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Vol 64, No 2 (2024)

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Физика моря

The Similarity of Quasi-geostrophic Vortices Against the Background of Large-Scale Barotropic Currents

Zhmur V.V.


The paper proposes a theory of similarity of quasi-geostrophic vortices against the background of large-scale flows. This information is useful when planning laboratory and numerical experiments to study mesoscale and submesoscale vortex dynamics of vortices interacting with currents. Special attention is paid to the study of geometric similarity of phenomena. It is revealed that the complete set of dimensionless similarity numbers of baroclinic vortices includes four dimensionless parameters: the dimensionless intensity of the vortex, the geometric similarity of the background flow (the ratio of relative vorticity to the deformation coefficient of the background flow), the coefficient of horizontal elongation of the vortex core and the coefficient of vertical oblateness of the vortex core coinciding with the Burger number. To describe the similarity of barotropic vortices against the background of barotropic flows, the number of necessary dimensionless parameters is reduced by one number — the coefficient of vertical oblateness of the vortex core is eliminated from consideration. When studying axisymmetric vortices or vortex structures close to axisymmetric, another geometric parameter of the vortex is eliminated from consideration — the coefficient of horizontal elongation of the vortex core. As a result, the maximum possible set of similarity parameters includes four dimensionless numbers, and the minimum is two.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(2):181-196
pages 181-196 views

Observations of Tsunami Waves on the Pacific Coast of Russia Originating from the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption on January 15, 2022

Medvedev I.P., Ivelskaya T.N., Rabinovich A.B., Tsukanova E.S., Medvedeva A.Y.


The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha´apai volcanic eruption on January 15, 2022 generated a tsunami that affected the entire Pacific Ocean. Tsunami from the event have been generated both by incoming waves from the source area, with a long-wave speed in the ocean of ~ 200–220 m/s, and by an atmospheric wave propagating at a sound speed ~315 m/s. Such a dual source mechanism created a serious problem and was a real challenge for the Pacific tsunami warning services. The work of the Russian Tsunami Warning Service (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) during this event is considered in detail. The tsunami was clearly recorded on the coasts of the Northwest Pacific and in the adjacent marginal seas, including the Sea of Japan, the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea. We examined high-resolution records (1-min sampling) of 20 tide gauges and 8 air pressure stations in this region for the period of January 14–17, 2022. On the Russian coast, the highest waves, with a trough-to-crest wave height of 1.3 m, were recorded at Malokurilskoe (Shikotan Island) and Vodopadnaya (the southeastern coast of Kamchatka). Using numerical simulation and data analysis methods, we were able to separate the oceanic “gravity” tsunami waves from propagating atmospheric pressure waves. In general, we found that on the outer (oceanic) coasts and the southern coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, oceanic tsunami waves prevailed, while on the coast of the Sea of Japan, oceanic and atmospheric tsunami waves had similar heights.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(2):197-216
pages 197-216 views

Химия моря

Organic Carbon Content in Dissolved and Particulated Forms in the Kara Sea Water

Belyaev N.A., Fedulov V.Y., Kravchishina M.D., Shchuka S.A.


Data of suspended matter content, concentrations of dissolved and particulate organic carbon in the Kara Sea water for 2007-2022 are summarized. A difference in the distributions of dissolved (DOC) and particulate (POC) organic carbon in the water column during the autumn (September) and spring-summer (July-August) periods was revealed. An increase of concentrations of dissolved organic carbon was recorded both on the surface and in the water column in the summer. Analysis of the dependences of DOC concentrations on salinity showed that the increase in these concentrations is not associated with an increase in DOC concentrations in river runoff waters. There was also a significant increase in DOC and POC concentrations in phytoplankton bloom zones throughout the water column. Thus, a connection has been identified between seasonal increases of organic matter concentrations in the open part of the sea and the processes of phytoplankton blooming.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(2):217-272
pages 217-272 views

Geochemical Markers of Organic Matter Transformation in the Eastern Part of the Laptev Sea

Shulga N.A., Streltsova E.A., Vylegzhanina N.V., Fedulov V.Y., Polyakova A.V., Romankevich E.A.


