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Том 52, № 7-8 (2016)

Research, Design, Calculations, and Operating Experience

Investigation and a Technique for Calculating the Mode of Deformation of the Bayonet Catch of the Steam Chamber of a Bpm-100 Automatic Line

Kochetov V., Lazarev S., Baronin G.


A computational procedure and technique for computing the strength and tension of a bayonet catch (represented as a thin short cylindrical shell, with a ring on one edge of the shell and teeth along the other edge) loaded on the side of the teeth with a regular load are proposed. It is shown that with this type of loading, the stresses and displacements differ significantly from the computed values obtained in axisymmetric loading.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):441-451
pages 441-451 views

Study of Thermal Fractionation Columns

Voinov N., Zemtsov D., Pan’kov V.


The results of a study of thermal fractionation in columns having vortex contact stages and stages made of plates are presented. The dependencies of the efficiency of adiabatic and thermal fractionation columns on the equilibrium curve slope for ethyl alcohol–water mixture and on the temperature of the media in the stage are shown. Flow diagrams of industrial thermal fractionating columns are proposed.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):515-519
pages 515-519 views


Modeling of the Initial Parameters in the Adjustment of an Oil Recovery Process Control System. Part 2. Determination of Limits on the Vectors of the State Variables and Disturbances*

Batalov S.


Constraints on the degree of specification and the statement of models of limits on the vectors of state variables of an oil recovery and intrastratal disturbance process control system are given. The structures of the models are found through a solution of the dual problems of the classical theories of filtration and underground hydrodynamics. The limits on the constraints placed on the vectors of the input and output variables of the control systems are the result of an improvement in the dynamic models of the determination of drill hole dip and direction of existing wells.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):452-459
pages 452-459 views

A Simplified Method for Analytic Calculations of Nonstationary Temperature Fields in Problems Related to Heat Curing of Elastomer Coatings on Fabric Substrates

Avaev A., Osipov Y.


The work is concerned with analytic calculations of heat exchange in processes of heat curing. The calculations of the temperature fields are based on replacement of the polar coordinates by Cartesian coordinates. This type of replacement significantly simplifies the calculations. The precision of the proposed method for engineering applications is quite high.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):460-463
pages 460-463 views

Technology of Ribbed Pipe Cleaning at Operation Site

Maizel’ I., Kononenko R.


The problems arising during the use of ribbed pipes at the Angarsk Petrochemical Complex and the process of formation of deposits and their effect on the technology of products manufacture are studied.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):464-467
pages 464-467 views

Statistical Entropy Analysis and Experimental Study of LNG Plant with Precooling at –70°C

Arkharov A., Semenov V., Krasnonosova S., Lebedev S., Kul’byakin V.


Statistical entropy analysis method is used to study an LNG plant operating on high-pressure cycle with precooling at –70°C. The degree of thermodynamic perfection and the plant-units-wise energy consumption distribution are determined by calculation and confirmed by experiment. It is shown that the plant can be perfected further by introducing a cascade precooling cycle into the plant circuit, whereupon the degree of thermodynamic perfection increases by 4.7% and the specific energy consumption decreases by 5%.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):468-475
pages 468-475 views

Problems and Development of Methods of Dynamic Simulation of Cryogenic Systems

Nagimov R., Arkharov I., Navasardyan E.


The problems of designing and employing cryogenic systems operating in transient modes over a considerable operating time as well as various methods of simulating transient operation of these systems are discussed. The advantages of application of dynamic simulation of cryogenic systems over classical methods of calculation of steady-state mode are shown. The available information on dynamic simulation of large helium cryogenic systems is reviewed. To validate the dynamic simulation method, the transient mode of operation of a large helium liquefier is analyzed applying universal software tool for dynamic simulation modeling of chemical systems, the results of which are compared with the experimental data.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):476-480
pages 476-480 views

Calculation of Vacuum-Evaporative Cooling of Water, Taking Into Account the Transfer of Heat to the Water–Vapor Interface

Marinyuk B., Shmuilov N., Leont’ev A.


The existing method of estimating the duration of vacuum-evaporative cooling of fluids based on the heat balance ratio in differential form gives an idealized result (an estimation “from the top”). Therefore, the model presented here describes the development of the process and takes into account heat transfer characteristics: the heat transfer coefficient from water and the geometric surface of the vapor–water interface. Methods of intensifying liquid cooling were described.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):481-483
pages 481-483 views

Numerical Analysis of Gas Dynamic Efficiency of Short Diffusers with Internal Guiding Blades

Yusha V., Fil’kin N.


