in the Surface Layer of an Iron–Carbon Alloy Casting
Ovcharenko P., Leshchev A., Chekmyshev K., Makhneva T.
Technological Schemes and Conditions for the Production of Rolling Rings from Hollow As-Cast Blanks
Kostyshev V., Erisov Y.
Development of the manufacture of billets based on high-strength aluminum alloys
Korostelev V., Denisov M., Bol’shakov A., Van Khieu C.
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