The sources of supply and transformation of organic matter (OM) during the transition from the dissolved form to suspension, fluffy and bottom sediments on the meridional transect from the Lena River delta to the continental slope were described (depths from 10 to 2390 m, cruise 63 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh, September 2015). The results of the study of OM molecular markers showed that dissolved and suspended OM of marine and terrigenous origin biodegrades in the water column and practically does not accumulate in bottom sediments. Thus, OM of the Lena river runoff does not contribute to the formation of OM in the bottom sediments in the summer period. On the outer shelf, an area of influence of ice bloom on the sedimentation process was revealed.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(2):273-287
pages 273-287 views

Distribution and Variations of Elemental Sulfur in the Upper Part of the Black Sea Anoxic Water Column

Dubinin A.V., Demidova T.P., Ocherednik O.A., Semilova L.S., Rimskaya-Korsakova M.N., Berezhnaya E.D., Zologina E.N.


Elemental sulfur and its derivatives polysulfides play a key role in the processes of hydrogen sulfide oxidation in anoxic basins. Having low solubility, elemental sulfur is mainly represented by suspended forms. However, in sulfide waters it forms highly soluble polysulfides. This work is devoted to the study of elemental sulfur and polysulfides in the upper part of the Black Sea anoxic zone in 2017–2019 and 2022 at stations located on the continental shelf off the coast of the Caucasus and Crimea. Sampling, filtering and determination of sulfur were carried out under strictly anaerobic conditions in an argon atmosphere.

The concentration of elemental sulfur (together with polysulfides) increases with depth and with an increase in the content of hydrogen sulfide from 0.01 in the area of the redox interface to 0.67 µmol/kg at a depth of 600 m. The fraction of elemental sulfur in the composition of ZVS is 23 ± 5%. The calculation of the polysulfides concentration in equilibrium with suspended sulfur based on thermodynamic data shows that deeper than 20–25 m of the upper boundary of the anoxic zone, their concentration was higher than ZVS and at a depth of 600 m they differed by about 3 times. The predominance of elemental sulfur over sulfide sulfur in the composition of polysulfides in the anoxic zone at depths of 450 and 600 m can be the reason for the fractionation of its isotopic composition by +2.2‰ relative to the sulfur of dissolved sulfide (-41.0‰ VCDT).

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(2):288-298
pages 288-298 views

Морская биология

Bacterioplankton of the Western Part of the Kara Sea

Romanova N.D., Boltenkova М.A., Bezzubova E.M.


Data on the structural and production characteristics of bacterioplankton in the western part of the Kara Sea at the beginning and in the middle of summer are presented. In the region of the St. Anna Trough slope, the average abundance of prokaryotes for the water column was (594–708) × 103 cells/ml (26.4–36.5 mgC/m3) in June and (247–517) × 103 cells/ml (12–28 mgC/m3) at the beginning of August. On the transect along Novaya Zemlya, the average abundance of bacterioplankton in the water column was (186–554) × 103 cells/mL (8.5–30 mgC/m3) within a week after the seasonal ice and (169–443) × 103 cells/mL (8–21 mgC/m3) in the midsummer. Bacterial specific growth rate did not exceed 1.28 day–1; its high values were observed in the upper warm water layer, above the halocline, and also at the near-bottom depths. At the beginning of summer, the production of bacterioplankton tended to decrease in the northeast direction. The distribution of prokaryotes abundance was determined by temperature and water saturation with oxygen, possibly as an indirect indicator of past phytoplankton “bloom”.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(2):299-307
pages 299-307 views

Relationship between Respiration Rate and Body Weight in Arctic Copepods at Subzero Temperature

Arashkevich E.G., Drits A.V., Pasternak A.F., Frenkel S.E., Karmanov V.A.


