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Vol 88, No 1 (2024)

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On the stability of linear systems with a quadratic integral

Kozlov V.V.


The problem of stability of non-degenerate linear systems admitting a first integral in the form of a non-degenerate quadratic form is considered. New algebraic criteria for stability, as well as complete instability of such systems, have been established in the form of equality to zero of traces of products of matrices, which include an additional symmetric matrix. These conditions are closely related to the symplectic geometry of the phase space, which is determined by the matrix of the original linear system and the symmetric matrix defining the first integral. General results are applied to finding conditions for complete instability of linear gyroscopic systems.

Prikladnaâ matematika i mehanika. 2024;88(1):5-16
pages 5-16 views

Nonregular precession of a rigid body in three uniform fields

Ol’shanskii V.Y.


This article presents a solution to the problem of the conditions of nonregular precession of a rigid body in three homogeneous fields, in which the ratio of precession and proper rotation velocities is constant. It is shown that the precession of a dynamically symmetric body is possible at a precession velocity equal to, twice as large as, or twice as small as the proper rotation velocity. For each of the cases, the set of admissible positions of the centres of the forces and the relation between the body moments of inertia and constant nutation angle are given.

Prikladnaâ matematika i mehanika. 2024;88(1):17-33
pages 17-33 views

On precession of Lagrange’s top

Rozenblat G.M.


The article describes the results obtained for the upper and lower bounds (estimates) for the apsidal angle (precession angle) in the theory of the motion of the heavy symmetrical solid body about fixed point (Lagrange’s case) for arbitrary initial conditions and parameters of the body. All regions of initial conditions is divided into two sets. In the first set there is a direct precession of the top, in the second set there is a retrograde precession of the top.

Prikladnaâ matematika i mehanika. 2024;88(1):34-52
pages 34-52 views

Optimal motion of a body controlled by an internal mass in the resistive environment

Glazkov T.V., Chernousko F.L.


Translational movement of a body controlled by means of periodical motions of an internal mass within the environment with the quadratic resistance is considered. The average speed of motion depending on the constraints imposed is evaluated, and the conditions are found that correspond to the maximum average speed.

Prikladnaâ matematika i mehanika. 2024;88(1):53-66
pages 53-66 views

The problem of trajectories avoiding from rarefied terminal sets

Yugay L.P.


The problem of trajectories avoiding in nonlinear conflict-controlled processes (differential games) in L.S. Pontrjagin and E.F. Mishchenko statement is considered. Terminal sets have a particular rarefied structure. Unlike other works, they consist of countable points and may have a limit points. New sufficient conditions and evasion methods are obtained, which make it possible to solve a number of avoiding trajectory problems of oscillatory systems, including the swinging problem of the generalized mathematical pendulum.

Prikladnaâ matematika i mehanika. 2024;88(1):67-78
pages 67-78 views

Features of the photophoretic motion of an evaporating droplet in a viscous non-isothermal binary gas medium

Malai N.V., Sohan P.V., Shostak Y.I.


A theoretical description of the photophoretic motion in a viscous nonisothermal binary gas mixture of a large evaporating spherical droplet with significant relative temperature differences in its vicinity is carried out in the quasi-stationary approximation for small Reynolds and Pecle numbers. When describing the properties of a gaseous medium, a power-law type of dependence of the coefficients of molecular transport (viscosity, diffusion and thermal conductivity) and density on temperature was taken into account. Numerical estimates have shown the nonlinear nature of the dependence of the photophoretic force and velocity on the average temperature of the droplet surface.

Prikladnaâ matematika i mehanika. 2024;88(1):79-94
pages 79-94 views

Acceleration of shear flow ina viscoplastic half-plane with a depth-varying yield stress

Georgievskii D.V., Banko V.A.


The problem of acceleration from a state of rest of a shear flow in a viscoplastic half-plane is studied analytically when a tangential stress is specified at the boundary. It is assumed that the dynamic viscosity and density of the medium are constant, and the yield stress can change in a continuous or discontinuous manner depending on the depth. The entire half-plane at any moment of time consists of previously unknown layers where shear flow occurs and rigid zones. The latter can move as a rigid whole, or they can be motionless, such as, for example, a half-plane, to which disturbances caused by the action of tangential forces have not yet reached. To find the stress and velocity fields, a method is developed based on quasi-self-similar diffusion-vortex solutions of parabolic problems in areas with moving boundaries. The question of what conclusions about the depth distribution of the yield stress can be drawn from available measurements of the velocity of the half-plane boundary is discussed.

Prikladnaâ matematika i mehanika. 2024;88(1):95-103
pages 95-103 views

Localization of natural oscillations of thin elastic gaskets

Nazarov S.A.


We study natural oscillations of thin homogeneous isotropic gaskets of constant or variable thickness whose bases are rigidly fixed. It is shown that the traditional two-dimensional model, namely the plane problem of the elasticity theory in the longitudinal section with the Dirichlet condition at the boundary, gives correct results for eigenfrequencies of the this spatial solid only for the plate of a constant thickness with clamped lateral surface. In other cases the asymptotic analysis provides another models of reduced dimension, in particular, ordinary differential equations, while modes of natural oscillations enjoy concentration near the lateral side or some points on the boundary.

Prikladnaâ matematika i mehanika. 2024;88(1):104-138
pages 104-138 views

Strengthening of hollow spheres using combined method of hydraulic and thermal autofrettage

Prokudin A.N.


The distributions of residual and working stresses in hollow spheres pre-strengthened using a combination of hydraulic and thermal autofrettage are investigated. The analysis is based on the theory of infinitesimal elastoplastic strains, the Tresca or von Mises yield condition, the associated flow rule and the linear isotropic hardening law. During unloading, the sphere material may exhibit the Bauschinger effect. All mechanical and thermophysical parameters are assumed to be independent of temperature. Exact analytical solutions are found for both loading and unloading stages including secondary plastic flow. The values of technological parameters are established at which the strengthening effect is achieved near the inner surface of the sphere. Analysis of the results shows that the use of a positive temperature gradient makes it possible to increase the absolute value of residual stresses on the inner surface of the sphere. On the other hand, with the help of a negative gradient it is possible to reduce working stresses in the sphere.

Prikladnaâ matematika i mehanika. 2024;88(1):139-164
pages 139-164 views

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