
Hooked-Horn Sculpins (Pisces: Cottidae, Artediellinae) from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island, Russia
Nazarkin M.
New Atrypids (Brachiopoda) from the Lower Devonian of Northeast Russia
Baranov V.
Bryozoa (Stenolaemata) from the Upper Callovian (Middle Jurassic) of the Moscow Region
Viskova L., Pakhnevich A.
Fossil wood of Betula erkovetskiensis sp. nov. (Betulaceae) from the Miocene of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field, Amur Region, Russia
Blokhina N., Bondarenko O.
A new species of the plesiosaur genus Polycotylus from the Upper Cretaceous of the southern Urals
Efimov V., Meleshin I., Nikiforov A.
New Species of Spiral Nodosariids (Foraminifera) from the Lower Carnian (Triassic) Deposits on the Laptev Sea Coast (Russia)
Levchuk L., Yadrenkin A.
Fossil Wood of Ulmus priamurica sp. nov. (Ulmaceae) from the Miocene of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field, Amur Region, Russia
Blokhina N., Bondarenko O.
New brachiopods from the Ordovician of northeastern Russia
Baranov V.
Two new genera of cuckoo wasps (Chrysididae: Amiseginae) from Rovno and Baltic ambers
Martynova K., Perkovsky E.
Fossil wood of Laricioxylon erkovetskiense sp. nov. (Pinaceae) from the Miocene of the Erkovetskii Brown Coal Field, Amur Region, Russia
Blokhina N., Bondarenko O.
New Data on Ornithischian Dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic of Transbaikalia, Russia
Alifanov V.
Locality of Permian Terrestrial Vertebrates in the Vicinity of the Town of Vyazniki
Vjuschkov B.
On new Jurassic Rissooidea and Zygopleuroidea convergently similar to them (Gastropoda: Pectinibranchia)
Guzhov A.
New insects (Insecta: Trichoptera, Eoblattida) from the Lower Permian of Russia
Sukatsheva I., Aristov D.
An azhdarchid humerus (Pterosauria, Azhdarchidae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Saratov Region
Averianov A., Arkhangelsky M., Merkulov S.
Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from the Middle Miocene of the Stavropol Region, Russia
Sukatsheva I., Ivanov V., Melnitsky S., Aristov D.
New and Little-known Nymphs of Gryllones (Insecta) from the Lower Permian of Russia
Aristov D.
Revision of the Cambrian Agnostina (Trilobita?) from Russia
Naimark E., Pegel T.
Marine algal flora of the Late Viséan (Early Carboniferous) of the Moscow Basin
Gibshman N., Alekseev A.
On the taxonomic position of the genus Parapryg (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea) and classification of Protorthoptera and related groups
Shcherbakov D.
Tubesnout Aulichthys miocaenicus sp. nov. from the Miocene of Sakhalin Island (Russia): the First Reliable Fossil Record for the Family Aulorhynchidae
Nazarkin M.
Craniology of the Plesiosaur Abyssosaurus nataliae Berezin (Sauropterygia, Plesiosauria) from the Lower Cretaceous of the Central Russian Platform
Berezin A.
Revision of Cretaceous Radiolarians of the Family Hagiastridae from Lipman’s Collection
Vishnevskaya V.
Upper Devonian conodonts of northeastern European Russia
Ovnatanova N., Kononova L., Kolesnik L., Gatovsky Y.
New insects (Insecta: Eoblattida, Embiida) from the Permian of Russia and the Triassic of Kyrgyzstan, with observations on the origin of webspinners
Aristov D.
1 - 25 из 42 результатов 1 2 > >> 
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