Dependence of the respiration rate (R) on the animal’s weight (W) is described by the equation R = a Wb, where the exponential coefficient b is usually taken equal to ¾. However, several authors indicate that the value of the coefficient b may vary with temperature changes as well as during ontogeny. In the Arctic seas, copepods spend most of their lives at temperature below or close to zero. Meanwhile, there are very few measurements of respiration rate at temperatures ≤ 0°C, which does not allow us to estimate the overall R(W) dependence at these temperatures. The work was carried out in three cruises of the R/V “Akademik Mstislav Keldysh” in the Siberian Arctic seas in 2018–2020. Copepods caught from the sea were adapted to experimental temperature and placed in tightly capped vials filled with filtered sea water for 24 h. The oxygen concentration was measured with a fiber-optic oxygen probe. The results of 120 measurements of respiration rate and 111 measurements of body carbon in five species of copepods at a temperature of -1.5°C are presented. The obtained relationship between body carbon content (W) and the prosome length (L) was described by the equation W = 6.982 L3.221, and the dependence of respiration on body weight was described by the equation R = 0.077 W0.753. No effect of a subzero temperature on the coefficient b was found. The regression parameters of R(W) did not change with the ontogenetic development of Calanus glacialis.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(2):308-319
pages 308-319 views

The Origin of the Chionoecetes Opilio Snow Crab Larvae in the Kara Sea

Lipukhin E.V., Zalota A.K., Mishin A.V., Simakova U.V.


Most likely, the non-indigenous snow crab opilio, Chionoecetes opilio, entered the Kara Sea from the Barents Sea, both due to the migration of adults and with currents at the larval stage. At the moment, all bottom stages, including mature individuals and a large number of pelagic larvae are present in the Kara Sea. However, the origin of the larvae has not yet been clarified. The larvae that hatched in the Kara Sea should be at an earlier stage of development compared to the Barents Sea larvae that got here due, to later development of phytoplankton and, accordingly, later hatching.

The larvae of the snow crab Chionoecetes opilio and the spider crab H. araneus were collected in the central and southwestern parts of the Kara Sea in July — early August 2019 by the Bongo zooplankton net 60 cm in diameter. It was established that the larvae were unevenly distributed across the Kara Sea. The main concentrations were found on the border with the Barents Sea in the St. Anna Trough (up to 860 ind./m2), and relatively high concentrations of larvae were noted in the southwestern part, where their abundance at the stations varied from 18 to 302 ind./m2. In the zone of the Ob-Yenisei plume, crab larvae were absent or their abundance was minimal. Using molecular genetic methods, the species identity of 361 larvae (344 C. opilio and 17 H. araneus) was reliably determined, and measurements of a number of morphological structures were made for 401 larvae. Significant differences in size at the zoea stage II between C. opilio and H. araneus were established. In most of the Kara Sea in July 2019, in zooplankton samples, crab larvae were represented by zoea I C. opilio with rare specimens of zoea I H. araneus of the Kara Sea origin. Only in the southwestern part, on the border with the Barents Sea, the presence of zoea II C. opilio and H. araneus was observed in samples with an increase in the proportion of the latter species in catches, which probably originate from the Barents Sea.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(2):320-331
pages 320-331 views

Differences in Megabenthos Communities in the Eastern and Western Parts of the Kara Sea Based on Video Observations

Udalov A.A., Anisimov I.M., Muravya V.O., Lesin A.V., Kuzmin V.Y., Zalota A.K., Chikina M.V.


The first quantitative video survey of the benthic megafauna was carried out on a transect in the eastern part of the Kara Sea from the slope of the Voronin Trough to the upper shelf in the depth range from 1680 to 70 metres. The data were obtained using the TU-V “Videomodule” during the 89th cruise of the R/V “Akademik Mstislav Keldysh” in autumn 2022. It was shown that the megabenthos in this area differs significantly from that of the western part of the sea and Blagopoluchiya Bay (Novaya Zemlya). In the eastern part of the Kara Sea, echinoderms dominated, among which ophiuroids were in the first place, whereas in the western part of the sea and in the Blagopoluchiya Bay, the key component of the megafauna was the snow crab Chionoecetes opilio. Single adults of Ch. opilio were recorded for the first time at almost all stations in the eastern part of the sea, but, in contrast to the western area, the snow crab has not yet become dominant here and has not influenced the benthic communities.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(2):332-343
pages 332-343 views

Assessment of the Abiotic Factors Influence on the Distribution of Zostera in the Internal Bays of Posyet Gulf Based on the Results of Numerical Simulation

Katrasov S.V., Bugaets A.N., Zharikov V.V., Krasnopeev S.M., Lebedev A.M., Mainulov V.A.


