Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ

ISSN (print): 0016-7940

Media registration certificate: No. 0110280 dated 02/08/1993

Founder: Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation named after. N.V. Pushkov RAS, Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Kuznetsov Vladimir Dmitrievich - Dr. Phys.-Math. sciences

Number of issues per year: 6

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Vol 63, No 6 (2023)

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F-Region Variations Prior to Magnetic Storms (a Review)
Danilov A.D., Konstantinova A.V.

The paper presents a review of variations in ionospheric parameters in the prestorm period obtained from an analysis of particular magnetic storms (case studies). It is demonstrated that, as a result of such analysis, deviations of these parameters (primarily, foF2 and TEC) are often observed on the days preceding the storm commencement (SC). Many authors pay attention to these facts and discuss their relation to space weather parameters, season, local time, and spatial distribution, and even offer suggestions on possible mechanisms of their formation. It is demonstrated that the number of such publications increased substantially in the preceding 4–5 years. It is emphasized that changes in the ionospheric state on prestorm days are detected not only in the “classical” parameters (foF2 and TEC), but also in other ionospheric characteristics. Publications dedicated directly to the problem of ionospheric precursors, their relation to space weather, and their possible role in forecasting coming magnetic storm are considered in detail.

Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ. 2023;63(6):683-698
pages 683-698 views
Forbush Decreases and Geomagnetic Disturbances: 1. Events Associated with Different Types of Solar and Interplanetary Sources
Melkumyan A.A., Belov A.V., Shlyk N.S., Abunina M.A., Abunin A.A., Oleneva V.A., Yanke V.G.

In this paper we study the statistical relations between geomagnetic indices and the characteristics of cosmic rays and interplanetary disturbances for Forbush decreases associated with (a) coronal mass ejections from active regions accompanied by solar flares, (b) filament eruptions outside active regions, (c) high-speed streams from coronal holes, and (d) multiple sources. For sporadic Forbush decreases, the dependence of geomagnetic indices on cosmic ray and solar wind parameters in the presence or absence of a magnetic cloud is compared using statistical methods. The results show that (a) the highest geoeffectiveness is characteristic of interplanetary disturbances associated with solar matter eruptions from active regions in the presence of a magnetic cloud (and the lowest one for recurrent disturbances), (b) sporadic and recurrent events differ not only in the magnitude of geomagnetic indices and the southern component of the magnetic field but also in the nature of the relationship between them, (c) the geoeffectiveness of transient solar wind disturbances depends more strongly on the presence or absence of a magnetic cloud than on the type of solar source, and (d) for interplanetary disturbances associated with filament eruptions outside active regions, in the presence of a magnetic cloud, the geoeffectiveness depends only on the southern component of the magnetic field, while for other types of disturbances it depends on other solar wind parameters.

Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ. 2023;63(6):699-714
pages 699-714 views
Regular Density Inhomogeneities in the Boundary Layer of the Plasmasphere
Kotova G.A., Bezrukikh V.V., Chugunin D.V., Mogilevsky M.M., Chernyshov A.A.

Based on thermal plasma measurements on the MAGION-5 and INTERBALL-1 satellites in the plasmasphere boundary layer, similar recurring changes in the proton density were identified depending on the L-shell. Such density variations have the following characteristic features: (a) density variations occur sharply, on the density profile—the dependence of density on L or on geomagnetic latitude λ—they have a sawtooth nature, and the density of protons at the peaks (maxima) of variations exceeds that at the minima of variations by two to eight times; (b) the characteristic size of variations in the radial direction in the plane of the geomagnetic equator is ~0.15 RE or ~1000 km; (c) sawtooth changes in proton density in the plasmasphere boundary layer can span at least 90° in longitude; (d) regular variations in plasma density were observed at geomagnetic latitudes up to 30°, and this latitude is limited to the orbits of satellites whose data were used for the analysis. Sawtooth variations in thermal plasma density are apparently related to spatial structures that evolve but persist in the plasmasphere boundary layer, at least over the course of a day. Plasma inhomogeneities were observed in fairly quiet or slightly disturbed geomagnetic conditions. The considered inhomogeneities are probably a consequence of the interchange or quasi-interchange instability developing in the plasmasphere boundary layer.

Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ. 2023;63(6):715-723
pages 715-723 views
Особенности квазипериодических КНЧ-излучений вне плазмосферы
Беспалов П., Савина О., Нещеткин Г.

Pассматриваются новые сведения о КНЧ/ОНЧ-излучениях за пределами плазмосферы, содержащиеся в данных наблюдений, выполненных на космических аппаратах Van Allen Probes. Вблизи апогея траектории за плазмосферой отмечались квазипериодические последовательности всплесков электромагнитных излучений на частотах ниже 2 кГц с глубокой модуляцией интенсивности. Морфологически отдельный всплеск излучений подобен фрагменту излучений QP 2. Рассматриваемые последовательности всплесков могут иметь разную временнýю структуру. Во-первых, они могут быть четко периодическими. Во-вторых, в них могут периодически чередоваться всплески разной интенсивности. В-третьих, последовательность всплесков может иметь более сложную временнýю структуру. Возбуждение рассматриваемых шумовых по своей природе излучений, вероятно, происходит при развитии циклотронной неустойчивости в облаках оторвавшейся плазмы, которые существуют за пределами плазмосферы после магнитных возмущений. Многие свойства излучений объясняет теория плазменного магнитосферного мазера, допускающая существования автоколебательного процесса генерации излучений, обусловленного модуляцией анизотропии функции распределения энергичных электронов. Теория объясняет новые результаты наблюдений квазипериодических излучений с более сложной временнóй структурой при наличии периодического внешнего воздействия на динамику плазменного магнитосферного мазера. Во всех рассмотренных случаях было проверено в данных магнитометра космического аппарата отсутствие признаков геомагнитных пульсаций с периодами, сравнимыми с периодами повторения спектральных форм на спектрограммах электромагнитных излучений. Модельные расчеты показали, что акустико-гравитационная волна в ионосфере в основании трубки магнитного поля с облаком оторвавшейся плазмы может обеспечить формирование наблюдаемой временнóй структуры излучений.

Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ. 2023;63(6):724-735
pages 724-735 views
Latituditual Structure of Dayside Polar Cusp Precipitation
Vorobjev V.G., Yagodkina O.I., Antonova E.E., Kirpichev I.P.

The results of observations of low-altitude spacecraft crossing the daytime sector of the auroral zone and of high-apogee spacecraft in the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere were analyzed in order to identify the main processes leading to the formation of dayside polar cusps. Observations from the DMSP F7 spacecraft were used to analyze the latitudinal characteristics of ion precipitation in the cusp region and to study the latitudinal profile of ion pressure in the cusp depending on the IMF parameters. A significant difference was found in identifying the cusp boundaries using an automated data processing system and direct analysis of spacecraft observations. It is shown that for small negative values of the Bz-component of the IMF (〈Bz〉 = –3.0 nT), an ordinary feature of the cusp is the latitudinal profile of the ion pressure (Pi) with a width of ~1° of latitude with two maxima, one of which is located in the equatorward and the other in the poleward of the cusp. For large negative Bz values (–6, –8 nT), the polar maximum in the latitudinal profile Pi disappears; only the equatorial maximum remains, the Pi level at the maximum increases, and the width of the cusp decreases to ~0.7°. For Bz IMF > 0, the most characteristic is the Pi profile with a maximum ion pressure in the polar part of the cusp. The cusp for Bz > 0 is located at higher latitudes than for Bz < 0, and its average latitudinal width increase to ~1.4° of latitude. In the prenoon sector MLT, the most typical for periods with a large negative By-component of the IMF (〈By〉 = –6.3 nT, 〈Bz〉 = –1.7 nT) is a cusp with a width of ~1.4° of latitude with a flat top in the latitudinal Pi profile. Comparison of the pressure distributions observed at low heights with data from high-apogee satellites confirmed the possibility of describing the formation of the cusp as a diamagnetic cavity and using observations in the cusp to determine the ion pressure in the magnetosheath.

Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ. 2023;63(6):736-750
pages 736-750 views
Индуцированные высыпания электронов из внутреннего радиационного пояса, зарегистрированные в Океании
Гинзбург Е., Зинкина М., Писанко Ю.

По данным наблюдений радиационной обстановки в космосе с борта ИСЗ “Метеор-М № 2”, находящегося на солнечно-синхронной круговой орбите высотой ~832 км, выявлено 25 аномальных возрастаний потоков электронов длительностью ~6–8 мин каждое. Эти редкие события зарегистрированы в 2014–2022 гг., в Океании, в низких широтах в утренние часы местного времени в спокойных геомагнитных условиях, в энергиях от ~100 кэВ до нескольких МэВ. Потоки электронов в канале черенковского счетчика наблюдались на уровне потоков галактических космических лучей в полярных шапках, а в каналах других счетчиков – на уровне потоков в максимуме внешнего радиационного пояса. Предполагается, что наблюдались высыпания электронов из внутреннего радиационного пояса: при баунс-колебаниях электроны попадали в циклотронный резонанс с радиоизлучением, инициированным наземными и/или судовыми передатчиками в утренние часы местного времени.

Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ. 2023;63(6):751-763
pages 751-763 views
Внутренняя структура поляризационного джета: стратифицированный поляризационный джет
Синевич А., Чернышов А., Чугунин Д., Могилевский М., Милох В.

Представлены результаты исследования мелкомасштабной внутренней структуры поляризационного джета на основе спутниковых данных с использованием вейвлет-преобразования параметров ионосферной плазмы. Определены минимальные размеры мелкомасштабных неоднородностей температуры и концентрации электронов. Скорее всего, любой поляризационный джет является стратифицированным, как следует из используемой в данной работе выборки. Показано, что вейвлет-преобразование является удобным инструментом для исследования внутренней мелкомасштабной структуры поляризационного джета, причем неоднородности лучше видны по спектрограммам мощности электронной температуры, чем электронной концентрации.

Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ. 2023;63(6):764-774
pages 764-774 views
Явления в высокоширотной F-области ионосферы при воздействии мощными радиоволнами КВ-диапазона на частотах выше критической частоты слоя F2
Благовещенская Н., Калишин А., Борисова Т., Егоров И., Загорский Г.

Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований явлений в высокоширотной верхней (F-область) ионосфере, вызванных воздействием мощных радиоволн КВ-диапазона обыкновенной (О-мода) поляризации на частотах нагрева fH, существенно превышающих критическую частоту слоя F 2 (fHfоF2 = 0.9–1.1 МГц). Результаты базируются на данных экспериментов, выполненных на КВ нагревном стенде EISCAT/Heating в г. Тромсё, северная Норвегия (69.6° N, 19.2° E). В период экспериментов мощная радиоволна КВ-диапазона О-поляризации излучалась в направлении магнитного зенита с максимальной эффективной мощностью излучения 350–550 МВт. Впервые обнаружено, что в условиях, когда мощная радиоволна КВ-диапазона О-поляризации не отражалась от ионосферы, происходит образование дактов повышенной электронной плотности Ne, генерация мелкомасштабных искусственных ионосферных неоднородностей и узкополосного (в полосе ±1 кГц относительно частоты нагрева) искусственного радиоизлучения ионосферы, регистрируемого на расстоянии ~1200 км от нагревного стенда. Выполнено сравнение характеристик мелкомасштабных искусственных ионосферных неоднородностей и спектральной структуры искусственного радиоизлучения ионосферы при альтернативном О-/Х- нагреве в магнитный зенит на частотах, существенно превышающих критическую частоту слоя F2. Установлено, что в целом их поведение имеет одинаковый характер, однако эволюция развития рассмотренных явлений при О- и Х-нагреве отличается.

Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ. 2023;63(6):775-787
pages 775-787 views
Features of the Structure of the Winter Morning High- and Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
Karpachev A.T.