Gas dynamic efficiency of short diffusers in life support system filters is analyzed. Relevance of using such diffusers is discussed, as well as ways to increase their efficiency by decreasing gas dynamic losses while complying with velocity criteria. A method of calculating the flow channel of the short diffuser is developed and verified, and unique conditions for the calculation are stated. Calculation results for various short diffuser designs are presented, and the correlation between the designs and the efficiency of short diffusers is analyzed.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):484-487
pages 484-487 views

Investigation of the Non-Oxidative Pyrolysis of Formaldehyde-Containing Wastes

Tarantseva K., Rasstegaev A.


Features of non-oxidative medium-temperature pyrolysis of formaldehyde-containing wastes at a solidwaste disposal facility are studied. The dependences of the pyrolysis time on the initial temperature of the formaldehyde-containing wastes and their mass and moisture content are found.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):496-501
pages 496-501 views

Effect of Thermal Cycling Treatment on Structure and Properties of Ferritic-Austentic Steel Welded Joint Heat-Affected Zone Metal

Bondareva O., Sedov E., Gonik I.


Results are provided for a study of the effect of thermal cycling treatment on the structure and properties of ferritic-austenitic steel welded heat-affected zone metal. Optimum thermal cycling regimes are determined. It is shown that an increase in heat-affected zone impact strength with thermal cycling is due to fragmentation of structural components, redistribution of alloying elements between phases, and excess phase amount and morphology.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):506-511
pages 506-511 views

Characteristic Features of Boiling and Vaporization of Heterogeneous Liquid Drops in High-Temperature Gaseous Medium

Piskunov M., Rybatskii K., Strizhak P.


The effect of radiative heat flux on the conditions of heating and phase transformation of heterogeneous water drops in a stream of high-temperature gases corresponding to a group of modern chemical and energy technologies, especially thermal purification of water, is determined with reference to opaque graphite inclusion–water system. It is demonstrated that heterogeneous water drops can not only vaporize from the outer (free) surface, but also boil at the inner interfaces and even burst. The time of occurrence (complete vaporization) of a heterogeneous drop at identical temperatures in combustion products and in air is compared.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):520-524
pages 520-524 views

Liquid Dispersion by Centrifugal Atomizer Having Internal Insert with Spiral Channels Under Large Drops Formation Conditions

Papizhuk E., Rustambekov M., Sister V.


The results of an experimental study of liquid dispersion by a centrifugal atomizer under large drops formation conditions are presented. The physicochemical properties of the liquid and the geometric parameters of the atomizer are shown to exert influence on the composition of the dispersing spray.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):525-530
pages 525-530 views

Numerical Modeling Procedure for Micromachined Cryogenic Cooler Elements Using ANSYS Fluent Software and Viscous Flow in a Small-Diameter Channel with Heat Transfer as an Example

Kulik V., Parkin A., Navasardyan E.


Initial results from a comparative analysis of hydrodynamic and heat-transfer data for the channel connecting compression and displacement volumes (thoroughfare) are attained by using semiempirical criterial functions and finite-element simulation with various RANS turbulence models for a reversed Stirling cryocooler. The model for the numerical experiment is created using the ANSYS Fluent CFD software.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):531-538
pages 531-538 views

Computational Model and Characteristics of a Double-Acting Valveless Piston Pump

Spiridonov E., Khabarova D.


The working process in a double-acting piston pump in which the valves have been replaced by fluidic diodes is investigated. A computational model of the process, constructed on the basis of a representation of a complex stream by a sum of two simple streams, the first caused by the harmonic movement of the piston and the second due to the head difference between the dampers, is proposed. Analytic expressions of the flow–head characteristics and the pump efficiency are obtained. It is shown that, unlike a piston pump with valve distribution, the flow–head characteristic of a pump with fluidic diodes is descending and flattened. In the region of low heads, its delivery may exceed the delivery of a pump with valves. There is an interval of heads on the characteristic in which the efficiency of the pump is maximal.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):539-546
pages 539-546 views

Frequency Analysis of Failures of Reservoirs at Low Temperatures

Bol’shakov A., Zakharova M.


The principal focus of the article is on a scenario-type approach to the solution of problems in the identification of dangers and evaluation of the failure probabilities based on an analysis and systematic treatment of statistical data on failures at reservoirs at low environmental temperatures using an event tree method and a fault tree method. The principal advantage of the two methods is that they make it possible to find the most critical variant for the development of events and to find the anticipated risk of failures.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):557-559
pages 557-559 views

Improvement of Dynamic Thermal Diffusion Galvanizing Production Process Efficiency

Gusev V., Mordynskii V., Frolova M.