In order to explain the spatial nature of the distribution of eelgrass in the inner bays of Posyet Bay, numerical experiments were performed to simulate hydrodynamics and morphodynamic processes. The hydrodynamics was modeled using the Delft3D Flow model. The spectral wave model SWAN (Simulating WAves Near shore) was used to calculate the wind wave parameters (propagation direction, wave length and height, near-bottom orbital velocities). Alteration of coastal zone profile under the impact waves and the hydrodynamic of tidal and wind currents was performed using the Delft3-MOR morphodynamics module included in the Delft3D software package. The results of numerical experiments have shown that the dynamics of the coastal bottom topography is determined by sediment transport forced by combined action of waves and currents. Comparison of the modeling results with information on the distribution of Zostera of previous studies and field surveys data showed a high agreement with model data on the spatial distribution of erosion and accumulation zones in the coastal zone.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(2):344-353
pages 344-353 views

Морская геология

Grain Size Distribution, Organic Carbon and Geochemical Markers in the Surface Layer of Bottom Sediments in the Northeastern Part of the Kara Sea

Streltsova E.A., Belyaev N.A., Fedulov V.Y., Pushkareva E.M.


The upper layer of bottom sediments in the northeastern part of the Kara Sea is studied. It is shown that the composition of sediments is dominated by silt, the proportion of sand increases towards the shore. The content of organic carbon (average value — 1.1% wt.) is close to the average content in sediments of the Kara Sea, increasing at deep-sea stations. The revealed linear relationship between the content of organic carbon and the surface area of sediment shows that sorption on the particles surface is the predominant accumulation form of organic matter (OM) in sediments. The average n-alkanes concentration in the analysed samples is 1.1 μg/g of sediment, the distribution spectrum is dominated by terrigenous origin odd high-molecular homologues.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(2):354-363
pages 354-363 views

State and Forecast of the Development of the Shallow Sandy Coast of the Tidal Sea (on the Example of Madagascar)

Dunaev N.N., Leontyev I.O., Repkina T.Y.


Currently, most seashores are experiencing increased erosion and retreat. To a large extent, this applies to coasts subject to the influence of high-amplitude sea tides, which is extremely negatively manifested on the accumulative coasts of oceanic islands. The solution of the problem of their dynamics, the theoretical foundations of which are still in the development stage, can be based only on the basis of wide-regional studies. This work is aimed at elucidating the features of the dynamics of such a coast using the example of a key region of a large oceanic island. The main reasons for its degradation are identified, recommendations are given for stabilizing the coastline, and the development trend according to the natural scenario is considered.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(2):364-375
pages 364-375 views


Studies of Hydrogen Sulfide Contamination of the Deep-Water Basin of the Middle Caspian Sea During Cruise of the R/V “Issledovatel Kaspiya” September 2022

Dukhova L.A., Suvorova A.S., Gruzevich A.K., Oganesova E.V., Kudyakov A.D.


Results of the comprehensive studies of hydrological and chemical structure of the Middle and Northern Caspian Sea carried out aboard r/v “Issledovatel Kaspiya” in September 2022 are presented. It is shown, despite the continuing decrease in sea level, there is no aeration of the deep layers, the hydrogen sulfide layer persists with a tendency to increase the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the bottom layer. There is an increase of the oxygen minimum zone. The changes of the Caspian Sea ecosystem have led to a weakening of the removal of nutrients from the photic layer into the bottom layers and, as a consequence, a decrease in the concentration of silicon in the bottom layer. The results obtained will allow to evaluate the trends of ongoing changes.

Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(2):376-378
pages 376-378 views


Boris Nikonorovich Filyushkin (to the 90th Anniversary of Birth)

Editorial B.
Okeanologiâ. 2024;64(2):379-380
pages 379-380 views

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