
Influence of Spring Burns on the Properties of Humus Horizon of Chernozem in the Southeast of Western Siberia
Semenkov I.N., Lednev S.A., Klink G.V., Kasymov D.P., Agafontsev M.V., Kostrova S.N., Koroleva T.V.
Biomass and Functional Diversity of Microbial Communities in Catenas of Virgin and Arable Gray Soils and Chernozems
Dushchanova K.S., Ukrainskiy P.A., Kashirskaya N.N., Khomutova T.E., Borisov A.V.
Soil Respiration in Agrarian and Natural Ecosystems of the European Part of Russia
Sukhoveeva O.E., Karelin D.V., Zolotukhin A.N., Pochikalov A.V.
Express Analysis of Vertical Distribution of 137Cs to Assess the Rates of Erosion and Accumulation Processes in the Zone of Intense Radioactive Contamination
Ivanov M.M., Ivanova N.N.
Fractionation of Manganese Compounds in the Topsoil Layer Effected by a Coal Waste Heap (Central Russian Forest-Steppe)
Semenkov I.N., Sharapova A.V., Lednev S.А., Koroleva Т.V.
Short–Range Variation of Humus and Carbonate Profiles of Arable Chernozems (Key Site in Belgorod Region)
Smirnova M.A., Gennadiev A.N., Chendev Y.G.
Salinization and Solonetsization of Soils in River Valleys of the Kulunda Plain
Elizarov N.V., Popov V.V., Rybkina I.D., Smolentsev B.A.
Short-Term Dynamics of CO2 Emission and Carbon Content in Urban Soil Structures in the Steppe Zone
Gorbov S.N., Vasenev V.I., Minaeva E.N., Tagiverdiev S.S., Skripnikov P.N., Bezuglova O.S.
Comparison of Areal and Profile Distribution of Magnetic Susceptibility in Steppe Soils of the Russian Plain
Malyshev V.V., Alekseev A.O.
Agrogenic Soils on the Updated Version of the Soil Map of Russia, 1 : 2.5 M Scale: Classification Diversity and Place in the Soil Cover
Gerasimova M.I., Ananko T.V., Konyushkov D.E., Savitskaya N.V.
1 - 10 of 10 Items

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