The structure of the winter morning (0500–0900 LT) ionosphere in the Northern and Southern hemispheres is studied in detail. For this, CHAMP satellite data for quiet conditions during the period of high solar activity of 2000–2002 are used. Careful analysis is used to identify electron concentration troughs: the high-latitude ionospheric trough; subauroral, or main, ionospheric trough; and mid-latitude ring ionospheric trough. In order to identify and separate the high-latitude and main ionospheric troughs, the model of auroral diffuse precipitation of the Polar Geophysical Institute is used, which describes the boundaries of low-latitude zone I and high-latitude zone II of auroral diffuse precipitation. The longitudinal variations of the precipitation boundaries are corrected using the DMSP satellite data. The problem of separating the troughs becomes more complicated with the passage of local time, because the main ionospheric trough is more strongly displaced to the pole than the auroral oval; therefore, its area of existence begins to overlap the area of existence of the high-latitude trough. In order to identify and separate the main and ring troughs, all, even weak, geomagnetic disturbances for the observation period are analyzed in detail. The asymmetry of the Northern and Southern hemispheres is considered, and similar and different characteristics are identified. Therefore, a more complete and accurate pattern of the structure of the morning ionosphere is obtained.

Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ. 2023;63(6):788-797
pages 788-797 views
Equatorial Plasma Bubbles: Zonal Thermosphere Wind Influence
Sidorova L.N.

There are a number of the theoretical studies pointing to the key role of the zonal thermosphere winds in the equatorial plasma bubble (EPB) generation and evolution. However, there are insufficient observational data to confirm the relationship between these phenomena. To study this relationship, the detailed comparative and correlation analysis of the LT-variations of the EPB occurrence probability and the zonal thermosphere wind velocity was carried out. The data from the EPB observations recorded aboard the ISS-b satellite (~972–1220 km) during the solstice and equinox periods were used. The data from the zonal thermosphere wind velocity observations obtained aboard the CHAMP satellite (~380–450 km) were also used. It was found that these characteristics are similar, when they are compared, and have very strong correlation (R   0.9) in summer, strong correlation (R  0.8) in winter and (R  0.79) at equinox. It was found that in all seasons the delay in the development of the EPB occurrence probability maxima with respect to the maxima of the west wind velocity is 1–3 h. It is in good agreement with the estimation of the time of the seeding perturbation development and the EPB rise to the topside ionosphere altitudes. The results can be considered a new confirmation of the theoretical conclusion (Kudeki model) about the key influence of the zonal west thermosphere winds on the equatorial plasma bubble generation.

Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ. 2023;63(6):798-805
pages 798-805 views
Multiyear Trends of the Ion Composition and Temperature of the Mid-Latitude Lower Thermosphere
Givishvili G.V., Leshchenko L.N.

Experimental data on measurements of the nitric oxide NO content in the mid-latitude lower thermosphere demonstrate its significant dependence on solar (and correspondingly) geomagnetic activity, which varies from undisturbed to strongly disturbed conditions up to three or four times or more. Such a dependence of [NO] on heliogeophysical factors cannot but affect the content of NO+ ions, which predominate (together with O+2 ions) at heights of 105–120 km. The analysis in the present work has confirmed this assumption: the φ+ = [NO+]/[O+2] ratio in the mid-latitude E layer of the ionosphere is indeed intricately correlated with solar activity. At the same time, data from vertical sounding of the ionosphere for 86 years of observations indicates a systematic multiyear increase of the critical frequency of the E layer (foE) at a fixed level of solar activity. Taking into account these circumstances made it possible to estimate the long-term variations of the neutral atmosphere temperature near the peak height of the E layer (hmE = 110–115 km). The calculations showed that between1931 and 2017, the annual mean temperature of the mid-latitude lower thermosphere increased at a linear rate exceeding 0.3–0.5 K/yr.

Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ. 2023;63(6):806-814
pages 806-814 views
Solar Activity Index for the Critical Frequency of the E Layer
Deminov M.G., Badin V.I., Deminov R.G., Nepomnyashchaya E.V.