The effect of zinc powder granulation on coating formation during dynamic thermal diffusion galvanizing is considered. The role of specific surface and powder faction composition in chemical and physical processes governing diffusion coating formation rate and quality is noted.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):563-566
pages 563-566 views

Preparation of Reactoplastic Nanomodified Polymer Composites. Part 4. Effectiveness of Modifying Epoxide Oligomers with Carbon Nanotubes (Review)

Kolosov A.


Features and problems of producing reactoplastic nanomodified polymer composites were analyzed using modification of epoxide oligomers with carbon nanotubes as an example. Results from dispersion of highly viscous suspensions of epoxide oligomers with carbon nanotubes by a rolling method and by induction of low-frequency ultrasound cavitation were discussed. The efficiency of introducing the nanoparticles into the liquid polymer medium depended on not only the dose but also the mixing parameters.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):573-577
pages 573-577 views

Industrial Ecology

Simulation of Re-Entrainment in the Annular Channel of an Electrostatic Cyclone

Titov A., Ermakov S., Dergachev P., Astaf’ev V.


The behavior of charged particles in a curved electrostatic-cyclone channel model is described. The model is built using a finite-element method. The electric field is calculated for a corona discharge electrode voltage of 15 kV. The flow field is calculated for gas velocities of 1, 3, and 5 m/sec. Trajectories for particle sizes of 1, 10, 50, and 100 μm are obtained. Re-entrainment is demonstrated to exist within the annular channel.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):488-495
pages 488-495 views

Landfill Gas as Feedstock for Energy and Industrial Processes

Arkharov I., Simakova E., Navasardyan E.


The problem of utilizing landfill gas is examined. Foreign companies currently utilizing landfill gas and their technologies for cleaning, drying, and liquefying landfill gas are listed. Introduction of these technologies would not only clean up cities and adjacent natural areas but also provide economic benefits from utilizing landfill gas.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):547-551
pages 547-551 views

Materials Science and Corrosion Protection

Surfacing Layer Development for Cast Iron Object Repair

Govorun T., Lyubich A.


A method is proposed for preparing high-strength cast iron with spheroidal graphite by introducing calcium oxide and other calcium-containing ingredients into the composition of flux cored wire. It is shown that introduction of carbon, silicon, and calcium facilitates the formation in a surfacing layer of a ferrite-pearlite structure and spheroidal graphite. Theoretical bases are provided for the surfacing metal composition.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):502-505
pages 502-505 views

Corrosion Resistance of Composite Coatings Based on Zinc

Tseluikin V., Koreshkova A.


Composite electrochemical coatings (CEC) of zinc–carbon nanotubes are prepared. Deposition of these coatings is studied by potentiodynamic and galvanostatic regimes. Composite coating corrosion properties are investigated.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):560-562
pages 560-562 views

Safety, Diagnosis, and Repair

Increasing the Efficiency of Diagnostics of Gas Pipelines Based on Preliminary Abrasive Cleaning

Sklyarov I., Zakharov O., Kochetkov A.


The need for preliminary abrasive cleaning of gas pipelines to increase the efficiency of in-pipe diagnostics by magnetic longitudinal magnetization flaw detectors is evaluated. The method of abrasive cleaning of pipes and a tool that implements the method is presented. Results from pilot tests under conditions typical of Saratovorgdiagnostika company are presented.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):552-556
pages 552-556 views

Fabrication Technology

Explosive Pressing of Heat Resistant Polymers and Their Composites with PTFE-4

Adamenko N., Agafonova G.


Explosive pressing is presented as a promising polymer processing procedure. The effects of varying the static-pressing and explosive-pressing intensities on the thermal characteristics of polyacrylate, phenylone, and composites based on F-4 were compared. The formability of the materials during heat treatment after pressing and subsequent sintering is estimated. The stress and composite composition giving the most heat resistant material are determined.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):567-572
pages 567-572 views


Technical Means of Maintaining Wells on a Set Route

Karmanov T., Kaliev B., Nugumanov K., Chelpanov I., Kochetkov A.


A continuous-acting whipstock with hydromechanical working body by means of which the deviation from a set route may be substantially reduced in the process of drilling wells is developed.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2016;52(7-8):578-581
pages 578-581 views

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