The index P = (F1 + F81)/2 is the optimal solar activity index for the critical frequency of the E layer, foE, where F1 and F81 are the flux of radio emission from the Sun at a wavelength of 10.7 cm on a given day and the 81-day average value of this flux centered on a given day. Therefore, to calculate F81 on a given day, knowledge of F1 is needed not only on this and previous days, but also 40 days in advance. Instead of index F81, in problems on short-term forecasting of this index, it is possible to use F(27, 81), the weighted average solar activity index with a characteristic time of 27 days for the current and previous 80 days. Therefore, to calculate F(27, 81), knowledge of F1 on this and previous days suffices. This paper presents the first estimates of the effectiveness of such a replacement for foE. For this, changes in the accuracy of calculating foE were analyzed when index P is replaced by P * = (F1 + F(27, 81))/2 in empirical models constructed from foE data of ionospheric stations in the daytime at middle and subauroral latitudes for 1959–1995. It turns out that the P and P * indices are almost equivalent for calculating foE based on the empirical models constructed at these latitudes: the difference in the coefficients of variation for foE does not exceed 0.3% in each season at different solar cycle phases. Therefore, P * can be recommended for use in short-term foE forecasting problems, since it is based on indices F1 for the current and previous days, as opposed to index P, which requires a forecast 40 days in advance to calculate F1.

Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ. 2023;63(6):815-821
pages 815-821 views
Infrared Glow of Nitric Oxide in Earth’s Middle Atmosphere during GLE Events of the 23rd Solar Cycle
Kirillov A.S., Belakhovsky V.B., Maurchev E.A., Balabin Y.V., Germanenko A.V., Gvozdevsky B.B.

The article considers the production kinetics of vibrationally excited NO(X2Π,  > 0) molecules at heights of Earth’s middle atmosphere during the precipitation of high-energy protons. The intensity profiles of the luminescence of the infrared bands of nitric oxide at 5.3 and 2.7 μm were calculated for precipitation of high-energy protons into Earth’s atmosphere during the events GLE65, GLE67, GLE69, and GLE70 of the 23rd solar cycle. Calculations have shown that the highest integral luminescence intensity values of the 5.3 and 2.7 μm bands were obtained for GLE69: 5.7 and 0.18 kR (kilorayleighs), respectively. Comparison of the calculation results for the 5.3 µm band during the GLE69 event with experimental data obtained from the TIMED spacecraft on January 20, 2005, showed that the calculation results were overestimated by a factor of 2.

Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ. 2023;63(6):822-831
pages 822-831 views
Correspondence between Cosmic-Dust-Enriched Sediment Horizons and Geomagnetic Field Excursions
Kurazhkovskii A.Y., Tselmovich V.A., Kurazhkovskaya N.A.

The relationship between spikes in cosmic dust fluxes onto the Earth’s surface (mainly represented by native metal particles) and the behavior of the polarity of the main geomagnetic field has been studied. For this, a search was carried out for horizons of paleodeposits with a high concentration of cosmic dust (exceeding the background concentration by more than an order of magnitude). Such increased concentrations of cosmic dust particles were found in peat deposits corresponding to the Etrussia excursion (2.5–3 ka), as well as in ancient Cretaceous and Paleogene marine deposits. In total, we discovered five horizons with a thickness up to 1 m hosting a high concentration of cosmic dust. Measurements of the paleo‒and petromagnetic parameters of samples selected based on the thickness of sedimentary strata showed that the beginning of accumulation of these horizons coincided with geomagnetic field excursions. In this case, sediment enrichment in dust particles could have lasted somewhat longer than a geomagnetic field excursion. Evidence was obtained that Earth collisions with dense fluxes of cosmic dust could have coincided with short-term disturbances in the polarity of the geomagnetic field, but this had no lasting effect on the geodynamo.

Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ. 2023;63(6):832-839
pages 832-839 views


Гуревич Александр Викторович (19.09.1930–21.07.2023)
Лужникова Т.
Geomagnetizm i aèronomiâ. 2023;63(6):840-840
pages 840-840 views

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